The Death Knell

Chapter 918 Barry’s Thoughts


Seeing everyone looking at Batman with amused eyes, Diana coughed twice in annoyance.

Although Batman and Zatanna had an ambiguous relationship before, Catwoman eventually won out.

Although Catwoman's body is now frozen and cold, isn't it bad to so quickly propose that she relies on Batman's connections to control the team?

Su Ming looked at Batman, then at everyone, and shrugged: "It doesn't matter if you feel embarrassed. I can go to Constantine, and he will definitely be able to convince Zatanna."

"No need, I can do it."

Batman agreed expressionlessly. Among the seven victorious warriors are the top sorcerers Zatanna and Witch Boy, as well as some of the strongest human shield warriors. They are extremely powerful even in other dimensions. . "

Su Ming nodded, knowing that Batman would make the right choice: "That's good, send them to find Superman, and go to the so-called sixth dimension to deal with the guy who lied to you."

Diana was a little worried. She still felt out of breath when she recalled what she saw there at that time: "Let's not talk about the troublemaker, but his accomplices are at least multiverse level, and all the fakes we fought were him. The seven warriors who are always victorious..."

"Don't worry, Zatanna is a user of reverse magic. She is now directly connected to the upside down people. The witch boy not only has the 'Destiny Dice' in his hand, but also the 'Father Box' snatched from the Xitar people. Others. Several warriors are either invulnerable or immortal, and there are also universe-level escape masters like Mr. Miracle in the team. To be honest, their strength is much more balanced than yours."

"Hmph, it makes it seem like our Justice League is weak. Since you think it's okay, then let them go."

Although Diana was relieved, she didn't want to hear such a statement. Zheng Lian ran away in despair, and the Seven Warriors had to take revenge. She always felt like she was weak.

Su Ming also guessed what she was thinking, and the expressions on the other people's faces had the same meaning. Except for Batman, who had no objection to escaping, everyone else showed a little bit of shame.

Whether Zheng Lian was ashamed or not was not within Su Ming's consideration. Don't be embarrassed at this critical moment of life and death. He continued:

"The Upside Down just told me that the person who is dealing with you in the so-called sixth dimension is the World Forger, the missing master of Barbatos. I finally understand where he went when Barbatos came here to cause trouble. It turns out that he is not dead, but forging iron in another dimension."

This is deduced, combined with the information brought by the Upside Down and Oliver.

The Monitor died a long time ago, and the spaceship Dome is still in the hands of Zheng Lian. And the Anti-Monitor fell into the trap of Laughter and was killed last time, so wouldn’t the only one left is the Forger among Papetua’s three sons?

Zheng Lian first went to the sixth dimension to do some research and fought with the opponent. It was not like they got nothing, because they probed for information.

The World Forger may be able to forge a universe and create some plausible heroes, but he doesn't know magic.

If you don't know magic, then use magic to restrain it. The Seven Victorious Warriors are a very mature team, at least in this case they are more reliable than Shadow Pact.

"Your information is very valuable." Batman couldn't help but sigh. He knew that the source of Deathstroke's information was unknown, but he had no reason to lie at this time: "If they need help, the Justice League may also have a way."

Su Ming waved his hand, these two things are actually the same thing. There is a high probability that Superman is also trapped in the sixth dimension. In the past, he just did it all at once: "Don't bother, even if they want to save magic power, they can still pass the route." With the super power to travel across dimensions, that kid can open a portal just by drawing a V in the air, and he will be foolproof whether he is attacking or retreating."

"Qijiao, if I remember correctly, he is the new masked man in Gotham." Batman recalled something.

"That's right. At that time, Challenger Mountain, the black mountain suddenly appeared in Gotham City. This guy was walking on his way home from school and happened to fall into a crack in the road, which led directly to the darkness and diversity. He came into contact with the Heavenly Blood As well as the energy of the dark universe, and also exposed to the Speed ​​Force, you can probably guess the rest, right?"

"Is he a speedster?" Barry wiped the corners of his mouth vigorously, getting excited when he heard the Speed ​​Force.

Su Ming glanced at him and smiled: "No, he admires Batman. After Barbatos was eliminated, he immediately found a friend to make a uniform and became a vigilante. As a result, he met him on his first mission. The speedster from Midtown went to Gotham to rob a bank, and when his hand shook accidentally, he killed the speedster."


Barry was speechless. How could this be worship? This was the peak of his debut, and he suddenly became dark!

Even Batman sighed and took another path if he wanted to kill people.

"He is a good person, and it is not wrong to kill people. Are you still going to avenge the villain? Forget it." Su Ming waved his hand angrily, indicating that the topic would continue: "There are two problems left, which are to deal with the troublemaker and Lu The Segapa Petua Legion', these bald people are indeed the most difficult to deal with..."

