The Death Knell

Chapter 898 Troublemaker

"Actually, I think his plan is a bit risky, but now it seems that Batman has made up his mind." Superman said as he slowly fell from the air.

After landing in the crowd, he showed a sunny smile and nodded hello to everyone, even Green Arrow.

"It's really nice to see everyone in such a bad situation, everyone is okay, and of course you, Oliver, what have you been up to lately? This outfit right now is... trendy."

Clark tilted his head and thought for a moment while he was talking, and remembered the word "trendy". His son Joe often talked about Internet fashion brands recently, and those clothes looked somewhat similar to Oliver's current style.

Oliver was quite happy at first, but he became a little helpless after hearing the second half: "This necklace of mine? No, I'm not wearing it to pretend to be a hip-hop singer. This is a magical artifact, given to me by Deathstroke."

Superman nodded in realization: "I see, so you now know something about the magical world, right? Then can you tell me what the wrath of God is?"

"Huh?" Oliver looked confused. When did Superman start to believe in God?

Seeing the two of them chatting together, Batman knew that Superman must have been deceived by Deathstroke last time and still hadn't figured it out, but now was not the time to talk about that.

"Guys, focus on the present, our current situation is not optimistic."

The dark bat interrupted the chat of several people.

Clark rubbed the back of his head and shrugged helplessly: "Okay, Batman's plan is to attract Trouble to Metropolis through my personal grudges with Trouble, and then use his ability to manipulate reality with his mind to bring Lou down. Se and others 'transformed' in front of us, and then defeated them."

In fact, after learning from Ron that the world everyone lives in now is overlaid on the original dimension created by Pappetua, Batman began to formulate plans about the dimension.

In fact, this issue is easy to understand. If the current multiverse is a canvas, then the current world is like being painted with oil painting techniques.

The canvas is not a disposable prop. Sometimes, in order to save fabric, painters will shovel out the original paintings and use the canvas to repaint new works.

It’s no secret that some great artists of the older generation like to paint directly on top of the painting. Yes, that’s Leonardo da Vinci.

The principle is that of oil painting, but when it comes to the concept of the universe, it becomes not so simple.

In fact, Batman still has many hidden thoughts that he has not said, but Superman knows this much and that is enough.

Troublemaker is one of the fifth-dimensional beings who can change the world through his own ideas. As long as he wants to, it is not impossible to turn Metropolis into Zootopia.

Not only can he run rampant in the DC world, he can also go to the Marvel universe or other worlds.

On the DC side, the troublemaker dressed like the yellow-shirted crew of Star Trek. On the Marvel side, he took out part of himself and dressed up as a weirdo wearing a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle leather suit, called "The Incredible Man". His outer body transformed into a vest.

Although the Incredible Man is good, there are more perverts in Marvel. Not to mention toaa, there are existences such as the original transcendent, the cleaner, Jaspers, etc. that make him unable to hold his head up.

So he still likes DC and Superman even more. Even Captain America, the most honorable person in Marvel, kills people with his own hands. It's too dark...

Besides, there's Superwoman here, suck...

If Batman were asked to think about who is the most powerful among the people he knows, there is no doubt that it is Troublemaker and Bat-Elf, the full-scale Almighty Universe.

In the past, the Origin Wall was as if it didn't exist for fifth-dimensional people, and they could come and leave whenever they wanted. Now there should be no problem.

Diana crossed her arms and looked at Batman seriously, this was no joke.

Batman now plans to use the fifth dimension to overturn Luthor's card table, but this is also very dangerous to everyone in the Zhenglian.

"How do you make sure the troublemakers listen to you?"

Batman remained calm: "He may not listen to me, but he will listen to Superman. He is Clark's old enemy, and they have been fighting for who knows how many years."

Superman shrugged. He had a headache thinking about the troublemaker, but he still told the truth: "He just likes to play pranks, but he has never hurt anyone. There is a rule of the game between me and him. As long as I can make him tell his story backwards, name, he just throws in the towel and puts everything back the way it was.”

Diana looked at Oliver, while Green Arrow frowned and kept thinking, but didn't raise any objections.

Because when Superman and Batman are on the same page, his opinion no longer matters.

As the Big Three, Diana has some say, but she can't think of a reason to deny this plan at this time.

"Okay, since you all think it's feasible, let's give it a try, but how do we start?" She adjusted her cloak, but didn't know whether to pull out the sword: "I mean, how should we contact him? ?He is not in the same dimension as us."

Batman has already had a plan: "We use the remaining power in Star Man's body, which comes from Pappetua, which is also a power beyond dimensions. We use this part to amplify Ron's psychic signal and let him send messages to the multiverse. Let’s take a look at the miserable state of things here and trick the troublemakers into coming.”

Seeing the tragic situation in Metropolis, the troublemakers will definitely come to see if Superman is dead. As an old enemy, who would miss Superman's funeral?

Just seize this opportunity, trap the opponent, and make him effective like Can Luo.

After listening to the brief explanation, Oliver nodded secretly. He felt that it was feasible. This plan was dark enough, dangerous enough, and consistent with Batman's style. It should be feasible.

