The Death Knell

Chapter 895 Match Malone

I don't know why, but compared to the murderous Deathstroke, Bat Owl's indifferent calmness makes people feel chilling.

Diana walked behind Deathstroke's chair and put her hands on the back of the chair. She was a little lost.

It's not like she has never seen someone with self-healing ability. She has fought monsters like Doomsday, but this is different. The opponent's last corpse is still on the ground, but there seem to be endless clones.

But this was not a clone, but some ability related to magic. She had no idea for a while.

Su Ming felt her movements.

But his eyes were still on the enemy opposite. He also took off his armor and talked to the opponent in a black suit.

Diana saw Deathstroke raising his hand towards the opposite side and making a gesture of invitation.

"Please tell your story."

The other party has made it clear that he wants to talk, so give him this opportunity to see if he can tell the truth.

The more he knows about the enemy, the more solutions Su Ming can think of.

Considering that he looks confident and fearless, and calls the Zhenglian guys old friends, he probably doesn't mind talking about his past.

As expected, the Bat Owl nodded, raised his hand and conjured a bottle of wine without any concern, poured himself a glass, and started talking while holding the wine glass.

"First of all, I am not Batman. You can call me Bruce, but I have my own code name in the magical world. My name is Match Malone."

An undetectable glimmer flashed in Su Ming's eyes, and he nodded: "Match Malone, a good code name, but in the magic world, others call me the Supreme Mage."

Behind her, Mackenzie suppressed a smile. She said, "Supreme Mage." It's really shameful to give yourself such a code name. If he said it openly, could he also enjoy the pleasure brought by this shame?

Bat Owl raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything, but his eyes showed complete disapproval.

He knew that this Deathstroke was the agent of the Upside Down Man and had almost endless magic power, but it was just a magic target. Without the Upside Down Man, he couldn't use any magic, let alone understand the principles of magic.

How can such a half-hearted sorcerer have the nerve to say that he is the Supreme Mage?

Su Ming saw the other person's eyes and just smiled and waited for the next step. So what if the Bat Owl didn't approve? In the final analysis, Gu Yi was right.

Whoever has the biggest fist is the Supreme Mage.

After hearing the codename Match Malong, Su Ming had already determined the time period for him to become a mage. After learning some details, he made a plan to send him to death.

Match Malone was a Gotham gangster in the early comics, and later developed into Bruce Wayne's 'ordinary man' vest. Sometimes when he needed to conceal his identity, he would take on the false identity of Malone instead of Batman.

Many people think that Match Malone is Batman's vest, but no, he is Bruce Wayne's vest. There is a huge difference.

The Bat Owl in front of him has obviously given up his false identity as Batman and has been living as Malone.

This is another extreme situation, but it is not an exception.

There is another world in the Dark Multiverse. In that world, Batman defeated almost all his enemies, but ignored the Penguin who was the most able to endure.

When he looked back, he found that the Penguin had surpassed Falcone and completely turned Gotham into a city full of gangs.

No matter men, women or children, they all work for the Penguin. Under this situation, the earth is also transforming into a giant corporate system, which can no longer be stopped.

The Batman of that world gave up his identity as the Dark Knight and has not been seen since.

Instead, a "Maroon Gang" emerged in Gotham that engaged in various illegal activities. They were more vicious and darker than the Penguin's men, and they completely eliminated the Penguin in a moral way.

They were parasitic on the dark side until their boss Malone took over the world and turned the earth into a giant corporation...

That Match Malone, he's not Batman.

A normal Batman should live like a bat, just like in the main world, where Batman is real and Bruce Wayne is a false identity.

In the abnormal world, Bruce is real, and Batman and Match Malone are all fake identities.

In the extreme situation like this, Match Malone is real, while Bruce and Batman have false identities.

It sounds like a tongue twister, but this is the normal state of mental patients. They often have difficulties in self-understanding that are difficult for ordinary people to understand.

The word 'identity' may mean something like social status to ordinary people, but for a patient like Bruce, it means how he views himself and decides what kind of person he becomes.

After n52 restarted the world, the codename Match Malone reappeared in the comics of "Batman: Arkham City", when Batman was fighting against Dr. Hugo.

And knowing that Bat Owl calls himself Match Malone, Su Ming also knows where the divergence point of time occurs, and thus finds the difference in the world.

Su Ming didn't show anything on his expression. He just looked at the dark room floor. The cement floor looked a little old, with tiny concrete gravels exposed.

His attention seemed to be focused on that. Regarding the stories Ma Long told later, he just nodded and agreed casually, without any special reaction.

"So what's going on with the Justice League in your world?" he asked suddenly.

"They live well and are very obedient." Bat Owl put the wine glass on his knee and said: "I merged the Owl Council and the Justice League. With these powerful forces joining forces, the world cannot be better."

"So you replaced Barbatos and became a god?" Su Ming asked.

