The Death Knell

Chapter 897 Zhenglian Reunion

Seeing the embarrassed smile on Barry's face, Su Ming knew that Batman must have sent him here to ask for someone.

On the one hand, Thomas is here, and on the other hand, Batman doesn't want to deal with him.

Batman is still so petty, and he must still be angry because Su Ming said that he and the Joker are a same-sex couple.

Yes, Catwoman is dead, and so is the Joker, which is a huge blow to Batman.

Perhaps Su Ming did something, such as maintaining a tacit understanding with the Joker, helping Batman 'broaden' his thinking, etc...

But in the end, Su Ming returned his father to him, so Batman didn't really lose control.

If you lose your friends, you can make new ones, and if your wife dies, you can always find another one, but if your loved ones are gone, you are really gone.

No matter how it seems, Thomas is more valuable, right?

Batman just doesn't know how to settle accounts. In some ways, he's even stupider than Arthur.

Thinking of this, Su Ming held the wine bottle and looked at Neptune with dead fish eyes.

Dressed like corn, you look stupid.

How good is the uniform of Gus, the sea boy? It's dark blue, like a vest, and it exposes the tattoos on both arms. How cool does it look with a beard and long wavy hair?

But Arthur's uniform is like autumn clothes and long trousers, covering all the tattoos, and he suddenly changed from a wild style to an agricultural style...

"Dun, dun, dun, huh?" Neptune, who was drinking, showed a puzzled expression. He felt Deathstroke's gaze, and then he had a question mark on his face.

Why is Deathstroke looking at me with such a strange look? Seems very disappointed?

"What..." Arthur tentatively took away the wine bottle and asked Deathstroke.

"No, it's nothing. Do you have enough wine?" The look in Deathstroke's eyes disappeared as if it was an illusion. He smiled and took out a few more bottles of wine.

"Oh, it would be best to have more." Arthur had no doubt that he had it, and immediately took the bottle and started drinking.

But before that, he didn't forget to smash the empty bottle on the ground with a bang. Yes, it was so manly.

"Tell me, my good friend Barry, why did Ron ask you to come here?" Su Ming sighed secretly, despairing of Arthur's aesthetics, and turned his attention to Barry again.

Barry rubbed his hands in front of him and scratched his head, smiling awkwardly and not knowing what to say.

"It's Bat..." Barry was almost speechless. He suddenly remembered that Thomas was still around, and Bruce had sneaked out of the house: "Well, Ron asked everyone to go back to the meeting, I told him Your mission will still take some time, but he won’t listen..."

"It doesn't matter. There's only one Laughing Bat left and I can handle it. So, Thomas and I shouldn't have anything to do with the meeting." Su Ming nodded without any objection.

If Batman is going crazy, it's best to let Green Arrow go back and keep an eye on it, otherwise Ron and Superman, two guys who believe in the goodness of human nature, don't know what their plans are.

Barry pushed away the spicy sticks Su Ming handed him. This small gluten stick couldn't replenish much energy.

"He said he only wants members of the Justice League, so..."

"I understand, you go ahead, leave this to me and Thomas." Su Ming nodded without any intention to dissuade him. His eyes fell on Thomas who was drinking in the dark behind him without saying a word: "How are you, old man?" ,is that OK?"

Thomas wiped the mouth of the empty wine bottle carefully before placing it gently on the table nearby. He lifted his cloak to cover the lower half of his face:

"Gotham is my city because...I am Batman."

After getting the answer, Su Ming laughed and spread his hands towards Barry. Can the Laughing Bat do it?

The simple Flash, Deathstroke plus Batman, facing another Batman plus the Joker, this is the Bat father, and the opposite is the Bat son.

As long as there are no waves, the boat will not capsize.

"Is it really okay?" Even though Diana knew that Superman needed more help, she was a little reluctant to let her leave here.

You must know that the last time she was caught by the Laughing Bat out of nowhere, that guy was very weird.

Su Ming nodded and touched his beard: "The Laughing Bat is different from other Bruces. If we completely destroy his plan, he will probably hide or even leave the main world. I have no idea how to find him now. , it’s not like we don’t have reinforcements, it’s good to find people for the humiliation team.”

"That's good, I'll see you later."

Diana walked to the window, waved her hands and jumped out. Others either relied on their own abilities or relied on Barry to carry them.

Su Ming winked at Green Arrow, who nodded knowingly. He would keep an eye on Bruce.

Soon, only Su Ming and Thomas were left in the mezzanine of the building. The two looked at each other quietly in the dim light. Finally, it was Deathstroke who spoke first:

"You asked Alfred to let Bruce go, right?"

