The Death Knell

Chapter 901 Superman’s Journey

"The map is in your hands, and there is a strange dimension above my dimension."

As he spoke, the troublemaker pulled the disk up and down, turning it into a translucent transparent sphere. This sphere was divided into upper and lower halves. The upper half contained 52 small white dots, which were the multiverse of light.

There are 52 small black spots below, some of which are broken and dim, representing the Dark Multiverse.

The sphere is like a fruit with several skins, including the Speed ​​Force, Limbo, God's Domain, Purgatory, etc., and the outermost layer is the Origin Wall.

There are four channels intersecting in the blood domain in the shape of a cross, and the heavenly blood flows in them.

There was a small blank space at the top of the sphere, which looked like the North Pole covered by ice. The troublemaker clicked there casually, and that was the place he was talking about.

It's weird to say it's the sixth dimension, but it's included in the multiverse.

"Could it be 5.5 dimensions? It's like an attic." Star Man said with a smile, and whispered to Barry beside him: "By the way, there is an attic now, right?"

Barry shook his head, looked around like a thief, and replied in a low voice: "Sorry, man, the content of that publishing house was too 'hardcore' and it went bankrupt as early as 2003. But if you like that kind of book, " Playboy is still there.”

"Okay, hippie, stop showing off your ignorance." The troublemaker glanced at Star Man speechlessly: "No matter what the attic is, the sixth dimension I'm talking about here is equivalent to the master control room of the entire multiverse. Twenty billion years ago, your multiverse was shaped by Papetua, and then she entered this multiverse. In this blank space, she lived there for a long time. If you want to find salvation now The only way is to try it in the sixth dimension."

Superman and Batman looked at each other and frowned: "I always thought that our world was shaped by God. The ghost said so every time."

"That stupid big cuckold?" The troublemaker showed a strange expression: "I'm not sure whether God exists. How about you pray now and see if he cares about you?"

"That's enough, let's go to the sixth dimension. The map is right here. Can you help us find a way to get there?"

Batman interrupted everyone's digression and thought about things in the magical world and the divine world, which would not be helpful to the matter at hand.

"Well, if I try my best, I might be able to open the door to the sixth dimension for you now that the Origin Wall has disappeared, but it is very dangerous there." The troublemaker touched his chin, not knowing what he had calculated. .

Diana raised her hand: "Wait a minute, wasn't our original plan to ask Troublemaker to help us catch Luther? Why did it suddenly change to going to a strange dimension?"

"Because the origin of everything lies with Papetua. If we have a chance to solve the crisis of the multiverse now, it will be easier to deal with Luther's Legion of Destruction and let the pot go down in the East." Ron supported Bruce's decision. Decide.

The troublemaker took out his earwax, and Ron's idiom made him feel uncomfortable: "It's a waste of money. I suggest you make a decision early, before everything becomes too late."

Star Man looked at everyone. The members of the Justice League were all deep in thought. As an old-timer, he felt that he not only wanted to make up for his mistakes, but also prevent future dangers: "Wait a minute, you said that the fifth dimension is imagination that transcends time. ,Right?"

"That's right." The little devil nodded.

"Then you can see the future, can you tell us how to win?" Star Man discovered a blind spot.

The troublemaker rolled his eyes: "Do you think the straight lines on the white paper can understand what you are thinking? So my answer is - no!"

"Since everything there is beyond our imagination, how can we be sure that we can survive there?" Wonder Woman still has doubts, and she even wants to contact Deathstroke to ask his opinion.

Entering the unknown world, maybe Deathstroke will have information?

There was no reason for this, it was just intuition. She felt that Deathstroke might know something about high latitudes.

And compared to the unscrupulous troublemaker, Deathstroke's seemingly outrageous behavior before was simply too orderly.

The Troublemaker flew up and nodded towards Diana: "That's a good question, little Miracle. Everything in higher dimensions may turn your weak brains into paste. For you, it's all indescribable. However, except him."

As he spoke, he pointed at Superman.

"Me?" Superman also pointed at himself. He couldn't see how he was better than others. Maybe his brain had a thinking speed that was difficult for ordinary people to surpass, but when it came to logic and thinking, Batman was still stronger.

The troublemaker's head was nodding up and down, and the little hat seemed to fall off: "Yes, it's you. When we have been in contact so many times before, I have been instilling five-dimensional energy into you, which is very good for now. "

Clark recalled those pranks in the past and frowned: "So you had predicted this day before."

"Ah, yes, I knew this would happen a long time ago. Because of you people who are pursuing the 'truth', the universe is actually broken now..." The troublemaker spread his hands speechlessly, letting everyone in Zhenglian They all couldn't hold their heads up: "I am one of the strongest among the five-dimensional people. Although it may seem excessive to make fun of you before, I am actually on your side."