A thoughtful expression appeared on Bat Owl's face. After a moment, he raised his eyebrows and smiled: "You can understand it this way, I am the god on earth."

Diana and others in Zhenglian frowned. Batman shouldn't be like this.

In order to prevent Superman from becoming a god on earth, they fought a civil war. The Bruce in front of him has now become a god on earth in that parallel universe. This is simply unbelievable.

Su Ming doesn't find it strange. What can't happen in the current DC universe? Batman has merged with the Joker to form the Laughing Bat. Is it too much to create a Match Malone version of the God on Earth?

So he was much calmer than others, just holding his chin: "Well, God on earth? Then you are definitely not just waiting for us to show off. What do you want?"

"The Laughing Bat wanted me to help him find the Bat Gold and Amber Gold in the main world. This was the condition for him to bring me here. I did it, and then this cooperation ended here." The Bat Owl stretched out his hand and pinched it. A seal played an illusory image: "So I want to cooperate with you now to kick him out of the main world. As long as you are willing to serve me like the Zhenglian of my world, we can all protect the earth together. Find a way out of the current multiverse crisis."

Mackenzie held the long sword indifferently and looked at her nails casually: "It sounds good. You can think about it. If you waste time on these small things, it is better to end it quickly and go find Lucifer."

In fact, she was hinting in a very subtle way that she could agree first and let Bat Owl deal with Laughter, and Zheng Lian could reap the benefits.

As long as Lucifer is recovered, no matter who survives the fight between the two, it will be nothing more than inconspicuous dust to the King of Hell, which can be wiped away with a raised hand.

Su Ming understood her hint, but had no intention of acting in the Queen of Pain's way.

Because it is difficult to explain this matter to others, the goodwill and reputation he gained in Zhenglian before will be lost if he does not use it well, which is not in his interests.

So he just put down his legs, rested his elbows on his knees, leaned forward, and stared into the Bat Owl's eyes: "So, you are here to negotiate terms?"

Bat Owl may not have understood the deep meaning of this sentence. He just raised his wine glass from a distance: "That's it, Deathstroke, I'm here to negotiate terms."

"Haha, if you had told me earlier that you were here to negotiate terms, wouldn't I have understood..." Su Ming laughed, slowly raised his right hand and snapped his fingers: "Inverted man, the kingdom of death. "

A vortex appeared at his feet, sucking him and his chair into the squirming cavity.

Su Ming likes to negotiate terms, and generally does not exclude others from negotiating with him.

But the Dark Knights are an exception.

Whether it's Bruce, Batman, or Match Malone, these three personalities have one thing in common.

That is - they are all liars!

Today he can betray Laughter, and tomorrow he can betray Deathstroke. Without Zhenglian Dayi as insurance, in front of the next partner, betraying his predecessor is as easy as drinking water.

Do you expect Deathstroke to listen to his nonsense? Lost your mind?

After listening to enough information and eliminating a lot of possibilities in his mind, Su Ming was sure that he had seen the opponent's trick of resurrecting no matter how many times he died before.

Standing in a world of black and white, with black ashes falling slowly like goose feathers in the sky, he patted his shoulders and stood up from the chair.

As he walked toward the black-and-white rotating tunnel, he sighed: "I've seen through your trump card, what are you talking to me about?"

As soon as you enter the door, the boring space is still the same. Death, dressed as a goth girl, is sitting on the sofa and combing the teddy bear with a small comb.

"You seem to be getting more and more familiar with my place." Death showed a warm smile, hugged the doll tightly in his arms, and stretched his legs comfortably on the sofa: "But this behavior of teleporting to advanced planes is very dangerous. Except for the kingdom of Sandman and I, if anyone else blocks your path a little, you may be erased by the rules of the world."

Su Ming smiled and nodded at her. He naturally knew this. There was a famous wizard-level mage in the magic world called Mr. E, who was also an old friend of Constantine.

Under Zha Kang's instigation, he used magic to peek into the Garden of Destiny to find clues for Zha Kang. It sounded like a good idea to take a peek at the correct answer or something.

However, the eldest brother of the Endless Family was probably not easy to talk to. Mr. E could not see anything clearly in his eyes, and it vaporized directly in his eye sockets. At that time, Constantine only smelled a smell like using a lighter to burn his nose hairs.

Then there was nothing more. Mr. E's vision was conceptually erased and could never be restored.

That one has gone crazy since his eyes were vaporized.

And Constantine said it had nothing to do with him, and he didn't force Mr. E to read it.

Of course, the result is easy to guess. Mr. E has now joined the Cold Flame Society and has become one of the four giants. His only wish for the rest of his life is to dig out Constantine's eyes and stomp them on him, and then make him live and die. .

"Let's not talk about my business. I'm just here to ask. Someone has used magic to keep going back in time and has escaped death twice. Do you care or not?"

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