The Death Knell

Chapter 941 Wolverine

"Why did you suddenly decide to go to Japan again? Or a place like Nagasaki that was bombed by nuclear weapons?"

After returning to the beach house, the two exchanged a few words. Gin leaned against the door with the bottle in his arms, curiously watching Su Ming pack his things and put them in his pocket.

Her hair has grown quite a bit over the years, but instead of being braided like other Valkyries, it is spread over her shoulders, making her look more feminine.

Su Ming put Gin's armor into his bag, looked around and found nothing was missing, then turned around and sat on the sofa, patting his side.

"Natasha went to Japan alone. This is very dangerous. Although Japan has been defeated in the past few years, it will only make some people become more perverted instead of restrained."

"Well, I've seen her strength too. As long as you act carefully, you should be fine, right?" Ginjiu came over and sat next to Su Ming, putting her bottle into his hand.

Su Ming sighed helplessly. He raised his head and leaned on the back of the sofa: "If she was alone, I wouldn't worry at all. But the person she is looking for in Japan is called Wolverine, and that guy is always being hunted by people. Monitoring. And he is the same as Steve. Any covert operation involving him will eventually turn into a forced attack, and it is 100% certain that he will be discovered."

"In other words, it's better not to find it, but if it is found, she will be dragged down."

Gin understood, and she thought of Thor, who also had a similar style.

Once it starts, the big hammer will clang and the thunder and lightning will crackle, which can wake up even the deepest sleeping Frost Giant.

However, Asgard originally focused on defeating the enemy head-on. Thor's loud and vigorous battle was regarded as a manifestation of bravery and fearlessness.

"The girls in Spider Web are different from you Valkyrie. They are better at stealth operations. But hanging out with people like Wolverine means giving up their strengths and exposing all their weaknesses."

Su Ming held Ginjiu's hand and pressed a finger every time he mentioned a weakness. Soon Ginjiu's little fist was clenched.

There is still a branch of Baron Sitric in Japan, which is one of the largest branches of Hydra today, and its influence has penetrated into all aspects of the Japanese government.

In addition to Hydra, Japan also has the Hand, a local force. The group of people who split from the Holy Shield Brotherhood are all ninjas loyal to their leader and are not afraid of death at all.

When Steve underwent the transformation surgery, Su Ming had dealt with the Hand. Not only were these ninjas fearless of death, but they were also treated as abandoned by their leader like props.

"Then do you know his current location?" Gin flexed his knuckles: "It won't matter if we find that person in advance."

"Do you really think I know everything? I only know that he was bombed by a nuclear bomb before Japan surrendered. Who knows where he went after that!" Su Ming rubbed Gin's hair.

"Really? Stare..."

Gin moved closer instead, with a look of suspicion on her face. She knew his style too well.

Su Ming sighed. Indeed, he still knew some information, but he couldn't be sure. If you say it but it's not accurate, that won't ruin your reputation.

"Okay, let's go to the Jasmine Falls in the mountains of Nagasaki Prefecture. He may learn martial arts from a man named Ogun Miyamoto there."

Under Gin's gaze, Su Ming still told the news that he was not sure about, because this was Earth 40K, not 616. The similarities between the two parallel worlds also became more and more different with Su Ming's series of interventions. Come bigger.

For example, Charles in 616 was not bald when he was a child. The Charles in this world became bald when he was only a few years old; Nick Fury in 616 is white, but Fury here is black.

Differences like this are everywhere, and if Su Ming had not come here, this would probably be a 'timeline' world collected by Kang the Conqueror.

There have been so many changes, and the previous intelligence is becoming more and more useless. Everything has changed after World War II. This is the reason why he established an intelligence agency.

And if something changes and no one can be found in Japan, then we have to wait for the beast to build a brainwave amplifier for Charles.

"Let's go, my Valkyrie, let's live the life of the Supreme Emperor." Su Ming took off his cloak and turned it into a flying carpet. He smiled and stretched out a hand towards Gin.

