The Death Knell

Chapter 894 The Immortality of Bat Owl

Bat Owl's past is similar to that of Cruel Knight. He also lost his parents and went out to exercise. However, one of them joined the army and the other somehow got into the magic world.

This also makes their futures different in different worlds.

The cruel knight who retired from the army returned to Gotham, took up the Court of Owls, and became Talon Zero and a member of the Court.

The Bat Owl had a higher starting point. After returning to Gotham, he also joined the Owl, but directly became the Owl Priest by virtue of his status as a spell caster and became a member of the Owl Council. This status is very high within their organization.

After all, it has been seen from Earth Minus 11 that Owl has only accumulated twenty or thirty owl since the tribal era, and this is their entire sorcerer family fortune.

The Bruce of that world probably had complete control over this force, which was what allowed him to negotiate terms with Kuangxiao.

Compared with the cannon fodder with claws like the Cruel Knight, the treatment of Bat Owl is obviously much better. At least he still has the opportunity to sneak into the mezzanine inside Wayne Tower.

Wayne Tower is Batman's false identity. There is nothing here that can connect him to Batman. Even the half-built Batmobile in the basement is not painted black.

Although the car looks very cool, and it has bulletproof armor and a nitrous oxide accelerator, Dr. Fox, who is in charge of this project, said that this is a military order and a new generation of armored personnel carriers.

So what if you can only seat one person? Wayne Group's armored vehicles are for one person only, so don't buy them if you don't like them.

Lucius Fox is not only the chief scientist of Wayne Group, but also the current CEO of the group and the father of Batwing. Except for him, no one in the group knows Batman's true identity.

Batman did not set up surveillance in Wayne Tower, maybe because he took into account the ideas of Dr. Fox and Batwing, or maybe he didn't want Wayne Group to be related to Batman, so no matter what he thought, this is the ultimate place in Gotham. One of the few places without bat cams.

Of course, there are still ordinary security cameras, but they are not directly connected to Brother Eye, but to the group security room. When he needs to check the surveillance video, Batman even needs to go to the building security room to adjust the video.

In addition to the big guys who know that Batman and Bruce are the same person, there are many people who have not made much progress and are just in a state of suspicion. Countless people stare at Wayne Tower every day and monitor the various signals coming from inside. , just to prove that Bruce Wayne is Batman.

In this case, Batman simply opened it up for them to check. Anyway, there were no bats in Wayne Tower, it was just a giant cover.

Before coming out of the portal, Su Ming thought about many tactics, how to deal with Bat Owl's Reversal Curse, or the Trembling Guardian Curse. They are the two most famous anti-injury spells, and they are also the two most restrained physical means.

The reversal spell is triggered with a delay, and the time it can be cast is only the few minutes when dew forms in the morning every day. There are so many materials that need to be prepared that only those with extremely good luck can get them.

After the spell is cast, the damage suffered by the subject during the day will be accumulated, and at the moment of dusk and sunset, it will rebound to the last person who harmed the subject.

This is really a ton of damage. Zha Kang once used this magic to trick people. He put a buff on himself in the morning, and then he went out to find a car to hit him. Then he jumped off a building and set himself on fire. It took a whole day.

When it was almost dusk, he summoned a demon to do business with the other party. After getting benefits in exchange, the other party wanted to take his soul, which satisfied the condition of harming Zha Kang.

It happened to be dark, and all the damage accumulated throughout the day sent the devil directly back to hell. And since the devil didn't take away Zha Kang's soul, it was considered a breach of contract.

The Trembling Guardian Spell is also a very difficult spell to cast, and Constantine only collected all the casting materials once in his life.

Unlike the Reversal Spell, the Trembling Guardian Spell is instantaneous and has a short duration. However, in the next period of time, everyone who harms the recipient will receive ten times the damage, nine times of which will be reflected back. , one part is the damage that the subject should have suffered.

In other words, during the duration of the spell, the subject is basically invincible.

Since the guy he had to deal with now was Batman, the casting materials that Constantine couldn't get didn't mean that bats couldn't get them, so Su Ming assigned tasks to everyone from the beginning.

Except for Green Arrow who may have to take some risks by interrupting the enemy's spellcasting, everyone else will only contain the enemy. The fatal blow is left to Su Ming and Mackenzie.

Su Ming has self-healing and symbionts, so ordinary damage will definitely not kill him. The Queen of Pain likes to suffer, has no scruples in the main plane and cannot die.

So as soon as he came out of the portal, Su Ming fired a Ten Lantern Ring energy cannon at the figure in the mezzanine.

It has some reduced power, but it can definitely cause huge damage to dark creatures.

However, the opponent was knocked down smoothly, with almost no resistance, and the man in the black suit was vaporized in the beam of light.

The surrounding buildings were intact and the enemy was unable to fight back, so the result looked perfect.

But Su Ming felt something was wrong.

Although the raid must be effective, now that the Cruel Knight and Gotham Nightmare have been killed, will Bat Owl be unprepared?

