The Death Knell

Chapter 900 The Sixth Dimension

"That was the worst possible prank." The troublemaker rubbed his face.

Like all cartoon characters, he can knead his face into various shapes like dough, and his facial features always look like he is making faces.

But no one in Zhenglian wanted to laugh.

"Since you are also experiencing problems, we need to help each other."

Batman motioned with his eyes to Superman to move the cage. That thing was just a cover. Now that the troublemaker has been controlled by Ron, there is no need to continue to be so forceful in his posture.

Create a more relaxed conversation environment that is more conducive to communication.

After the cage was taken away, the troublemaker stretched out his legs and sat on the ground, picked up the artificial snow from the ground and played with it. He seemed to have no body temperature or feeling, and these snowflakes did not melt at all in his hands.

"How about we change places? How about the Hall of Justice?" Troublemaker raised his head and suggested.

"The Hall of Justice...has not been rebuilt yet." Superman replied helplessly. The Hall of Justice was blown up by the Laughing Bat, which is simply a black history.

Troublemaker smiled. Of course he knew that the Hall of Justice had been bombed. He knew it the moment he arrived in this world, so he mistakenly thought that the end of the world was coming, and ended up being fooled by the Justice League.

"If I want the Hall of Justice, then there is the Hall of Justice." Troublemaker patted his butt, stood up, and said to Star Man: "You, take us to the Hall of Justice."

Star Man looked at Batman, and Bruce under the black cloak nodded slightly, so Star Man activated the energy in his body and activated the Pentagram Portal.

On the other side of the portal, the snow-white building of the Hall of Justice was shining in the sun.

"This..." Hawkgirl looked at the other side of the portal and was a little surprised. She even felt like she was dazzled and raised her hand to rub her eyes.

Not to mention the Hall of Justice, even Washington was blown into a big crater by the nuclear bomb, but now, everything has been restored.

All buildings in the city, even the fountains, flowers and trees in front of the Hall of Justice, have been restored.

Just in the blink of an eye.

The troublemaker ran into the portal as if he was seeing his own home, and left a sentence: "Don't be surprised, bird woman, this is the function of imagination, hey, I'll wait for you in the conference room."

Barry looked at the back of the troublemaker, who was bouncing around as freely as a primary school student on his way to school, and asked Batman in a low voice: "Why is he so skilled?"

Batman didn't answer Barry's question, and he didn't know the answer.

However, he lifted up his cloak and walked into the portal first. The troublemaker didn't take the previous confrontation to heart at all, and he had already shown great kindness at this time.

The Hall of Justice has consumed a lot of manpower and material resources, not to mention that there is no time to rebuild it at this critical juncture. The five-dimensional little devil was a big help.

Zhenglian has been hiding the news from the masses that the world is about to be destroyed, and a bombed city is definitely not a good example.

It's better now, I can hide it longer.

Passing through the tall main entrance of the Hall of Justice, rows of hero uniforms are still displayed at the entrance, but at this time, the owners of many uniforms are no longer there.

Most of them are crazy, defeated by their own psychological pressure, and have lost the qualifications to be heroes.

Some people are dead.

Batman looked away from Catwoman's uniform in the corner, as if he hadn't noticed.

After not walking far, I found the troublemaker staring blankly at an empty display cabinet in the exhibition hall. There should have been something there, but now there was only a glass cover left.

"What are you looking at?" Batman asked.

The troublemaker pointed to the nameplate under the display cabinet and looked at Batman with an expression on his face like he was looking at a fool. Isn't this an obvious thing?

"You see it says 'Mr. Troublemaker's Drawing Board' here, but what about the drawing board? It was originally exhibited here. It is our common history."

"You can change it into another piece." Batman frowned. In his memory, at least before he left the Hall of Justice last time, the drawing board was placed here properly, but now there was the Troublemaker himself, Tracking down lost items is not a high priority: "Just use your imagination or something."

"I really want to open your little brain to see if you are stupid? You are the strongest detective in DC. My drawing board is also a five-dimensional prop. It is in the same dimension as me. How could I create something of the same dimension out of thin air? ?” The troublemaker shook his head speechlessly, turned and walked away: “You can draw a point or a line on paper, but can you draw a living person?”

A flash of light flashed in Batman's eyes, and he got a new weakness. But he didn't say anything, he just looked at the empty cabinet again and followed the troublemaker.

He walked into the conference room in a familiar manner. The troublemaker held on to the table, swung his legs and climbed onto the big round table. He sat down on the table with satisfaction and sighed.

"It's warmer here, I'm a little sleepy."

