The Death Knell

Chapter 902 Green Arrow escapes

"But he came back too quickly."

Diana looked at Superman up and down, and there was nothing wrong with him. His demeanor, breath, and smile all gave the impression that he was Superman, except that he was a little older.

Barry didn't care about that much. He jumped and clapped happily: "What's wrong with hurrying up? Speed ​​is the best, speed is the best!"

Eagle Girl bit her fingernails and whispered: "He is indeed suitable for white hair, and a beard is also good, but is it really him?"

Of course, Superman's hearing heard everyone's words. He moved away from the door behind him and said with a smile: "It's me, friends. The time flow rate between our dimensions is different. Maybe it's just a blink of an eye on your side, but I'm there The world has spent decades."

"Huh?" Batman made a short nasal sound.

"Over the years, I have been trying to save the world. From hundreds of millions or even billions of possibilities, I finally found the only solution." Superman opened the door and dragged his white cape through the white hall of justice. Ground: "Come with me, friends, I have something I must show you."

Batman looked at the whirlpool in the door, while the troublemaker on the side stood there with his eyes closed after opening the door, as if he had fallen into a coma.

"Follow you? No, this multiverse still needs to be protected." Batman expressed concern.

"I'm staying. Atlantis has just experienced a disaster, and they still need me."

However, Arthur first expressed that he was not interested in dimensional travel. On the one hand, he couldn't understand it, so he went there in vain. On the other hand, there are no enemies. What did he do in the past?

Star Man pointed to his head: "I'm not going either. My brain seems to have some problems. After you lent me the can, I was only halfway through the physical examination."

Batman thought for a moment, he knew Superman better than anyone else, not even Lois.

He himself has long recognized Superman, and others have given affirmative answers, so there should be no problem.

Even if there is a problem, he must see what the answer is to solving the multiverse crisis, and taking this risk is necessary.

Without saying anything else, he was the first to go to the portal, which was a sign of his trust in Superman.

Although he didn't believe anyone, he had learned how to hide this in the process of interacting with everyone in Zhenglian.

Diana caught up a few steps from behind, looked at Barry who was walking in front of him and had overtaken Batman. She whispered beside Batman:

"It looks fine now, but we need a plan, a real battle plan."

“Play it by ear.”

Batman is the answer, he has a plan, but he won't tell it.

"Everyone, please come in. I have set the energy frequency of the portal. Come on, follow me." Superman greeted at the door. After saying that, he turned around and walked into the door again.

Walking towards the glowing door, the Justice League gradually realized that they were on a different path than before.

Different from previous time and space travel, this teleportation that seemed to pull them directly took them from one point to another.

There is no connection, no continuity, and no logic between the two.

As soon as they opened their eyes, they were in another place.


"Huh? Why didn't you go in?"

Arthur watched the door gradually disappear into the air after the large army left. He turned around holding his trident, intending to talk to Star Man about the magazine.

Maybe Star Man has a collection of "Penthouse" from back then? That's a treasure, and many collectors are now willing to spend a lot of money to buy a copy of the first issue.

As a result, when he turned around, he found that Green Arrow, who had no sense of presence at all, had used him as a cover and hid behind his strong body.

Everyone forgot about Green Arrow's existence.

"Something isn't quite right."

Green Arrow straightened up and looked at the open space not far away, as if nothing had happened.

The troublemaker was sleeping standing not far away, which looked very strange.

"Huh? What's wrong? Is it Superman's new hairstyle?" Arthur scratched his head, but he didn't notice anything at all.

"His new uniform, those shiny golden patterns are not decorations, but metal that has been processed by Senagon technology." Green Arrow analyzed calmly. He felt something was wrong since returning to the Hall of Justice: "We lost the universe All the allies in the world, but obviously not in the world over there. Superman has not only found a solution to the problem, but has solved the problem."

"...Hey, I thought you were going to say something. Isn't this a good thing?" Arthur tilted his head and thought for a long time, then laughed and hooked his arm around Oliver's neck: "Let's go drink and celebrate. Star Man, you come too."

"If it was really a good thing, then why didn't he say it?" Oliver still looked doubtful, and he pushed Arthur's arm away: "If he is really Superman, he should know that we were all worried about the current situation of the universe when we parted. Worry, shouldn’t he tell us ‘the universe is safe’ right away, right?”

Arthur fumbled with his beard and tugged at the forked part with a grin: "I didn't feel it. Maybe he prepared a gift over there and wanted to give Batman and the others a surprise? He and Batman parted ways. After so many years, it’s natural to prepare for surprises when we meet.”

"Something's not right here, and I need to find Deathstroke."

Oliver had no intention of being convinced by Neptune, because no normal person would be convinced by Arthur unless his head was slapped by a fish with its tail.

He finished his sentence and disappeared in a flash.

Arthur's outstretched arm was still frozen in mid-air. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to retain something, but the person disappeared.

He blew the breath out of his nose, which made his nostrils look very large, and finally he dropped his arms in vain and sighed.

"Sigh, Green Arrow and Batman both have the same problem with being suspicious every day... Were there any similar people in your Justice Society back then?"

Sea King asked Xing Xia beside him, but Xing Xia had already taken out the pot from nowhere and held it in his hand like a doll.

After hearing what Aquaman said, Will Payton said without hesitation: "Time Man, he is the Batman of our time. God, he has a little bit of time ability. He uses this ability to constantly repeat the murder of his own father. An hour ago, he could not change the embrace of death. This torture made him a little... sensitive."

Arthur took a breath of cold air. It was really terrible. If Batman were to repeat the murder of his parents every day, he would probably go crazy, right?

Um? No, Thomas is back alive now, how should the matter be settled? Could it be that Deathstroke got another Martha from somewhere?

"Forget it, I don't want to think about it anymore. I'm not very smart. Of course I know that this kind of problem should be left to smart people." Arthur patted Star Man on the shoulder and showed an honest smile: "I'll go Get some wine, let’s drink and wait?”

"Although I don't want to admit that I am a hippie, I will never refuse a good drink." Star Man put the starfish aside, and it seemed to be asleep: "The stronger the better."

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