The Death Knell

Chapter 892 Habits of Owls

In the dark and decaying hut, several people stood in a slightly crowded circle. The scene was like a meeting of bad guys, whispering in low voices and conducting shady plots.

But half of the people there were members of the Justice League, which was interesting.

If possible, Su Ming could of course teleport them to a place like Midtown and find a cafe where everyone could drink coffee and eat bear claw bread under a beautiful parasol to discuss plans.

Unfortunately, this plan is to be implemented in Gotham. If it is not dark and stealthy enough from beginning to end, then it will definitely be useless.

The plans Bruce formulated in the Batcave were generally effective, and in the Hall of Justice, although he made the main control room as claustrophobic and small as the Batcave.

But he seemed to be out of shape there, and almost all of the plans he came up with didn't go well.

Either he is used by the enemy, or his own people fall out of control, and they are literally killed.

To put it bluntly, it's just not dark enough.

Sometimes Su Ming still believes in metaphysics. If there is no way to explain things, then just follow the conventions of the world. There is no need to be unconventional in such matters.

Gotham, like most cities in the United States, has some superstitious beliefs among its citizens.

For example, if they meet a black cat when they go out in the morning, they think that they will be unlucky today; if colleagues have a dinner and find that there are thirteen people at the table, they will think that someone is going to die; or if they are entangled by a gypsy woman, they will Thinking that the devil is targeting him.

Such taboos are the same among people in Gotham and elsewhere.

I believe that some actions or experiences can bring good luck, while others do not.

As a mercenary, you often need to go out, so for these unclear explanations, you would rather believe it than not.

Facing Oliver's compliments, Su Ming took out the God Killer and played with it as a light, while answering him in a low but clear voice.

"Yes, Kuangxiao chose Bat Owl because he must have taken a fancy to something in the hands of the Owl Court in the main world. Then Bat Owl's mission is to use these powers, so his location at this time should be in Gotham, the main world, somewhere. In the stronghold of the court, that is his Batcave.”

"Do you have an idea?" Thomas asked. If the Court of Owls is true, he recalled that some people who claimed to represent the real power of Gotham had contacted him decades ago...

"Ah, that's right." Su Ming turned the God Killer into a meteor hammer. The light emitted from the circle was more even and brighter: "We talked about Bruce's great-great-grandfather before, one of the greatest architects in Gotham. One, Alan Wayne.”

"Well, he has a problem?" Thomas frowned.

Su Ming shook his head: "No, if he had problems, he wouldn't have died in the sewer. He died because of his intransigence. Let's put aside the secret history of your family for now. What I want to say is another thing, that is - —In addition to being an architect, he is also a master of metaphysics.”

"Huh?" Diana shrank her neck, showing a strange expression.

"To put it simply, he believes in all the metaphysical theories that we sometimes believe in. For example, he doesn't want to see a black cat when he goes out, so he wears very dark sunglasses all the time. If he is not at home, he never shares the same table with others. Eating, etc., this habit also extended to his works.”

Su Ming smiled at her.

It does sound ridiculous, but a hundred and fifty years ago, how much did you expect humans to believe in science?

At that time, idealism was the mainstream of the world. "I think, therefore I am" was a common concept among senior intellectuals at that time. What objective existence did it have? If you don't have consciousness, then you don't exist.

Everyone's eyes fell on Deathstroke. Except for Mackenzie, who had nothing to do with her and was just watching the fun, everyone was waiting for Deathstroke's explanation.

"The reason why Allen is said to be a genius is because the high-rise buildings he designed are of very high quality and still exist today. Although they are only thirty or forty floors, it doesn't seem like much today, but at that time, Gotham had just been established not long ago, and it was not even basic at all. It’s not really a city, but with tall buildings like this, it’s second only to big cities like New York and Washington.”

"" Diana tilted her head and thought for a while, but found no necessary connection.

"When building a building, he would skip the thirteenth floor because of his metaphysical theory." Su Ming spread his hands and said the answer: "It's not like other cities, where the thirteenth floor is directly replaced by the fourteenth floor. The signage was done, and he chose to build Gotham’s famous ‘Twelve and a Half’, or mezzanine.”

"I know that among the tall buildings in Gotham, there is a low mezzanine above the twelfth floor. It is not very high and can only accommodate people to stand upright. There is no way to enter. But above that, there is a low mezzanine. Building the fourteenth floor is a unique style of Gotham, but I didn’t expect it to have such a connection with the Wayne family.”

Thomas nodded and agreed with Deathstroke's statement. The buildings in Gotham were indeed like this. He originally thought it was just an artistic method agreed upon by the designers.

"Actually, there is a way to get in. There are also windows on the twelfth and a half floors. After all, even if there are no windows, people counting the floors from the outside will regard the 14th floor as the 13th floor. Then the people living on the 14th floor will definitely not be happy." Su Ming smiled.

Oliver nodded, such a problem also exists elsewhere: "But after Allen did this, he saw that there were 13 floors on the outside. But when he actually entered the building and took the elevator and took the stairs, there were no 13 floors. No one would be dissatisfied. .”