Thomas nodded. Judging from his behavior after meeting, Deathstroke has always been a smart man.

"Yes, the child has grown up. Although I don't want him to become Batman, I still have to respect his own decision and not make him feel that he has lost his position because I come back."

"Are you planning to retire? That's right. None of you have undergone any physical transformation. Now at your age, coupled with old injuries from previous years, the burden is too heavy for ordinary Chaoying."

Su Ming sighed. It's not like Batman has no chance to strengthen himself. Like those crazy bats in the dark multiverse, Batman can naturally think of their ways to dominate the world.

But rejecting the temptation of power and sticking to his true nature as a human being is Batman's choice.

He was unwilling to even be injected with super soldier serum like Deathstroke, lest he would not be able to think like an ordinary person for a long time.

Batman has his own ideas and codes of conduct, which are different from most people. Su Ming can understand it, but he can't do it himself.

If Batman's desire for the truth is his weakness, then Su Ming's desire for power should also be his weakness.

Maybe someone has discovered this weakness, maybe no one has discovered it yet, but Su Ming feels that Luther should know something.

Thomas touched the bat symbol on his chest. There was a red sun under the black shadow of the spread wings. He raised a corner of his mouth: "I just wanted to see my son, and now this wish has been fulfilled... ..”

"Stop, stop here." Su Ming stood up and waved his hand: "Don't be too busy setting a flag for yourself. Your family are really all pessimists. Why do you always speak like your last words?"

"Just in case."

Thomas was indeed preparing to say his last words just now. After all, after all his dreams were realized, so many years of persistence had turned into endless emptiness.

Seeing his son made him satisfied, but it also made him lose the motivation to move forward. Now he will die in peace.

"That's because you don't understand me yet, Doctor Wayne." Su Ming walked up to him and patted his arm seriously: "I'm not a good person, as you can probably tell, I'm a mercenary. But The people of the Justice League were willing to work with me, and Bruce tacitly allowed me to exert influence over them, and you know why?"


"Because he regards me as the Justice League's insurance, and the role of my existence is to prevent all kinds of eventualities."


"Bruce, why are you calling us back in such a hurry?"

Oliver's teleportation speed was about the same as the Flash's, and the two arrived at Metropolis, the temporary base of the Justice League, almost at the same time.

Diana was a little slower. She became the last person to arrive, all because she did not fly a small invisible plane when she went out to do errands.

Batman is ready, and it looks like the end of the world in the 'yurt'.

The surrounding buildings were in dilapidated condition, rubble and bricks covered the streets, faint black smoke was emitted from the burning cars and houses, and many charred 'bodies' lay on the roadside.

There was an unpleasant smell in the air, the smell of despair mixed with destruction, and the sky was extremely dark, as if the sun was about to go out.

Of course, in addition to Superman's arrangements, Batman also used virtual reality technology. The world outside this building is still fine.

He wasn't sure what the prophesied black snow looked like, but luckily no one else knew.

So he arranged this urban area according to the nuclear winter model to implement his plan.

Seeing that everyone was here, he looked around on the street and motioned for a few people to hide in the ruins and talk.

"How's it going in Gotham?" He didn't answer Green Arrow's question, but asked his own first.

Green Arrow once again felt the feeling of being ignored. He seemed to have become a transparent person within Zhenglian. Although the consumer boss at Deathstroke was not treated well, at least he was listened to!

I was finally assigned such a piece of equipment this time, Batman, you should take a look!

However, Diana was not moved by Green Arrow's resentful look. She took off her hood and flipped her hair: "There is Deathstroke and your father over there. He seems quite confident, as always."

"...I have already told Superman about my plan. The Justice League's previous attempts to reveal the truth about the universe and use them failed. We need to change."

As Batman spoke, he pressed a few times on the Bat Terminal, and black snowflakes suddenly fell from the sky.

If you look carefully, you can see that this is not snow, but the embers of burned items, which are scattered everywhere by thermal air currents and wind.

Diana reached out to catch a piece and rubbed it in her palms. It was indeed some kind of ember. She raised her head:

"Why are we in such a hurry? We can wait until Deathstroke finishes his mission over there and joins us."

Batman was expressionless: "Because Luther may not give us this time. He must be monitoring the movements in Gotham. If everything is over, then he will be ready to deal with us. Only now, except for you The return is seen, and the actions of others are unnoticed, so we can make a time difference."

"Huh?" Arthur tapped his chin lightly, but he didn't understand.

"Our previous judgments about the total body, the doorknob of destruction, and the seven dark forces of creation were all wrong. We can no longer use conservative methods. If we want to save the world, we must take risks."

Batman doesn't explain, he just says what he wants to say.

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