The Death Knell

Chapter 903 Identity Exchange

Turning his attention back to Gotham City, Su Ming and Thomas were still sitting on the mezzanine of Wayne Tower drinking, but the only food to go with the wine was spicy strips.

After the other people left, Thomas and Deathstroke looked at the dusty room, chatting and drinking non-stop.

Seeing that Deathstroke seemed to be planning to open a new bottle, Thomas first reached out to stop him and asked the key question.

"We're just going to do nothing?"

Su Ming shrugged, continued to unscrew the bottle cap, and drank on his own. Alcohol had almost no effect on him. No matter how strong the wine was, it was just like the happy water of Fat Mansion. It was just a taste.

"Doctor Wayne, things are not that simple. In addition to dealing with another crazy Bruce, we also have to deal with a big bald man and his men at the same time. If you want to ask who the other enemy is, you can ask directly. There is no need to cover it up like this. Cover up.”

"But if you use magic to transfer, there is no problem of being exposed."

Thomas really wanted to ask what the others were doing. Su Ming leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes, put the wine bottle on his lap, tilted his head back and said feebly:

"Magic comes at a price. I paid a lot of money. Now I am mentally exhausted and feel uncomfortable all over."

Thomas didn't believe such nonsense at all. It was very possible that magic required a price. Although he was not from the magic world, he could understand it. After all, alchemy had been popular in Europe and the United States, and the principle of equivalent exchange was that.

But this Deathstroke is not a regular sorcerer at all. In the previous actions, all kinds of magic were thrown around as if for free, and he didn't look uncomfortable no matter how he looked at it.

When people feel uncomfortable, they can't eat particularly spicy food, let alone drink a lot. Thomas has seen through the truth.

"What are you waiting for? You can just say it."

"There are a lot of things to observe. I'm just waiting for the other party to show off first. Now everyone is hiding in secret. We all have satellites and other means. It just depends on who can't keep calm."

Su Ming smiled and leaned on the back of the chair, still half dead. He used this old chair as a rocking chair. Only two legs of the chair supported the ground, making a creaking sound.

"Intelligence and clues will not come to your door by themselves." Thomas expressed his helplessness at Deathstroke's sudden transformation.

Su Ming tapped his fingers on the slender neck of the wine bottle: "There is actually a death knell in this world, an old man. For him, his thoughts are very similar to yours."

"Oh?" Thomas made a questioning voice, but there was no expression on his face.

"You don't believe anyone except Ah Fu, and he doesn't believe anyone except Dongqing. You all like to do everything yourself, so that you can feel at ease. I am different. I prefer to borrow the power of others sometimes."

Su Ming said lightly, and with his current posture, he looked more like a rich second generation than Bruce.

"Borrow? Or use?"

"That depends on the situation, doesn't it?"

Su Ming smiled and raised the bottle to Thomas. Now the Humiliation Team and the Shadow Pact Team were searching and scanning the whereabouts of the Laughing Bat in Gotham City. He was unpredictable about the Joker-turned-Batman, so finding him was purely a matter of personal strength. alive.

It makes the same difference with or without his involvement.

However, Su Ming also has a plan, which is simpler.

Just as the topic between the two was changing, a figure rolled into the room from the window. He was wearing black and yellow armor and red one-eyed goggles. He looked like Deathstroke looking in the mirror.

"The person you mentioned is here." Thomas had no intention of getting up, he just sat aside and watched the fun.

"Wrong again. The old man I told you about was slapped with a shield by me after he turned into a fish-man. Even if he has the ability to heal himself, with so many bones in his body broken, he won't be able to recover overnight."

Su Ming stood up and extended his hand to the other party.

"What about this?" Thomas sighed, the world is changing so fast now.

"The best mercenary on Earth Minus 11, Cindy Wilson." The new Deathstroke took off his helmet and tucked it under his arm, then brushed his short blond hair and greeted Thomas with a smile: "Nice to meet you. Come to you, old man, you are in a good position."

"..." Thomas was speechless. What was the old man's name?

Cindy didn't think there was anything wrong. After saying hello, she took off the Night Sword from her back and gave it back to Su Ming. Su Ming took the God Killer out of his belt and handed it to her.

"Be careful. This weapon is very dishonest. Make sure you are using it, not it using you."

When the two death knells exchanged hands, Su Ming also carefully warned that the God Killer would enhance the user's bloodthirsty instinct, and if allowed to develop, it would control the mind and turn people into irrational beasts.

It would be very troublesome if Cindy suffered some injuries that triggered the side effects of the self-healing factor and was controlled by this weapon.

"I know, I was thinking about getting some good weapons myself." Cindy took the God Killer and frowned, then calmed down and controlled it to change into several forms.

As she spoke, she took out a drawing board from her backpack without leaving a trace and handed it to Su Ming. Neither of them said anything about the drawing board, as if it was a gift they brought along.

"What can't you get with money? If things go well this time, the Senagan planet in the main world should undergo large-scale reconstruction. We can build a bridge through Eagle Man and get N-metal weapons made of alien craftsmanship from the Eagle Queen. Just exchange for supplies, as long as the aliens are carbon-based creatures, they also need to eat and drink water."

Su Ming smiled and talked to her, and came up with an idea casually. With the Waverider of the Legends of Tomorrow team, it would not be difficult to go to Senagon.

