The Death Knell

Chapter 896 Burning the bridge across the river

When Su Ming returned to the mezzanine, others were studying something around the Bat Owl's body.

"Ahem, it's done. Stop looking around at the dead. We have the last enemy left."

He cleared his throat and coughed a few times behind everyone's back.

Oliver threw the intact body of the Bat Owl on the ground, stood up and patted the dust on his cloak: "Wait, how did he do it?"

Su Ming blew out a breath and watched the dust floating in the air in front of him fly away, and more particles flowed to fill the gap.

"Old tricks, the time loop spell, which will turn back one's time if one dies, the magic for negotiating terms... But I went to find Death and made a deal with the Sandman's mask and some clues, but there was no People can avoid death and escape for a while, but they cannot escape for a lifetime."

Mackenzie touched her chin playfully, biting her pale fingers hard: "It's like the methods you used to deal with me, using Lucifer to threaten me, and Sandman to threaten death. You are really not afraid of death."

"Watch your words, devil." Su Ming shook his head with a smile and ordered Strangler to swallow the Bat Owl whole: "Death is much more reasonable than you. I just said that there are people who are constantly avoiding her warm embrace through magic to reverse time. Delaying precious time in my search for the Sandman, she happily took the initiative to fix the flaw.”

"Does everything die?"

Mackenzie sighed and shook her head slowly. The knuckles of her fingers were bitten with blood, and she slowly licked them with her tongue.

"Anyway, when the Bat Owl's soul saw me in the Kingdom of Death, he didn't act as calm as you. Haha, calling me the Supreme Mage is not a joke."

Su Ming shrugged and caught what Strangler spit out.

They are all Bat Owl's personal equipment, some small magic weapons, and some casting materials.

But Dark Knights like them without the Bat Belt really don't have anything good that can turn the tide of the battle.

Su Ming casually fed several props with magical fluctuations to the magic floating cloak. He didn't know what these props were used for, but they didn't seem to have much power.

It's all made of bat gold in the shape of an owl. It looks like a modern product at first glance, and it's worthless.

Magic props are like antiques. The older they are, the more valuable they are. If they have been used by a powerful sorcerer or god, they have a foothold and style.

These are not, like they were made on an assembly line.

Bat Owl is indeed good at time magic, but it's not enough in front of the Sorcerer Supreme. If Su Ming's time gem hadn't been unusable in the DC world, he would have been able to deal with people messing with the timeline.

Diana didn't care how Deathstroke killed the enemy. She was simply relieved. Now everyone's enemy was only the Laughing Bat. It could be said that victory was in sight.

"Then let's quickly find and kill Crazy Laughter, and then join Superman and the others," she said.

Mackenzie pinched her with the corner of her eye: "No, he has to come with me after finishing the work. Your troubles will never end."

Su Ming pushed her away from Diana, and her feet plowed two ditches on the ground: "Don't make decisions for me, devil, I know what to do when, Lucifer used to be an angel, angel There is no taboo between men and women, so be careful I introduce him to a handsome man so that he will never pay attention to you again."

Mackenzie stood firm, bit her lip hard, moved her shoulders and asked, "Are you talking about yourself?"

Su Ming pointed at the green arrow with his backhand: "No, it's him! He is now the most sinful person in the multiverse, and all the filth in the world is carried by him, just like the thick phlegm spit out by God. Don't tell me that sin has no effect on the devil. Attraction, you know Lucifer is the King of Sin, he will definitely be obsessed with our Green Arrow."

Oliver: "......Brother, your metaphor is a bit disgusting. Let's not introduce me to a man. What do you mean by the thick phlegm of God?!"

"How about God's sore?" Su Ming touched his chin and changed to a more elegant word.

Oliver sighed and scratched his head with his hands as if washing his hair: "Can't we stop talking about mucus metaphors?"