"So will he be deceived by the scene here when he gets here?" Diana asked again. These days, she has been spoiled by Deathstroke's style of always explaining plans: "Do you think he can't see that this place is an illusion? He is a fifth-dimensional person."

Barry held his chin on the side and kept changing his standing posture. Five-dimensional people, seems to have heard the death knell?

Batman pointed behind everyone at the things Clark had just moved.

"So we made a cage with black diamonds specifically to imprison him." Batman pointed at the twisted cage that flashed green lightning from time to time: "This was the one we used to trap Eclipse last time. After it was damaged, there was only so much material left, so we tried our best to repair it. It can trap ghosts and eclipses for a period of time, and it should be no problem to trap fifth-dimensional people."

This cage is too small, even a large dog cannot fit in it, and the metal bars are twisted, and a person can slip through the gaps.

"The black diamond used to be forged in the fire pit of Apokolips. Now that planet has disappeared." Ron also took Hawkgirl and Starman to land in the ruins and landed gently on the dark snow. The Martian continued: "Unless Darkseid comes out of nowhere to help us, we can only hope that this thing repaired by Earth means will work."

Ambient air temperatures are regulated to very low temperatures because nuclear winter is very cold.

Green Arrow saw the Green Lantern uniform, but it was not his old buddy Hal, but the substitute Green Lantern John, so he asked the other party about Hal's whereabouts.

The black Green Lantern crossed his arms and sighed. Now the situation of the Earth Lanterns is very difficult.

After the origin wall exploded, the aliens believed that it was all the Earthlings' fault, so several of them were also blamed.

In order to maintain the relationship between the Justice League and the Guardians, and to win back allies on Earth, Hal, Kyle, Carol, Gardner and others still stayed in the universe to lobby among the major forces.

The hard to say.

"Hal is back in Oua. He's been a little busy lately." John smiled at Green Arrow. He knew that Hal and Oliver had the best relationship, so there was no need to hide them. He must have had a crush on those little blue men. I have heard a lot about virtue from Hal's mouth.

Hal already talks a lot. If he drinks a little beer... He is a pilot and does not drink strong alcohol, so his resistance to alcohol is extremely low. Therefore, with just a little beer, he will talk a lot. Dare to say it.

Oliver understood, and could only shrug his shoulders, showing that he was helpless.

Every time Hal and I went out to play, after a few beers, Hal even told me what color underwear Sinestro used to wear.

But this is okay now. Although Hal is the strongest Green Lantern, John is almost the same. And because he is more junior, John is more obedient to orders and will not act without permission like Hal.

Now, except for Cyborg, all members of the Justice League are here, and it can be said that they are at their strongest.

That's enough.

"I have sent the signal, and the weather here will make him think this is the moment before the world is destroyed. Get ready-"

Just before Ron finished speaking, there was a sound like a ball of paper being crumpled in the air, followed by the sound of glass being broken.

The sharp scratching sound irritated everyone's fragile eardrums, and the air seemed to become thinner in an instant, as if the world was a balloon and the balloon was deflated.

"He's coming!" Batman shouted to several people in a low voice, indicating that everyone was ready to fight.

Whether the black diamond cage is effective is still a question.


I saw a ray of white light falling from the sky, attracted by the green lightning on the cage, and poured into it. The white light gradually condensed into a small figure.

He is a small man with a big belly, wearing a yellow jumpsuit and a purple top hat on his head.

There is no hair on the top of his head, and it seems that the hair style on the sides of his head, which looks like airplane wings, is holding the top hat from falling off.

It's the troublemaker.

"Okay, hello everyone."

The little devil immediately noticed the group of people hiding in the ruins and greeted them loudly.

Seeing that the Troublemaker was discovered and that it looked like he couldn't get out of his cage, Batman motioned for everyone to get out.

A group of people surrounded the cage, full of curiosity like rare animals visiting a zoo.

The Troublemaker is very comfortable, without any consciousness of being a prisoner, as if the Justice League is in the cage and he is the one outside the cage.

From a certain point of view, he is indeed right. Zhenglian, who is trapped in the DC diversity by the origin wall, is not a person in a cage?

"Wait, is this the fifth-dimensional demon we are talking about?" The Flash thought it would be a big guy like San Gong or Inner Dragon, but he didn't expect...

Barry stretched his legs to the edge of the cage to compare. It was terrible. This five-dimensional little devil might be able to hit his knees when he jumped.

Batman sighed: "Be careful, Flash, he is the most dangerous thing in the world."

"I know the real names of all of you, so there's no need to call you by your code name." The troublemaker chuckled in the cage, turning his palms to show that he knew everything: "And I'm not a thing, you are a thing, bat."

Batman didn't seem to hear what the troublemaker said, or simply ignored him, and said to Diana: "It seems that the black diamond worked, he was trapped, and we can protect Metropolis from damage."

The troublemaker laughed loudly: "Hahaha, do you really think so? Low-dimensional props can have an effect on me? Then let's see if this fragile toy can protect you!"

Then, the troublemaker activated his ability, and the entire metropolis instantly became distorted as if it had entered the projection of a distorting mirror.

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