After saying that, he yawned and closed his eyes.

Ron, John, Clark and Barry were already seated. How could they let the troublemaker really sleep here? Everything is now full of doubts. They need help, and they have to start with intelligence.

As an old acquaintance of Troublemaker, Superman stood up, looked at him condescendingly and said: "Recently we found a map on Kendra's wings. We think that is the way to a higher dimension, maybe to repair it." The key to the multiverse."

Hawkgirl and Diana had just entered the door at this time, and she just picked up the topic: "If we want to save everyone, do we have to go there? If so, where does it lead?"

The troublemaker sat up. He didn't really want to sleep:

"Before I talk about this, I have to tell you what dimensions are. The first dimension is a small broken point, an isolated point. The second dimension is a line on the plane, which is also very boring."

"The third dimension is matter, and it is the world that was previously shaped by Papetua. The fourth dimension is a new dimension formed by adding concepts such as time and the Speed ​​Force, which is the world you live in now."

Batman touched his chin: "So, we don't live in a three-dimensional material world as everyone thought before."

The troublemaker sighed, and he raised his hand helplessly and gestured in front of his chest:

"There was no time in the world before, or in other words, time and life were infinite. Not so now, do you understand? You are living in an illusion, and the truth you have been pursuing is the world shaped by that crazy woman, which you have concealed in The world below.”

"I don't seem to understand very well..." Hawkgirl looked at Wonder Woman beside her, and Diana curled her lips. She didn't quite understand.

"Whether you understand it or not, you just need to know that you are fourth-dimensional people." The troublemaker waved his hand. He couldn't tell much information. In terms of words that low-dimensional creatures can understand, that's all: "And The fifth dimension of my life is imagination, it is everywhere, you just can’t see it.”

"So, fifth-dimensional people can see abstract concepts." Batman asked.

"Yes, you can see it, and if you can see it too, you will find that everything around you is dying." The troublemaker spread his hands and took off his hat.

He showed his head to everyone in Zhenglian. There was a hole under the hat, and there was nothing inside, as if he himself was a skin.

But the breach in the skin is now covered with cracks, and some tiny skin fragments are rising into the air, dispersing and disappearing in the air.

"After you little fools broke through the wall of origin, everything went out of control. The sea of ​​chaos outside the wall represents crazy imagination. They are in a state of devouring the multiverse because uncontrolled fantasy is eroding the world. There is a basis for existence, and when all fantasies dissipate, only the real third dimension will be left, which is the truth you explored before.”

After making sure everyone saw his wound, the troublemaker put on his hat and spread his hands helplessly.

"How were you damaged? Logically speaking, the fifth dimension should not be affected by reality." Superman sighed deeply, not knowing how to express his inner worries.

"Breaking the origin wall causes imagination to run wild, and the basis of our fifth-dimensional existence is imagination. If imagination knocks us to the ground, we will descend to the next dimension. Since your fourth dimension is also disintegrating , maybe Papetua will let us work together in the concentration camp in the third dimension? By the way, who of you knows someone named Schindler?"

The thing is that simple. The troublemaker couldn't figure out why Superman asked him why. Sure enough, as soon as he entered the Hall of Justice, Superman's IQ plummeted.

"Okay, but you haven't answered the previous question, where does the map on Kendra's wings lead to?"

Ron En was much calmer at this time. Now that he knew that the troublemaker was on a broken boat with everyone, they just had to figure out a solution together.

Troublemaker didn't like the green-skinned Martian very much. He overlapped too much with Superman's character and was ugly, but he still replied: "It leads to the sixth dimension."

"Huh? Beyond the five dimensions? How many dimensions are there?"

Barry covered his head. He felt like his brain hurt. There are also disadvantages to thinking too fast, that is, the brain cells seem to be overloaded now.

"Come on, let me show you little heads what your multiverse looks like."

The troublemaker took out a large disc from his pants pocket, the same one the Justice League had seen on Black Hawk Island when they were fighting Barbatos.

Circles around each other, like a target-like disc.

One side is the light multiverse, and the other is the dark multiverse, but the focus of Troublemaker this time is no longer on that.

"This is your multiverse, and the plate that maintains your world is called the blood domain. Last time the center of your blood domain was broken, all of you here were almost sucked into the dark multiverse. I think you can probably understand what that means. What a concept. The substance that makes up the Blood Realm is called Heavenly Blood, which is the embodiment of normal imagination in the multiverse."

"So where is the sixth dimension?"

Instead of letting the troublemaker continue to ramble, Batman asked the question that mattered most.

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