"Oh? I heard that Eagle Man was beaten into a vegetative state. Are you awake now?"

Cindy put away the God Killer and asked with interest.

The Night Sword is a product of N metal, but it was made by the Earth Vulcan. As the origin of N metal, Senagang has the most advanced methods of utilizing this metal.

Cindy also wants an N-metal weapon of her own, and her icon armor also needs to be upgraded.

But she also knew that the reason why the Night Sword was so powerful was because of the X-metal on it that looked like stars all over the sky. This was more difficult to do.

Su Ming's suit began to flow, and the black liquid turned into a solid black and yellow armor again, but the mask was not put on yet.

"Hawk Man's trauma is no longer a problem, but Barbatos' previous brainwashing caused him mental torture. This is the reason why he doesn't want to wake up. His body is subconsciously refusing to wake up and face the cruelty. Reality."

Cindy walked to Su Ming's chair, took a few sips of the wine he had drunk before, and said in a comfortable voice: "Ah~~~ So you have a plan?"

"He's sleeping, right? Then just enter his dreamland from the Kingdom of Dreams and kick his butt to wake him up." Su Ming gave the answer. It didn't require any medical or psychological means, it was as simple as that.

But we can't do that now. After killing Gotham Nightmare, other problems have been solved.

But the huge crack in the sky of the Kingdom of Dreams was not caused by the Dark Knights. Its destruction is already on the schedule, and now is not the time to take advantage of it.

Cindy nodded, which was similar to her idea. Then she replaced Deathstroke and took the original position, and also shook the chair:

"Batman's balance hasn't been paid to me yet, so don't let him die."

"Don't worry, Batman in the main world is very tough. The only one who can kill him is the Joker, but the Joker is dead now." Su Ming moved his neck, and the mask covered his face, and a red light lit up in the dark room. , his tone sounded unusually cold through the voice changer: "Besides, the person next to you is Thomas Wayne, Batman's father. If Batman really dies accidentally, you can ask him for payment."

"Are you ready to take action now?" Cindy asked him, then turned her head and showed Thomas a smile. If it were a big benefactor, the smile would be more sincere.

Su Ming adjusted the position of the big sword behind him: "If my calculations are correct, the ten minutes of the Zhenglian meeting should be almost over, and they will definitely not completely agree on their opinions. Someone should come to me to tell me the situation, but they won't. Knowing if it would be Barry or Oliver."

"Relying on the inertia of smart people? Haha, I guess it's not Barry. Although we haven't had much contact before, but do you remember how much he relied on Bliss when Earth was minus 11? Deathstroke is always the second choice. .”

Su Ming shrugged. What can be done about this? The Flash and Batman have known each other for too long. If Barry carries the memories from before Flashpoint, then they have known each other for at least fifty years.

How long have he and Su Mingcai known each other? Just one month.

It was enough for Barry to listen to Su Ming's words now. If Su Ming and Batman's plans seemed unreasonable, then he would definitely listen to Batman according to his habit.

Of course, if he holds the righteousness or acts brighter, Barry will choose the more conscientious side.

Oliver, on the other hand, can think for himself and doesn't care about the means. As Cindy said, he is more likely to come over.

"Your mission is to drink with Dr. Wayne here. When you are bored, go out and walk around the city. Laughter may come to you, but it is more likely that I will find him first."

Su Ming picked off a drop of X metal from the Night Sword and gave it to Cindy as a communication tool between the two.

Cindy took the drop of metal and pressed it on her breastplate. The metal spread out like running water: "But it is also possible that he will hide it completely and find another opportunity. You must know that there are too many unformed things in the Dark Multiverse. World, as long as he avoids it for a while, he may soon bring out another group of dark knights."

"Ugh...I can't help it. I can only see how the prevention work on Bliss's side is going, but I'm not very optimistic about her Dark Multiverse's 'joint defense plan'. She knows that she Is it difficult to convince all the other Batmans?" Su Ming sighed.

Cindy took out a cigar and lit it, taking a sip of wine and a cigarette in a leisurely manner: "What else can it do? It's just like the British Parliament, where a group of bats gather together for endless meetings... .By the way, if the person next to me is willing to participate, maybe it can help Bliss gain an advantage."

Su Ming thought for a moment and nodded: "If Bliss's price is reasonable, you can tell her the news, but we won't give it away. I want to see how deep her influence is on the Legend Team."

"She has a hostage in her hands, what do you think?" Cindy smiled and patted her thigh, still asking this question.

Thomas stood silently.

Is it really okay for the two Deathstrokes to discuss selling him while he is still here? And I really don’t understand what these young people are saying. The world really has to be left in the hands of young people.

The old Batman lowered his head to look at the wine bottle in his hand, shook his head, and gently put the empty bottle aside.

Although he thinks so, he won't do it because he is Batman.

"If you want to stay and drink with the old man to stage a cover-up, then you have to tell me about the situation in the multiverse, what has happened in the past few years, and what will happen next. Just tell me what you think you can tell."

Thomas looked at Cindy and said seriously, serious, just like Batman's expressionless face as always.

Cindy raised an eyebrow and looked at Su Ming with a smile. He nodded slightly to her.

So she blew out a puff of smoke, rubbed her thumb and index finger between her and Thomas, and made a 'swish' sound: "Of course, if the price is reasonable, Death Knell never disappoints others."

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