The Death Knell

Chapter 904 Owl Cemetery

"Death knell, things..."

Just as Su Ming was silently calculating and Cindy was negotiating the price with Thomas, Green Arrow appeared quietly beside him.

"No time to explain, get in the car quickly."

Su Ming grabbed his hand and threw out a portal with the other hand, and the two of them jumped in directly.

Green Arrow was completely confused, and was no match for Su Ming in terms of strength. He was carried into the portal like a little chicken.

"Huh? Wait, who was that just now? Where is this?"

After passing through the portal, the green arrow spit out by the voice staggered. The teleportation of the Upside Down Man was really dizzying. He was just an ordinary person, not a superhuman like Wonder Woman and Arthur.

There was a strange smell in the surrounding air, and the surroundings were so dark that it could be said that you couldn't see even your fingers.

"Turn people upside down, illumination."

Su Ming pointed to the top of his head, and immediately a ball of light emerged from a small magic circle, floating in the air like a jellyfish, illuminating the surrounding scene.

Oliver also rubbed his eyes. The sudden change in light took him some time to adapt, but he finally saw clearly what kind of place he was around.

This was a vast underground hall. The smell of decay and decay filled the tip of his nose. In the middle of the hall stood a huge white marble statue. Although it was wrapped with spider webs and some insect corpses, he could clearly see it. It was an owl standing upright.

As if standing on a branch of a tree, the statue's two big eyes are wide open, as if monitoring everything.

Surrounding the two people were many stone squares over two meters long, eighty centimeters wide and high, lying flat on the ground.

"Wait, this is the catacombs?"

Oliver recognized the coffins only when he saw them, and these coffins looked very luxurious, with owls spreading their wings carved on them, and each coffin seemed to be embraced by wings.

"The Owl Tomb, my friend, this is the final destination of the Owl Court in Gotham for hundreds of years." Su Ming casually opened a coffin and looked at the skeletons inside. These people didn't even have names, only one Zhang Huanghuang's owl mask: "Amber gold can only delay aging and make people feel happy, but in Gotham, the way humans die is not from old age."

Green Arrow rubbed his face: "I came back to talk to you about dimensions, not to help you deal with Laughter."

Su Ming didn't show his face, but he took a step back, showing surprise: "What? You spent money to follow the action, isn't it a wage earner like me who decides the itinerary? You, the big boss, are behind you Isn’t it good to eat melon seeds?”

Oliver was also speechless. Why did Deathstroke suddenly talk about consumer rights? I never saw you talking about it along the way!

"Not to mention that, Batman is here to cause trouble..."

Oliver planned to talk about what happened in the Hall of Justice, but Deathstroke did not give him a chance to continue. He only heard a low voice continue:

"I've been thinking about why Crazy Laughter wanted to bring Happy Dad and the Mayor of Gotham to the main world. Can't he kill them elsewhere? And the new Dark Knights he brought were almost killed by us one by one. Break through, he has obviously made this mistake last time, there is something very wrong here."

Su Ming directly talked about the abnormality of laughter, and seemed not to care at all about what was going on in the Hall of Justice.

As he spoke, he walked over to the owl statue and tapped it as if he were picking a watermelon. He also floated up to the statue and peered into the eagle's beak, as if to see if there were any mice making nests.

Oliver heard him seem to be talking to himself, 'It's just like the city cemetery in Paris'.

Consumer Green Arrow sighed: "Okay, if you think there won't be any trouble at the Hall of Justice, then we can just focus on this side first..."

Deathstroke nodded, and you could see the red eyes floating up and down like will-o'-the-wisps.

"Batman found Troublemaker. It seems that he repaired the Hall of Justice and made a plan about dimensions, right? It's interesting. Trickster can bypass my earth defense circle. I need to remember this information... ..."


Green Arrow almost didn't move for a moment. He decided to finish it first and laughed wildly. Why did Deathstroke suddenly talk about Zheng Lian again?

And he said it as if he saw it. Do you want it to be so accurate?

But that's all secondary. Green Arrow just feels that it's difficult to be a consumer, and Deathstroke's mind is jumping around and he doesn't know what he wants to say.

"What are you going to do? Do you have an accurate answer?" Oliver already showed a hopeless expression.

Su Ming landed slowly, and the mask faded from his face. He took out a pineapple from his bag, and then started peeling it with his giant sword.

"Eating some fruit for breakfast is good for your health. Wait until I get a skeleton to hold the salt water. Otherwise, even if this is a super serum pineapple, it will still taste a bit astringent."


What the hell is that name? Where does the blood from the pineapple come from? ! Does pineapple serum really work? ! Are these pineapples the super soldiers of pineapples? !

Oliver finally woke up, and his complaining soul spewed out a lot of jokes in his heart.

Su Ming was completely speechless when he saw Green Arrow, standing like a log in the darkness, but his eyes revealed the intense activity in his heart, and he smiled.

