The Death Knell

Chapter 917 New reasoning

No traps, no bombs, nothing.

After undergoing super strengthening, the Hell Bat armor was easily abandoned by the Laughing Bat, and now it became a two-legged chair blooming like a lotus.

"There are ten kinds of metals on this armor, but he treats it as a disposable prop." Su Ming crossed his arms and said to Batman beside him.

Batman came over to check the armor, and then checked the dead bodies on the ground: "The Hell Bat Armor carries a self-destruct program, but I cracked it. The Laughing Bat has been talking to you through the walkie-talkie, and the person inside is from It is still unclear whether Luthor’s artificial superman plan is the Luthor of our world.”

The pale corpse was extremely shriveled, like a famished man with skin and bones, and the frightened expression was fixed on its face in the darkness. Who knows how Batman recognized such an abstract work.

"Artificial Superman, huh? This guy looks much better than Bizarro. At least he looks human when scared, not like Frankenstein."

But Su Ming sighed, he finally understood why this suit of armor could last for so long.

"He should have been under some kind of mind control until he died. Although he woke up in the end, it was too late." Batman stood up and looked at the Hell Bat next to him, as if he was planning to sit in it himself.

Su Ming saw his actions and said quietly: "You don't plan to use the crazy laughter to leave you something, do you? I suggest you don't do that. Since he can predict your arrival, maybe you have no idea. trap."

"It won't be used now. It must be completely disassembled and reassembled to make sure there is no problem. We don't have time now." Batman turned around, looked at the vomiting Justice League, and asked Deathstroke: "We Next, we need to rescue Superman, ensure that the Laughing Bat has left, defeat the Legion of Destruction, and investigate what the White Superman is."

Su Ming took out another cigarette from his belt and added it: "It sounds like a lot of trouble. If you are asking about my plan, then you must at least offer something in exchange."

Batman's face was expressionless, and he was huddled under his black cloak: "Sometimes I really don't know what you are thinking. The multiverse is in extreme danger now. Aren't you worried that the benefits you get will not be realized?"

"That's my own business. I am a person who likes hard work, but I hope that what I put in will be rewarded. You will reap melons if you sow melons, and you will reap beans if you sow beans. I took a huge risk to fight side by side with you, and I don't want you to take it for granted in the end. , I think it's natural." Su Ming blew out a faint smoke ring and looked down at the corpse on the ground.

"No one in the Justice League takes other people's efforts for granted. We all appreciate your sympathy." Batman said coldly.

Su Ming smiled and shook his head slowly: "That's the problem, Batman. The world takes the Justice League to protect the earth as a matter of course. If you don't ask them to pay, the masses will feel that you have nothing to do with them... ...You have been living in Gotham, tell me, what is the approximate price of a favor?"

"...I knew that the Hall of Justice should charge admission." Batman naturally understood what Deathstroke meant, and I have to say that the two people's views were surprisingly consistent. Batman himself had said these words to Superman not long ago. It’s almost the same: “We protect the earth, and when people want to give us something for various reasons, we push them away with good intentions and say ‘no need’, and this just isolates us from the masses. "

Su Ming touched his beard. This is the sad thing about vigilantes.

If you do it well, it is a matter of course; if you do it poorly, you will be a sinner through the ages. Human beings are creatures driven by various habits, and the Justice League has cultivated them into people who are accustomed to getting something for nothing:

"Even if it is just one dollar, the Hall of Justice should charge admission. This is some kind of communication and connection. The birth of currency has replaced barter, but the essence of communication has not changed. People need communication in all aspects, and I just let you When you see that, you feel uncomfortable."

Batman hugged his arms and turned to look at the clown beside him. He seemed to have forgotten the previous unpleasantness. At this time, he was sitting on the corpse with a playful smile, holding his chin with his hands like flowers and looking at the two people.

"What do you want?" Batman understood why Deathstroke needed payment. As for the idea of ​​owing favors, he was full of doubts about whether he would repay the favor, let alone others: "The four tasks I mentioned before , you have to bear at least one of them."

"Are you planning to divide your troops again? Are you waiting to be defeated by Luther?" Another puff of smoke slowly drifted away, and he flicked the ashes to the side.

"What do you think?" Batman immediately buried the hole he dug.

"I want one kryptonite in each of the five colors, or you can just give me the anti-Superman gloves. This is the condition." Su Ming raised a finger and shook it gently: "You know, with my ability, In fact, if you want these things, you can find them quickly, but I don’t think it’s troublesome, so it’s more convenient to get them directly from you.”

In fact, there is a kind of kryptonite that is common to all parallel universe supermen, and that is pink kryptonite.

Its function is to turn Superman into a to say, the strategic significance is greater than the tactical significance.

Batman was silent for a moment at Deathstroke's proposal. After a moment, he nodded. In his opinion, Deathstroke had no hostility toward Superman. He was seeking Kryptonite just for precaution, just like himself.