Batman thought for a while and let the Hell Bat suit close again: "I will deal with the troublemaker. He must know something. I can't let you kill him."

"Then only Luther is left. The problem is here. If we don't know where he is hiding, we can't find him at all. We can only wait for him to take action."

Su Ming was a little helpless. Luther now had both technology and a sorcerer. It was too difficult to lock him down using these two methods.

Batman turned around and walked into the darkness. He didn't know that the Court of Owls had such a secret base. The best way was to pour cement into it.

But before that, he had to explore the situation here first. There was an obvious place where the airship was parked behind, which should be located underground in Gotham City Hall.

While he was thinking, he said to Deathstroke: "It is up to the Justice League to resolve the Legion of Destruction matter. You can go and help the Seven Warriors."

"Okay, but Green Arrow has to come with me." Su Ming nodded.

"What? Is Oliver here? Why doesn't he come out?" Barry turned his head rapidly from side to side.

Su Ming gave Barry a confidential look, and Barry understood again that Deathstroke didn't want to say anything.


Batman replied succinctly, and then quickened his pace. He had to avoid everyone and talk to the Joker.

Watching Batman walk into the darkness, several members of the Justice League, except Ron, followed him, and everyone else stayed where they were, standing idle and waiting.

Diana looked at Su Ming and casually helped him pull out the giant sword stuck on the ground:

"Is your injury okay?"

"It's just a joke. It takes some time to heal, but it's not the first time I've been injured."

Su Ming's mood has improved a lot now. If it wasn't for him to calm down, he wouldn't have said so many words to the Justice League in a dark place.

There are still many things to come.

Diana thought for a while: "If possible, I would like to bring both the Titans and the Young Alliance with me when we fight against the Legion of Destruction. Do you think it's okay?"

"Donna, what are they doing now?" Su Ming hadn't seen them since they separated last time.

In fact, it was only one night, but including the time spent at Marvel, it has been more than ten years.

"Hai Shao Xia Gus turned into a fish and suffered some injuries. After the matter was resolved, apart from spending some time together in the hospital, everyone else should be resting at home now."

Diana still knew a little bit about Donna's whereabouts. After all, the two returned to Paradise Island together, and the girl later left after being notified by her companions.

Su Ming looked at her very seriously: "If there are more people than others, then you must seize the opportunity. Anyway, there is no harm in bringing those two teams into action. As long as you can protect the raven and Princess Amethyst, Two powerful sorcerers can give you a great advantage, but..."

"Just what?" Diana was worried.

Su Ming breathed out slowly: "I'm worried that Luther may expose Zhenglian's destruction of the Origin Wall and incite all the people to fight against you. If you don't have a plan for this, things may become ugly."

"It's impossible for us to kill those who are incited, right? Batman has thought of this, but I don't know if he is prepared." Diana scratched her hair and head helplessly.

"In short, we must be careful not to let the Legion of Destruction restore the earth's communication methods. Television, radio, newspapers, especially the Internet, must firmly control the position of public opinion."

"We know, but fortunately the flood also bought us some time." Barry unknowingly got between the two of them, attracting Diana's 'death stare', but he didn't notice it at all, but quickly Talking to Deathstroke.

"This is not our time, Barry. Don't forget that the Legion of Destruction is also waiting for Papetua to wake up. They also need time." Su Ming could not think of any good way to find the other party for a while: "If Papetua wakes up, Come on, we will immediately fall into passivity. Although she compressed herself into the multiverse and hid after the creation, which is logically a downgrade, she is still the pinnacle of the multiverse."

"How about I try to go back in time from the Speed ​​Force to see who sealed her into the wall of origin. How about we ask that person to take action again?"

Barry touched his head and came up with a plan related to the Speed ​​Force.

The Speed ​​Force plane is a very wonderful place. Not only can you travel through time and space, but you can also view some timelines that happened or did not happen in the past.

Su Ming rubbed his head with a surprised expression on his face: "Okay, why did he seem to become smarter after going to the sixth dimension?"

Barry waved his hands in embarrassment, his face a little red: "Stop talking, you will be cheated if you go there. I chatted with the fake Wally there for several hours, and some of the things he said seemed to me to be fantasy. , but there are some things I think I can try."

"Then try it and start walking."

Su Ming let go of him, and looked at Barry with encouraging eyes together with Diana, like onlookers waiting to eat melon.

Barry sighed and stretched out his hand to Su Ming: "Then you have to give me some food first. I vomited all the good food I ate in the sixth dimension..."

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