"It is definitely impossible for ordinary people to drill through high-rise windows and climb to the twelfth floor on the outer wall of the building with bare hands, but for sharp claws, it is easy."

Su Ming picked up the weapon in his hand, rotated it to watch the golden light move on everyone, and said quietly.

"The Court of Owls regards these twelve and a half floors as their base?" Everyone understood this time, and Deathstroke circled around just to explain this matter.

"It is the base of operations of the Talons. 'Beware of the Court of Owls, they will always monitor your travels.' If there were no bases all over the city, how could they dare to say that in an era without surveillance equipment and satellites?" Su Ming smiled lightly: "Ai As a master architect, Lun's apprentices imitated his approach of getting the best of both worlds, and since then, all tall buildings in Gotham have mezzanines."

"He left twenty tall buildings and countless basic buildings to Gotham in his lifetime. His students have also been building Gotham..." The expression on Thomas's face became more solemn, deep. Sighed deeply.

"Don't worry about this. These buildings in the main world have been cleared by Bruce. They are still monitoring them every day. There are no problems. So he eliminated 99% of the wrong options for us. The Laughing Bat eliminated Wayne for me. Tower, then there aren’t many options left.”

Su Ming spread his hands and put away the God Killer, and the surroundings became dark.

"Do you know where it is?" Arthur was confused.

Deathstroke's red one-eye floated in the darkness and walked towards the door very quickly: "Please note that there is a 'rob the enemy's nest' in the habit. There are not many owls on the beach, right?"

"That's true. The ones I've seen the most since I was a child are albatrosses and seagulls. There are no owls in Cien Port anyway."

Arthur thought for a moment and shook his head. His trident was now a light source, but the blue light made it look like a haunted house.

"Then let me teach you a little knowledge about the death knell. Owls are one of the few birds in nature that do not build their own nests. They will only occupy abandoned nests, or occupy the nests of hostile birds after killing them. Interesting What’s more, after occupying a nest, they tend to manage the nest very carefully and decorate it more beautifully than other birds.”

Su Ming smiled and opened the squeaking door. The door handle shattered into pieces in his hands, and he threw it aside.

Oliver walked out of the room, looked at the sea not far away, and narrowed his eyes uncomfortably: "It's true, owls are very good at skinning mice. The nests they robbed are all covered with mouse skin carpets, man, Birds lay carpets.”

"Why are there always mice?" Diana asked numbly.

"To the Court of Owls, the civilians of Gotham are all rats and their prey. It's as simple as that." Su Ming took out the communication terminal, adjusted the frequency, looked at the sea and started talking: "Prodigy, you are humiliating How is the team going?"

The black child with an afro appeared on the small screen, and he said with admiration: "You bad old man is very bad, your calculations are so damn accurate, we found that crazy Batman, in one of the places you mentioned. "

This little brat who has been in society since he was a child has a habit of spitting out sweet things. Su Ming doesn't care about swearing, but he picks his ears with some concern: "Wait a minute, when did I become a bad old man? I'm not the same as you used to be. The one I knew was Deathstroke.”

"No one knows how old you are. You look less than thirty, but is that your true age? You may have lived in some world for hundreds of years. The Fallen Knight has already obtained information about you, Justice League-level information. "

The child prodigy showed an expression that he knew everything. Besides, he was only 17 years old, and these long-famous masked men were all bad old men to him.

He himself is not only black, but also an orphan, a minor, a mental patient, an animal rights activist, a gay, and a scientific genius, so he is always right.

She is so confident and beautiful, hum~

Seeing the child prodigy on the small screen take out a small mirror to apply makeup and put on bright lip gloss, Su Ming saw the building behind him, determined the location, and quickly shuddered and hung up the communication:

"Okay, let's go over there."

After saying that, he quickly put away the communicator and touched his arm, as if he wanted to push back the cold hair.

But strangulation did it for him. It entered every hair follicle and controlled the relaxation of the pores around them, solving the host's goosebumps problem.

"Huh...young people today are really..."

Oliver couldn't help but sigh. Fortunately, Mieko is normal, which is great.

Su Ming turned around and held his forehead, while opening the portal, he said to Oliver: "You know? If you have a child in the future, you must not let him live with his mother. It is best to throw him to Purgatory Island while he is still young. It would be better for him to become a murderer than a psychopath."

Diana also patted Green Arrow on the shoulder. Oliver and Dinah were the most likely to have children: "If it's a girl, consider Paradise Island."

After saying that, she smiled and walked into the portal. Mackenzie didn't know why she came to join in the fun. She sniffed around Oliver as if she knew something.

"You are not bad. Your soul is dark and full of sins. Please consider our children's education as hell."

Green Arrow:"......"

Why do everyone think that their children will be problem children? If he doesn’t even have a wife, where will his children come from?

But Deathstroke said this, there must be something wrong. If you have time, you have to ask Barry to help you use the Speed ​​Force to take a look at it before you can rest assured...

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