He was not crazy, and he was definitely a smart person. To die so simply would be to live up to his status as a sorcerer.

"All alert!"

Su Ming held up a hammer and made a tactical gesture, indicating that everyone should form a circular formation to ensure that there were no blind spots in sight.

"Pa bang bang..."

I saw a portal opening in the air not far away, and Bruce, wearing a black suit, walked out with a smile on his face. He landed on the ground as if he was strolling, applauding and saying hello.

"Wonderful shot, I can't even read the energy index... Hello my friends, nice to see you all again."

He looked older, but the owl transformation did not turn him into a monster like a bird mummy. Instead, it made him have more of a superior aura than Bruce in the main world.

Su Ming frowned. The light cannon just now must have hit the target. All ten light rings gave back the information that the target had been destroyed.

But now the other party reappeared without incident, and it didn't look like anything was wrong at all. Moreover, one could tell from a glance that he was well prepared and confident.

A prepared Batman is definitely the most difficult enemy to deal with.

However, the reason for this phenomenon was still unclear, so Su Ming chose to test it a second time.

He winked at Green Arrow, and Oliver immediately flashed and shot a poisoned metal arrow at the opponent's back.

At the same time, a large number of black tentacles erupted from Su Ming's body, and he fired at the target with various weapons.

He himself also used the speed of the magic floating cloak to rush forward and hit the bat owl's head hard with the hammer, turning it into a rotten watermelon.

Green Arrow put away his folding bow, looked at Bat Owl behind him as if he was performing a flower arrangement, and walked to Su Ming's side: "Are you dead?"

Seeing the headless corpse falling to the ground, twitching from time to time, Su Ming's expression did not improve: "Something's wrong, he shouldn't die so easily."

"But it's quite easy for the Cruel Knight to die." Green Arrow spread his hands, confident that under the influence of his sneak attack and poison, the Bat Owl would be dead.

"That's because the Cruel Knight didn't anticipate Zorro's appearance and was ambushed by us. He didn't have any means beyond the laws of nature." Su Ming looked around. It looked like the usual safe house of the Court of Owls. Various weapons, as well as a spare Claw uniform: "Bat Owl is different, he is prepared, and he is also a sorcerer Batman."

While the two were talking, another portal appeared from the corner of the house, and Bat Owl walked out of it with a smile.

"Old man Oliver, you are really cruel, but this young Deathstroke is right, I will not die that easily."

Su Ming put away the hammer in his hand. The problem was now complicated, but he still had to figure out the secret of the other party's immortality first.

Is it a devil's contract? Or some other ability?

"You don't look too nervous."

Su Ming asked with his arms folded, and the Zhenglian people also walked behind him consciously.

Bat Owl shrugged: "Why are you nervous? You can't kill me. And I have feelings for you, unlike other Bruces."

"Oh? Let's talk about it." Su Ming put his hands behind his back and secretly made a few gestures to signal everyone to calm down while he gathered some information first.

Bat Owl shrugged, pulled up a chair and sat down: "Sure enough, I still like to deal with smart people. I thought you would try to kill me a few more times."

Su Ming looked at the corpse on the ground beside him. The corpse was still there, and there was also a Bat Owl alive in front of him.

"In a battle between sorcerers, it is enough to be invincible. You are very precious about your life."

The Bat Owl smiled and nodded, very proudly: "Thank you, I am an immortal Batman, the most restrained existence in the multiverse, but I don't have any ill intentions. On the contrary, I just use the power of the Laughing Bat to go... I hate shortcuts."

"Oh? So what happened to the clowns in your world? Or is your world already destroyed?" Su Ming also pulled up a chair and sat down far away from Bat Owl in the open space.

There was dust floating between the two of them. The morning light coming in from the small window made the fine particles float in the air. The movements of the few people just now caused them to flow quickly, but now they have gradually settled.

The circular goggles with sharp claws not far away reflected the images of the two people respectively, the yellow and black death knell, and the black... Bruce.

"As long as I'm here, my world won't be destroyed so easily." The other person's style is very different from that of ordinary Batman. Not only does he always smile warmly, he also has the reserved demeanor of a Gotham aristocrat from the old era.

"Tell me?"

"Unlike many crazy birds, when Barbatos wanted to occupy the Dark Multiverse, some of them opposed my decision and believed that our world should be sacrificed to the God of Darkness in exchange for supreme power." Bruce nodded: "But I know that's just a lie. Barbatos is a god who recycles the world. There is no concept of giving and creation in its nature, only destruction."


"Ah, so I purged all the dissenters, leaving only my voice in the Council of Owls. I pointed the great dark god to several other worlds and hid mine so he could escape. .....You also know that I am just an ordinary person, and there is no other way."

Bat Owl sighed in embarrassment, showing a helpless expression, but soon continued to look at Su Ming sincerely:

"Someone will always be sacrificed, but that person won't be me."

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