The Death Knell

Chapter 942: Plugging a wolf into a match

Logan, who was completely unaware of his situation, went to talk to the woman with a cocky expression on his face. He knew that this would make him look majestic and manly.

His height is considered short in Europe and the United States, but in Japan of this era, 1.6 meters is enough!

In the past, I could only look up at people, but now I can look down at some people. This is where my confidence comes from.

Japanese women are more tactful than European and American women. When a stranger talks to them, they will always turn their heads away without making eye contact, revealing a section of the snow-white neck on the collar of their kimono.

This woman's neck was very beautiful, like lustrous white jade. When Logan looked at the woman in front of him, he was stunned for a moment.

Under his gaze, the neck quickly turned red. The woman felt ashamed and angry at the man blocking her way, but her voice after speaking was as weak as a mosquito.

"Your Excellency? You are blocking me..."

"Oh, um, I want to ask your name."

Logan came back to his senses and spoke directly, as European and American as ever.

The scene is full of Japanese delicacy and beauty.

At dusk when the snow cleared, there were deers not far away watching them. The man and woman met for the first time under the eaves of the shrine. The crimson pillars were like their faces.

The sunlight reflected on the snow was exceptionally soft, and the setting sun gave the two of them a golden rim. Logan looked at the small flowers on her kimono, and they all looked so delicate and delicate.

Japanese women at this time are reserved and shy, but they also worship the strong.

Although Wolverine is a black-furred wolf, one look at his facial features shows that he is European and American. As for which country he is from, does it matter?

The Allies were all victors anyway, and the foreign men defeated all the men in Japan. It was that simple.

"My surname is Yamamoto, and I live at the foot of the mountain."

She whispered this sentence, then covered her face and walked away, leaving only Logan looking at her back, feeling lost.

He suddenly remembered Kobayashi Icha's famous haiku: This world is as short as dew.

The two met each other for just a short moment, but his heart was captured. However, the silence made everything pass too fast, and he didn't have time to say a few more words.

However, if the other party has a surname, it means that he is not a peasant family, and there are at least samurai in his ancestors.

Land in Japan is privately owned, so her home must have a yard, and it can be easily found based on the last name.

Logan suddenly felt better.

The deer around him came over and tugged at the hay in his hand, shaking their heads. They had been waiting for a long time, but this man didn't give them anything to eat. It was really bad.

Wolverine finally came to his senses. He smiled and let go of his hand, put the hay on the ground, touched the deer's head, turned around and left quickly.

He wants to go back and take a shower, change into a more decent kimono, and then bring some gifts to the Yamamoto family as a guest. He will go tonight!

In fact, if Su Ming were here, he might be able to tell him some additional information.

In ordinary samurai families, girls would not have surnames. Only grassroots reformist families would give their daughters family surnames in an unconventional way in this era.

Japan's so-called grassroots revolutionary faction in the military was also called the aggressive faction by the outside world before the war, that is, the faction that started the war.

In other families, fathers and brothers would die at the hands of Wolverine when they got into trouble. During World War II, Logan probably killed as many as eight hundred Yamamotos, if not a thousand.

Besides, what if Yamamoto is her husband’s surname? Isn't it awkward to go to someone else's husband's house at night?

Although many US troops stationed in Japan now like to play the "husband's current" way, Logan is also a future superhero after all. He still has some bottom lines, although the bottom line is not very high.

But at this time, Wolverine's simple brain didn't think of that much. His mind was filled with the figure of the woman. He wanted to see her as soon as possible, and he didn't think about all the problems.

He returned to the mountain, broke the ice on the lake, took off his clothes, jumped down and scrubbed himself vigorously.

He is Canadian, as resistant to cold as the furry bear, and his body is strong enough. Winter swimming is just a piece of cake for him.

After scrubbing it back and forth several times, he felt that there seemed to be no odor anymore, and then he ran home naked and put on the new kimono he had planned to wear for the New Year.

There was nothing suitable to give as a gift, except the boar leg that had not been eaten since the last hunt.

Nearly ten years have passed since Japan's defeat in the war, but the bitter consequences of the defeat are far from being fully digested. The Japanese government has determined to use a generation to make up for the gap in population and economy, and this generation will naturally not live well. Go there.

It is a small country in the first place. To start a war is to gamble on the fate of the country. If it loses, it will naturally lose everything.

The upper class of society has been affected, let alone ordinary people. It is difficult to survive in daily life, and only wild vegetable porridge can be eaten.

Now this boar leg is not completely unattainable.

But after all, it is a gift, so you still need to shave off the hair and tap the frozen blood to make it look better.

By the time he finished processing the pig legs, it was already dark. The golden sunset has disappeared, and the faint moonlight shines on the snow-capped mountains.

The shadows of the trees were stretched very long, and they all pointed in the direction of the town.

Logan checked his clothes one last time and went down the mountain satisfied. There was no need to lock the door to his house. No one would steal his things here anyway. He was so confident.