"Okay, let's not talk about this." Su Ming turned his gaze back to Mackenzie and said seriously: "Anyway, Raphael is already a bender, Gabriel is a bender, and Michael is also a bender. They are all in love. Men of Earth…what do you think of Lucifer’s Morning Star Determination, formerly the First Angel?”

Mackenzie tried her best to endure the pleasure in her heart. Her pain and anger almost made her laugh out loud.

Lucifer's determination?

If there was such a thing as determination or belief, would he still have fallen to heaven in the first place? It's almost needless to think that if Lucifer really saw Green Arrow, he would definitely be fascinated.

The sins on human beings seemed to be so rich that black smoke could be seen. All the demon kings of hell combined did not have so many sins.

It's as sweet as a jar of honey, not only the bees, but also all the flies will surround it.

Otherwise, kill this person before Lucifer sees it...

Mackenzie secretly touched the skull on her sword, and the sound of the death knell sounded in time.

"You are thinking of killing him, right? I can tell you in advance that he has the silver coins of Judas on him, which are covered with holy blood. If you think you can ignore God, try it."

In fact, God's situation at this time is probably not very good. So many crazy angels should explain the problem, but Mackenzie doesn't have intelligence channels like Su Ming, so she doesn't know.

She only knew that her ears were getting calluses these days just hearing the words "My Lord orders you to obey". The hell lords were still dealing with this matter as an eternal war.

Taking advantage of intelligence gaps was already Su Ming's old trick, but he guessed that Mackenzie didn't dare to gamble.

Mackenzie stared at him, the expression on her face changing. After a moment, she gasped and closed her eyes, trembling for a while, and a faint blush appeared on her face.

She opened her watery eyes and looked at Deathstroke: "Okay, I'll give in. The Gotham Nightmare you mentioned just died. I'll go back to hell and wait for your news, but don't push yourself too far."

Su Ming lowered his helmet and tidied his hair: "Although men like to push the envelope, as I said, I can distinguish the seriousness of things. You go back to hell first. I have my own arrangements here."

Mackenzie stuck her sword on the ground, and a pool of lava appeared in front of her: "Then I'll wait for you."

"Hey, by the way, I'll bring these back for you. They are specialties of the Earth." After saying that, Su Ming took out the blueprints of the torture instruments that Barry had found from his pocket and stuffed them into the Queen of Pain's hands: "Go back and study them slowly, it's interesting. ”

Maizi looked at him deeply, said nothing, and sank into the lava pool.

The entire ground immediately returned to normal, with the cement floor exposed. If the smell of sulfur hadn't filled the air, everything would have been like a dream.

"I thought you would be like Constantine, setting up a magic circle to force the devil back to hell." Diana suddenly felt relaxed, and she looked at the place where the wheat disappeared with a smile.

"No need, we have the Three Sacred Artifacts of Sin in our hands, and now all demon kings except Satan and Izanami are trivial. Oliver is the most fragrant bait for demons now, but this bait has the ability to erase the power of demons. Poison, Mackenzie doesn’t dare to let Lucifer take risks.”

Continuous use of the portal also left him in a bad state. The turbulence caused by the cross-dimensional teleportation was really like the soul being decomposed and reorganized in a meat grinder.

He pulled up a chair and sat down, took out a bottle of wine and drank some rest.

"Is she doing it for Lucifer?" Diana was a little confused: "I thought she liked you and wanted to sleep with you."

"She hates me, but she's a demon, remember? But for me, cross-species communication is better. My anti-hero level isn't that high yet. Maybe Batman wouldn't mind giving it a try."

Diana rolled her eyes at him, and then she couldn't help but smile.

Su Ming told a cold joke lightly, and took out a few bottles of wine to share with Green Arrow and the others. Arthur stared at the bottles for a long time, and Su Ming couldn't bear his gaze.

But before the glasses could be clinked, Barry suddenly appeared in front of several people with lightning. He seemed to have something urgent to say.

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