The Death Knell

Chapter 899 Big Brawl

Under the influence of the ability to transcend dimensions, the city was changed. The troublemaker constructed a script in his own mind, and rewrote the story of the universe through that pen and that piece of paper.

The city comes alive, literally.

Not far from the Wayne Atmospheric Laboratory, the Daily Planet Building moved like a snake. The golden earth on the top turned into a head, with a pair of funny little red eyes and a face full of fangs. Big mouth.

The living building bent down and bit off the ceiling of the laboratory next to it, exposing the outside environment.

And Batman actually told a joke at this time: "Your building ate my building, Superman."

Diana had drawn her weapon and shield and was ready, but Batman actually told a cold joke like a death knell, which surprised her.

Just when she was in a daze, the troublemaker screamed loudly again.


It turned out that Barry planned to use the Speed ​​Force to stop the troublemaker, but the troublemaker remembered the Sino-US co-production he had watched, so he pointed at Barry.

As if he had been cast under a restraining spell, Barry suddenly assumed a statue-like posture and was unable to move.

"Hey, hey hey..." The troublemaker laughed loudly, pointing at Barry and then at himself, holding his belly and rolling around. He even imitated a monkey and flipped his wrists, jumping around.

"The night is vast, the day is vast..."

John launched an attack from another direction, but the black lantern obviously lacked the concept of the fifth dimension and had to recite the green light oath before taking action.

Troublemaker took out an Infinity Gauntlet from his pocket, put it on, and turned Green Lantern into a handful of black ash with a snap of his fingers. Then he quickly pulled out his phone and took a photo of the ash pile, preparing to upload it to social media.

"Hahaha, you're laughing so hard. I only recognize one light in the DC world, and that's the Batlight! What the hell is a traffic light!"

Just as he was laughing, he was suddenly hit by several arrows in his vest. He covered his chest and turned around to look at Green Arrow in surprise.

It turned out that when Oliver saw him killing people, he naturally would not stand by and watch, so he flashed behind him and shot the poisonous arrow that he had not used before.

"It's over, it's over, I'm going to die." Troublemaker clutched his chest grandiosely, stumbled in the cage, and said to Green Arrow with despair in his eyes: "This time... The Hunger Games... I Can’t win, ugh!”

After saying that, he stuck out his tongue, rolled his eyes and died.

But Oliver immediately flashed away. Aconitine has no effect on making people stand and die. The other party saw that he was just pretending. This acting can only be described as eye-catching.

The troublemaker secretly opened one eye and found that the 'actor' with him had disappeared. He reluctantly pulled out the arrow from behind and threw it to the ground.

"Hey! Do you know that you are not dedicated at all?! Your lunch box is gone today!"

Oliver couldn't understand what the troublemaker was saying at all, because the little devil started talking to himself about "big cousin's figure", "Hawkeye's archery skills" and other inexplicable words.

But he understands that his methods are ineffective against the opponent, and it depends on Batman and the others next.

But at this time, everyone was having a hard time. While the troublemaker was thinking about it, his mind was not idle. He 'resurrected' all the cars in the metropolis.

At this time, the cars all turned into robots after a burst of transformation, shouting slogans "For Cybertron", and got into a fight with the Justice League.

Whenever a battle was needed, Diana didn't care whether the enemy was a person or a vehicle. She tapped her shield with the Vulcan sword:

"For justice!"

Then she kicked the ground and charged, taking Hawkgirl, Neptune and Starman with her to fight the Autobots and Decepticons rushing over on the street.

The Transformers that have been modified by the mischievous demons are now made of memory metal. Even if they are cut into pieces, they will recover. The power of various weapons is devastating.

The Justice League was immediately at a disadvantage.

"Haha, I knew that the traffic in the metropolis always wants to eat people alive!" The troublemaker was tap dancing in the cage to watch the show, and he was extremely happy: "Even so, Superman still loves this place the most."

"Troublemaker! Don't do this!"

Superman held on tightly to the big mouth that the Daily Planet bit into. The bad breath inside the big ball made him unable to open his eyes. He could only shout at the troublemaker.

Ron has been captured by a fully automatic oven that spits fire. He has no resistance in front of the flames. At this time, he can only change his body in vain and shout: "We are not your enemies!"

The troublemaker took out a Snickers bar from his pocket and stuffed it into his mouth. While chewing, he asked vaguely: "I swept you away like hunger. How could fools want to trap me in this cage? Haha? I won’t listen to your explanation, please beg for mercy!”

"Okay, okay, please forgive me."

Batman's voice came as if in his ears.

The troublemaker was eating with his eyes closed, and his Snickers bar was sticky. He nodded: "Yes, I beg for mercy, and I want everyone to take photos of themselves pouting."

"Yeah, um, take pictures."

Batman responded without sincerity, his voice getting closer.

The troublemaker realized something was wrong. He opened his eyes and saw that the world had returned to its original state, and all the changes he had made to it had been undone.

Batman crossed his arms, and all the members of Zhenglian stood behind him, looking at him coldly.

"What's going on? How could you..."

"It's very simple. Ron used his mind to control you and subconsciously read his name backwards, so all your abilities were disabled, everything returned to normal, and the people you killed were resurrected."

Batman still looked expressionless, explaining his tactics to the troublemaker. He had already prepared this, just waiting for the moment when the troublemaker closed his eyes in triumph!

Batman, who has studied countless battles between Troublemaker and Superman, has long discovered that Troublemaker likes to show off by exaggerating his nostrils upward, closing his eyes and puffing up his chest when he is proud. This is an opportunity.

Low-dimensional props are always a cover, and Ron's psychic ability is his trump card.

No matter in any dimension, the mind is the same, and it is probably the only way to defeat the troublemaker.

Once you're hooked, you can never get rid of it.

Ron also approached the cage at this time, with a serious expression on his green face: "If I increase the strength of telepathy, you will fall into an illusory world and never be able to return home."

The troublemaker leaned against the cage with some dejection, slipped to the ground, and sighed deeply: "But I shouldn't have been controlled by the mind... The world hasn't reached the moment of destruction, right? ? This cage is not used to imprison me, but a brainwave amplifier...Why do you do this? Just to catch me, humiliate me? Torture me?"

Superman took a few steps forward and squatted down: "No, troublemaker, we are not here to punish you, we just want you to listen to us talk about the current troubles in the multiverse, the difficulties of all of us, we need your help .”

"Oh, stop talking, Superman, I know you, no, what we are facing now, I already knew..."

Troublemaker interrupted Superman and covered his forehead.

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