Seeing Batman take out the five-finger death fist, Su Ming accepted it without any guilt and immediately changed the subject: "There are four tasks before us now, and dividing the troops is definitely a risky method. In fact, we can Notify our allies and let them take their share."

Batman in the darkness said in a low tone: "Earth has no allies. After the wall of origin was shattered, former allies of other planets in the universe have severed their agreements."

Su Ming raised his arm to call everyone else to the meeting. After seeing everyone wiping their mouths gathered around, he said: "You have made the mistake I made before, always looking into the distance and not paying attention to your feet. We still have many allies. "

Batman frowned, and Diana seemed to understand what Su Ming meant: "You want to mobilize the wizards in the magical world?"

"Diana, do you still remember the threat from the interior of the earth? That race that claims to raise all humans as pigs?" Su Ming shook his head with a smile. There are indeed some powerful beings among sorcerers, but those who are human and righteous The alliance doesn't work.

Batman understood Deathstroke's words, and he had no expression: "You are talking about the Xitars. They come from another dimension. They are the product of human evolution to the extreme, or in other words, they are monsters."

"It seems that you remember them, another branch of the human race, the Xitars. To be honest, even their hair has evolved into poisonous tentacles so that they can kill their own kind? This evolution is a bit too much."

Su Ming spread his hands. Although the Xitar people are unfamiliar to many people, they can be compared with other races that are relatively well-known in the world.

They are the dark elves in the DND worldview, but here is the DC version. They are not elves, but dark humans who evolved in a harsh environment in another cruel dimension.

Although they do not believe in God, there are many similarities between the two.

For example, the matriarchal family is in power now, their favorite mount is a giant spider, they call themselves 'Pain' when attacking, and everyone is good at conspiracy and killing.

Of course, they are ugly, with fluorescent green skin and wriggling tentacles on their heads, which is completely different from the sexy and hot dark elves.

And what they seek is not dominance. They will only regard surface people as food.

Dealing with them has always been a task for the magic world. The Xitar people's hometown is a place called Miracle Rock, which is in another dimension. It is the task of the wizards to block these portals that may appear in the city's sewers at any time.

Not every time was so successful. There were many times when the Tatar army rushed out of the sewers, but at most they only killed tens of thousands of people.

Batman thought for a while, and so did Ron. Maybe they hadn't thought of it before, but now that Deathstroke had brought it up, they had to face this possibility.

"Are you saying that the world of the Xitars is in the third dimension, and that they are weapon creatures created by Papetua?" Batman asked.

Ron nodded: "The custodian of Mars once told me that Papetua once created a creature with the body of a Martian and the spirit of an Earthling. It was cruel and aggressive, and bloodthirsty. Now it seems , is indeed a portrayal of Xitar people, how could I not notice this?"

The Xitar people claim to be the pinnacle of human evolution, coming from other unknown dimensions, with glowing green skin, and so many characteristics that fit perfectly.

"I thought those colossi on the Origin Wall were Papetua's legion..." John was a little confused. The cities invaded by the Xitars were limited, and he was not a superhero at that time.

"The Xitars are very good at genetic technology. Their giant spiders and giant wasps are standard equipment for the army. It is not difficult for them to create giants, not to mention that Papetua may have left them methods." Ron immediately convinced John again.

Diana touched her chin at this time: "I remember that a long time ago, the magic world had a war with them, and the wizards worked together to erase all their paths to the main dimension. Logically speaking, there should be no There’s a problem…”

"But that was before. The Barbatos invasion was a month ago. Since then, the Xitars have found a way into the Dark Multiverse, and they are now looking for a way to our multiverse."

Su Ming calmly told the information that no one present knew, and this was the truth.

No one had any intention of doubting this, so their faces became even uglier for a while.

"Okay, that's not what I want to say. I just want to let you know who the enemy is in advance." He clapped his hands again, telling everyone to cheer up: "There has always been a team in the magic world focused on dealing with the Xitars. , their experience in fighting those extra-dimensional monsters is unparalleled, we asked them to help."

Diana will never be discouraged, she will continue to fight even if there is no hope, not to mention Deathstroke gave a clue: "I know, you are talking about the Seven Victorious Warriors."

"Yes, the third generation of the Seven Victorious Warriors. Now their members are Zatanna, Frankenstein, Witch Boy, Mister Miracle, Radiant Knight, Missile Woman, Manhattan Guardian, plus a supernumerary young man. '."

Su Ming nodded to Diana with a smile and directly gave the list, and this team, except for Zatanna, were undoubtedly anti-heroes.

Although they gather less often and stay apart more often, after all, the wizards usually have their own things to do, but at the critical moment, they are all willing to listen to Zatanna's command.

"As for whether we can mobilize this team, it's not a problem at all, because we have Batman."

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