"Well, even if Superman goes to hit the front line first, can you give him some protection, such as a set of armor or something?"

Starman doesn't know much about Troublemaker, but he wants to try his best to get some insurance for Superman.

The little devil crossed his legs in the air and kept shaking his head as he slowly fell down: "Unfortunately, I can't. The things I can construct are limited to the fifth dimension. Such things will not work in the sixth dimension. You Just compare the numbers, cosmic hippies.”

"Stop talking, I'll go." Superman stood up. If he could find a way to save the multiverse, it wouldn't be wrong to take some risks.

In the Zhenglian, apart from himself, Ron is probably the only one who has such a strong ability to survive, but the Martians' weaknesses are too obvious, and the flames are easily accessible to the enemies who represent destruction.

His own weaknesses include kryptonite, red sun, powerful magic, and psychic abilities. Although it sounds like there are many more than Ron, these things cannot be used against him unless prepared in advance.

No matter how you think about it, it is more suitable to be in the past.

"Wait a minute, Clark, we are now facing something we don't understand. Although we have decided to go, preparations must be carried out instead of acting unprepared now."

Batman stood up and expressed his opinion. He decided to go, but he wanted to go alone.

Now hold Superman back, wait for the troublemaker to open the door, and then rush in directly, adapting to the situation when the time comes.

This is Batman's style.

However, Clark held his shoulders and shook his head at him: "We have no time. We don't know how the Legion of Destruction is progressing. Just like you said, we must fight for time."

"But we are just heroes in a single material universe, and the risks to us are the same." Batman knows that Superman has seen through his plan, and when dealing with him, the Kryptonian's intelligence often comes back online.

Superman nodded and looked into Batman's eyes: "I know, this is beyond our level, but we are the Justice League, and when we face difficulties, we will..."

"Enforce justice more deeply." Batman sighed, and he shook his head helplessly: "You know, I can't take your place, even for an hour."

Superman shook his head, smiled and high-fived him: "I know, I will pay attention to safety, maybe within an hour, I will bring back good news, because... I am Batman, haha, Cyborg You're right, I learned the most."

Batman was speechless. He knew Clark was telling this joke to lighten the mood, but there have been too many Batmans in the main world these days.

"Does anyone else have a different opinion?" Superman turned to look at the others, and except for Green Arrow, who had never had a presence before and remained silent, everyone else nodded firmly.

Since it is for the sake of justice, Superman also has corresponding consciousness, so let’s give it a try.

Superman saw that everyone had a unified opinion, at least Diana and Bruce agreed, so he made up his mind.

He turned towards the little devil floating aside: "You heard me, open the door."


The troublemaker made a sound like constipation, holding his head in the air and flying around like a deflated balloon. Then he put his hands in a "turtle style qigong" posture and pushed forward, a door. Suddenly appeared in the purple light.

"Okay, come in quickly!" he urged Superman.

Superman walked over and opened the door, showing a sunny smile to everyone behind him: "I'll be back soon."

After saying that, he strode in, and the door immediately closed behind him.



Everyone in Zhenglian looked at me and I looked at you, but in the end their eyes fell on Batman.

"It seems like it was successful?" Barry walked around the door a few times with some uncertainty, then ran to Ron and asked, "Can you still sense him?"

Martian Manhunter shook his head: "No, all connections have been severed."

Batman rubbed his chin and added: "He went to a dimension beyond time. We don't even know when he will come back. Maybe it will be the next second, maybe after the destruction of the universe..."

However, while they were talking, the door standing there suddenly made the sound of turning the door handle.

An older version of Superman opened the door and walked out with a smile on his face.

He has gray hair, but his red and blue uniform is no longer on his body. Instead, he wears a new set of white clothes with gold patterns, and the S on his chest shines under the light of the hall.

"Sorry I was gone for so long, it's great to see you all again, guys."

After speaking, Superman showed a smile as bright as the sun, and his white uniform made his whole body shine.

Compared with him, everyone else in Zhenglian looked so dark and gloomy, like mice.

"Are you sure it's him?" Bruce winked at Ron and put his hand on his belt. He didn't expect Superman to ask to go in before making the plan, but he always carried the 'Five Finger Death Punch' with him.

Those are five different colors of kryptonite from different parallel universes. No matter which world the superman is punched by, he will suffer disaster.

Ron was surprised when he looked at the old Superman. He could feel that Superman was getting stronger. If he had a head-to-head confrontation with him before, it was a 50-50 split, but now Superman is like an endless sea.

From the strength of the body to the strength of the soul, it is much stronger than it was ten seconds ago.

"I'm sure, at least based on my abilities, it's him."

Martian Manhunter said it directly. He is still very confident in his abilities.

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