"Okay, as I said, you are the consumer boss, just follow me, can I still harm you?" He cut the pineapple in half with a sword, and did not really use the skeleton to soak it in water, but let him The water floated in front of me out of thin air, sprinkled some salt and threw the pineapple in.

Magic can do more than just kill people, it can also be used in daily life.

"...But I'm worried that they are in danger." Oliver sighed, watching the yellow pineapple spinning automatically in the water balloon.

"Are you worried about Batman? If you have some free time, why not think about what to eat for lunch." Su Ming laughed, wiped the sword with the back of his hand, and split the owl statue in half with one strike.

Accompanied by roaring sounds and a large amount of dust, he walked towards the base of the statue while driving away the dust in front of him. He used the soles of his shoes to push away the gravel and dust, and bent down to observe carefully.

"The Troublemaker asked them to go to the sixth dimension to find a way to save the universe. Superman went there first, but came back as a living person within ten seconds. He changed into a uniform..." Oliver looked at Deathstroke's face. Action, he folded his arms and just talked about his information.

"What kind of uniform? Black? White? Metallic?" Su Ming turned around and asked, seeming to be interested.

"A white uniform, a white cape or something." Green Arrow didn't know why Deathstroke asked this, but he simply answered the question: "And he is much older, his hair is white, and he also wears Wearing a golden headband, he looks like he was born in Senagan."

Su Ming stopped what he was doing, put the big sword on the ground beside him, and touched the chin of the mask: "Well, interesting, what color is the S letter on his chest? Red?"

Oliver was very sure that his memory was correct: "The golden, very exaggerated big S symbol spread from the chest to the shoulders."

"It looks like Lord Justice is no longer the leader, but there is another crazy Superman?" Su Ming made a tut-tsk sound, and it was hard to tell whether he was laughing or sighing.

Oliver frowned: "So, that Superman is fake?"

Su Ming nodded, but was not as nervous as he appeared: "Oliver, how many years have you been a member of the Justice League?"

"Me? About 2011, eight years ago." Oliver was not a brainless person, and Deathstroke's calmness and calmness quickly calmed him down.

"Although it's not the earliest, it's also not the latest." Su Ming said noncommittally, took out a pineapple stick from the salt water in the air, shook it, and lowered his mask.

"It's true that it's not as early as Diana and the others, but it's earlier than Ron and Hawkman." Green Arrow recalled the situation at that time.

Su Ming controlled the water balloon to float toward Oliver, gesturing to him to eat the pineapple himself. At the same time, he chewed the pineapple and said, "So you and Superman have been companions for so many years. Do you know what Superman's greatest feature is?"

Oliver sat on the coffin nearby and accepted the kindness of a piece of pineapple. He lowered his head and thought for a while, then said:

"It's his sense of justice and morality, and his kindness like a child..."

"Wrong! The biggest characteristic of Superman is that he likes to wear his underwear outside!" Su Ming shook his finger and rejected Oliver's next words: "Not all Superman wearing underwear outside is real, but there is no one who wears it like this. Superman is either a fake or from a parallel world."

"This..." Oliver thought about it carefully, and I thought, it seemed like this was true: "Speedmaster does not have red underwear, and Bizarro created by Luther also doesn't have it. I saw it before. Neither did the one in the white uniform..."

Although this is not comprehensive, because N52 Superman does not wear underwear outside, but after Manhattan intervened in the main world, Earth 0 Superman's red underwear came back.

And there is no need to say this.

Su Ming spread his hands and showed a relaxed expression: "Will wearing underwear outside increase combat effectiveness? No, that is not Batman's belt, and you can't take out any magic weapon from it. So the answer is very simple. Wearing pants outside is Superman’s personal hobby!”


Green Arrow felt that although what Deathstroke said was unpleasant, it was too reasonable to refute. Superman used to attract other people's attention with his smile, making it impossible for people to notice that he was wearing his underwear. Is it so dark?

"Obviously, you were deceived by an impostor. To be honest, looking for a troublemaker? It's really a bit crazy. Doesn't his nickname indicate who he is?"

The clown virus in Batman's body seems to have a big impact. Although his thinking is broad, it is still ridiculous.

If he wants to study dimensional issues, he should look for Bat-Elf.

Bat Spirit, also called Bat Mite, is also one of the two most powerful five-dimensional demons. Moreover, that guy is a loyal fan of Batman and usually dresses up as Batman.

Even when he goes to hang out at Marvel, he dresses as Batman. It is conceivable that as long as conditions permit, he will certainly respond to Batman's requests.

This is not new, Batman should also have the same information as Deathstroke.

But the fact that he chose a more "interesting" Troublemaker instead of a loyal Bat-girl shows that he wants things to go according to his plan and the process will be fun.

And pursuing fun is not something a normal Batman would do...

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