It was like running wildly all the way to the town. Because he had something on his mind, he couldn't ask anyone. He could only look at the name tags one by one in front of the compound. It took him a long time to find them, as if he was a thief. When people found out, Logan knocked on the door.

Creaking... The thick pine door opened, and a young man stuck his head out. Before Logan could speak, he immediately bowed with a smile on his face.

"Lord Wolf Warrior, I'm Yamamoto Ichiro. I've been waiting for you for a long time."


Only then did Logan think of that problem. Could this be that woman's husband?

It's not good in person, forget it.

Although the short young man opposite looked hairless and had the appearance of an immature child, he was very smart. He immediately saw what Logan was worried about and immediately got out of the way before Logan could show his intention. He walked to the door and gestured to come in.

"Earlier, my sister said that she met you at the shrine and invited you to come to my humble house as a guest. I have made all the preparations. Please go to the inner room to drink tea."

Oh, it turns out to be my sister, so that’s no problem.

Logan politely handed over the pig leg souvenir and entered the door magnanimously. His face, which originally looked like everyone owed him money, was now smiling.

After all, he is still a Canadian, and he doesn't know much about Eastern traditions even after living in seclusion in Japan for ten years.

Many Japanese etiquettes were learned from the Tang Dynasty, so it was natural to entertain guests in the living room. However, when he first visited the house, he was invited to the inner room to drink tea by the female family members. This so-called entry into the house was accomplished in one step.

What it meant, he didn't even realize.

Just hearing that he could see a woman made him so happy that he didn't know anything else.

"Where's your sister's name?"

Walking in the rather charming courtyard, Logan looked at the carefully pruned pine trees and the snow-covered deer-crowing bamboos, guessing about the other person's family background.

There are some servants in this yard, it looks like it belongs to a wealthy family.

It's just that there should be no elders in the family, and the only male is Yamamoto Ichiro, so he went to the door to greet him to show respect.

"My sister's name is Ah Yi. She is eighteen years old and not yet married." Ichiro quickly introduced her as if selling goods: "She likes flower arrangement and tea ceremony, and she is also the most beautiful woman in the town."

In fact, during this period, in order to quickly restore the population, Japan has lowered the definition of ‘adulthood’ from 20 years old to 14 years old.

This allowed many people to marry earlier, thus returning the population and labor force to pre-war levels more quickly.

As for Ha Yi, who is eighteen years old, he is actually too old. The problem lies in his family background.

Although the Yamamoto family has declined, how could the former landowner samurai here intermarry with the descendants of farmers in the town and tarnish the name of the family?

But if you want to find a match from another place, almost all the sons of the Wu family of similar age died on the battlefield, and those who survived were either disabled or already married.

So Ha Yi delayed it.

But now the appearance of the foreigner Logan gave them another option, which was to marry a strong man.

No matter how good Japanese men are, they are still losers. How can they compare to American dads?

Therefore, as the current head of the family, Ichiro naturally wants to give his sister the best choice.

This is not because he is snobbish, but because he has the best and closest relationship with his sister, so he will do everything possible to give her the best.

If the relationship was not good, he would have taken her out in exchange for benefits. That was the fate of the daughter of the Wu family.

Leading Logan to the backyard step by step, he waved away the servants who were watching the excitement and asked them to quickly prepare things for the wedding.

The dress is already prepared, Ichiro doesn’t understand Western weddings, and there’s no priest in a rural place like Miyajima… Then let’s have a Shinto wedding! Now we need to find a priest quickly, and we need to notify some relatives and friends to come and witness it!

It's not that Ichiro is impatient, but that Lord Wolf Warrior is so popular that all the women in the town are staring at him. Not to mention he is a foreigner, and he also has powerful superpowers. He is so majestic and majestic, he is just like a piece of fragrant fat.

Yamamoto Ichiro must help his sister win the position of the principal wife. He has already investigated and found out that the Wolf Warrior is alone. This opportunity cannot be missed.

"My name is Logan, please don't call me Sir, Logan Houtley." Logan was still visiting the courtyard and outdoor corridors full of Japanese beauty, and did not notice the movements of the servants.

Moreover, he had lost part of his memory. Now he doesn't remember much about the war. He still remembers his name, but he has forgotten all about his early life.

There was more smile on Yamamoto Ichiro's face, and he nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "Yes, Lord Logan."

He thought that Europeans and Americans were the same as Japanese, the first word was the surname, but no matter what, wouldn't this just fall into the lap of foreigners?

No matter what you call him today, he will be done with calling him sworn brother tomorrow, but there is one more important thing that needs to be asked clearly.

"Is Mr. Logan an American?"

"It should be Canada, but I can't remember exactly where my home is." Logan smiled and pointed to his head.

"Canada...oh, that's fine, haha..."

Yamamoto Ichiro was satisfied with the answer. Although it was not Britain and the United States, Canada seemed to be fine. America's neighbor must also be very powerful.

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