The Death Knell

Chapter 893 Wayne Tower

Wayne Tower is a more conspicuous landmark building in Gotham. Although it seems not tall enough or grand enough now, the huge white W sign on its roof is always lit in the dark.

The construction of Wayne Tower did not conflict with it.

As a reason to make it public, Wayne Tower is used as a public facility observation deck. Below there are some communication equipment sponsored by Wayne Group to enhance mobile phone signals in Gotham City and build landmarks to enhance citizen pride. La, it is also responsible for monitoring weather and environmental pollution, so it is built so high.

Anyway, there are a lot of reasons, and Bruce can always speak loudly.

As the headquarters of Wayne Group, Wayne Building is where more than a dozen of its subordinate companies work collectively, which is the real heart of the group.

How Wayne Group makes money and how to develop are all studied in meetings in this building.

For example, in the famous Wayne Scientific Research Department, Dr. Fox works in the basement of the building all year round, secretly helping Batman develop equipment.

The old man spent his whole life studying high-tech for Batman in a dark place, and now even his own son has turned into a "bat wing" and been dragged into the muddy waters of superheroes. Life is really too dark.

Su Ming, who saw Dr. Fox last time, discovered that he was in very poor health. He also had some rickets due to not seeing the sun for many years, and his face was as old as a shriveled walnut.

Compare it to Dr. Erskine's condition, which is far worse.

Dr. Erskine is now over 70 years old, but he can still eat three bowls of rice, drink a bottle of wine, and work to cut three acres of pineapples in one go, effortlessly!

Moreover, Su Ming has no strict scientific research requirements for him. He just needs to study new varieties of pineapples. How good is that?

It's not like Batman, who constantly upgrades his Batsuit, Batmobile, and other bats, making his head bigger.

The current goal of several people is Wayne Tower.

The location of the portal was on the roof of a residential building not far from the building. When Su Ming arrived, he happened to see Xia Ruisi stepping on the edge of the rooftop, looking into the distance in a bowed posture.

The two women under her were like her right-hand man, guarding her behind, but the prodigy was just holding his laptop and typing on the keyboard.

"You are here. According to what you said, we conducted a lot of searches in Gotham. It really took a lot of effort." The fallen knight turned around and pressed the golden mask on his face.

She discovered the devil immediately. After all, the armor that seemed to be made of living flesh and blood was too exaggerated, and the sword decorated with skulls didn't look good at first sight.

But she didn't say anything. As a Gotham anti-hero, she knew she shouldn't ask questions, especially when faced with a character like Deathstroke.

"There are hundreds of skyscrapers in Gotham. The list I gave you has been reduced to four places. You didn't put in much effort. Now let's get down to business. Is he the only one here?"

Su Ming walked to his side, strangled and took out the Eye of Ra from his pocket to use as a telescope for the host.

Wayne Tower also has the twelve-and-a-half-story mezzanine.

"If the person you are talking about is the one who can't laugh, then you are right, but this is the first time I have seen someone who can walk straight up the outer wall of a tall building in heavy rain wearing leather shoes."

Charis replied calmly, her purple hooded cloak being blown gently by the wind.

"Have you been to the Beach House? Where's the underground maze?"

The official name is the Gotham City Yacht Club, but because their meeting place is located in an old villa on the seaside in the old city, people in the know call it the Beach House.

There is the contemporary branch of the Court of Owls in Gotham, which is a bit more advanced than the underground maze.

It's just that during the Night of Owls, the owls whose identities were exposed had all died of poison before Batman could track them down.

Bruce found 34 people, all of whom committed suicide, leaving no clues.

The Court of Owls used this move to cover up their whereabouts, completely hiding themselves until the day Barbatos invaded.

Charis quietly felt the wind blowing through the slit under the mask, and she nodded: "I checked, and it's still an empty nest like before, but I can probably guess who among the people I deal with may be from the court. One member."

"What's there to guess? There are 11 famous families in Gotham who are all owls, and there are countless miscellaneous fish. Batman forced 34 people to death at that time, which is not enough. I know who slipped through the net. Su Ming said lightly, as if he didn't notice Xia Ruisi's worries: "Besides, your humiliation team is fighting for justice. I am different. I am fighting for a living."

"Haha, do you think I will believe it?" Charis sneered. This death knell kept saying that he was a mercenary and was paid to do things. But after she used her contacts and hacking skills, she found that things were not that simple.

Many things about Deathstroke from another world have been recorded, some because of witnesses, and some because of video materials. What he did was completely different from what he said.

Charis knew this was the case. The person speaking was Deathstroke, a man whose tactics and deception were integrated into his life instincts.

Su Ming shrugged and put away the Eye of Ra. There was nothing to see from the outside: "It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. After being betrayed by Barbatos and Laughter, the Court of Owls has now lost its goal of being a bird and is not its primary enemy at all. , so I don’t bother to care about them.”

"Until now, another owl priest has appeared, and it's Bruce Wayne." Charis crossed her arms and played with her knight's flying knife in her hand. The thing looked like a small blood-red cross.

It represents its owner's concept of 'blood debt must be paid with blood'.

Su Ming thought about how to eliminate the enemy without destroying Wayne Tower, but said nothing: "Well, it seems that you all know Batman's identity, but this place may be eavesdropped by satellite surveillance or other means. , it’s better to be careful.”

"Isn't this why we wear masks? Nowadays, masks are not used to cover the face, but to cover the mouth. Besides, who in Gotham doesn't know Bruce's identity? It's just hidden from the civilians. Big names like us People in the family always have ways to get information."

"Is your butler related to Alfred?" Su Ming said a joke.

Charis sighed helplessly. She put away the throwing knife and hid her wavy blond hair behind her head:

"When I dressed like this, I really thought about imitating Batman. After all, he is an ordinary person, and so am I; he has money, and so do I. I hope this means that I, as an ordinary person, can survive in this city and be a substitute for Others get justice, but that doesn’t mean I’m the same as him in everything, I don’t have any stewards at all.”

"So your cross does not exercise will on behalf of God?" Su Ming magically took her flying knife into her hand and looked up and down.

Charis took back her flying knife: "It took Batman more than ten years to create the bat totem in this city. And I don't have as much time to waste as he does, so I chose to borrow the existing ones in the world. Totem, that’s it.”

After speaking, she pointed to her chest, where a large blood-red cross was painted. The red color seemed to be still flowing after the rain.

"You don't believe that." Su Ming took out the God Killer and turned it into a hammer: "Same as me."

"Even if God really exists, he should seek justice for me when criminals killed my whole family. Our family used to be the most devout believers... Instead of being like this now, I see everything is just You can rely on yourself.”

Su Ming waved his team to assemble, and said with some emotion: "Always killing people for free will not be good for your reputation. I suggest you charge a fee, even if it is only one dollar. The moral torture and criticism you have suffered It will be much less."


"I won't tell you why, but this suggestion is a reward for you. Human beings always don't appreciate things they get for free, and they take it for granted, but after paying the price, they won't, and never again. .”

After saying that, Su Ming asked everyone to take out their weapons. The moment the portal was opened, he rushed in first.

All kinds of lights burst out from the distant floors in an instant.

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