Although Gin handed him her hand and sat on the flying carpet, the expression on her face was strange. She didn't understand what the Supreme Emperor meant at all.

But she doesn't care, as long as the two of them are together.


The difference with Su Ming's intelligence is that although Logan was also bombed by a nuclear bomb before, it was not in the naval prisoner of war camp in Nagasaki, but in Hiroshima.

During World War II, although he was also an Allied soldier, Logan actually joined the Canadian Army.

Canada had always been a British Dominion before 1982, and their military was naturally under British command.

Although Logan and his brother Sabretooth also operated with Captain America's invasion team, the people they were more familiar with were the British agents represented by MI6.

After achieving some victories in the European battlefield, Logan's superpower team was transferred to the Pacific battlefield by the British army, preparing to help the US military compete for the dotted island chain.

However, the big men sitting in the office have forgotten one thing, and that is - although super powers are strong, it is another matter on the sea.

The transport ship Logan and the others were on ate the torpedoes of the little devils, and a boatload of superpowers and mutants turned into fish food.

Only a few people survived. Logan and Victor were separated. The only one with him was the captain of the team, Captain Warren. The two people who were almost drowned in the water were treated like fish by the devils. He was picked up and imprisoned in a prisoner of war camp in Nagasaki.

But how could a mere well contain two mutants?

Logan and Captain Warren escaped and ran all the way to Hiroshima, where they lived in seclusion.

Wolverine's memory was somewhat affected because the torpedo hit him on the head across the cabin. He couldn't remember what happened before, but he didn't care. He fell in love with a Japanese woman, Atsuko, and the two soon became a family and lived together sweetly.

But the good times didn't last long. One day after Logan came home from the fields, he found that Captain Warren had killed Atsuko, as if he had become a different person and planned to kill him.

So the two mutants struggled together, and while the two were fighting, the second sun lit up in the sky.

Hiroshima was hit by one of Howard's favorite products, an atomic bomb, and the two mutants who were punching to the ground were blown to pieces like little ants under the power of destroying the world.

The difference is that Logan has the ability to heal himself, and he was fine within a few days. And Captain Warren couldn't even find ashes, which left Logan forever living in doubt.

He didn't know why the captain wanted to kill his wife or why he wanted to kill him. There were many things he didn't understand.

It was no longer possible to survive around Hiroshima City, so he could only go to a more remote place to live in seclusion. He chose the Miyajima area in Hiroshima Prefecture.

There is the calm Seto Inland Sea, tall waterside pavilions with red pillars, black ghost tiles, and the vast blue sky and sea. Everything looks so peaceful.

Over the years, he has lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests. When he has time, he either goes to see the big torii gate of Itsukushima or feeds sika deer at the shrine, practicing self-cultivation and living like a retired old man.

He doesn't need money, he can go into the mountains to hunt by himself, and for the money to buy clothes, he can exchange animal skins with others.

He found that the Japanese in the countryside were still very simple, not at all different from the Japanese on the battlefield. Logan gradually became familiar with them and felt that the Japanese were even friendlier than Europeans and Americans.

They worship the strong because Logan is very strong and looks majestic, so everyone is very polite to him.

And even if he showed mutant powers, people would only admire and envy him because of his superpowers.

Instead of rolling their eyes and screaming in fear, they were all shouting words like "Sugaoyi" and "Death", with longing shining in their eyes.

Everyone praises his super powers.

In such an environment, he was called Lord Wolf Warrior by the villagers, which felt great.

During these years of seclusion, he even thought about the meaning of war, or wrote some haiku, painted some landscapes, etc...

Ah, this quiet and inactive mentality, hatred? War and Peace? Right and wrong? That doesn't matter anymore.

However, this state of mind was broken today.

When he was feeding deer at the shrine, he met a Japanese woman who looked similar to Atsuko but was more beautiful. She came to the shrine to pray for the new year in advance.

His heart could no longer be at peace.

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