The Death Knell

Chapter 943 The two people who landed

The wooden corridor floor squeaked, and as he got closer to the private room in the backyard, Logan felt his blood boiling.

The cold wind blowing in the courtyard seemed to disappear in an instant. He could only hear the pounding of his heart and felt his mouth go dry.

Yamamoto Ichiro opened the wooden sliding door of the room, turned around and said politely: "Logansama, please come in."

Logan, who had been impatient for a long time, nodded politely and walked in the door before the owner.

A fire pot was lit in the room, and the warm air carried the sweet taste of citrus. However, his eyes did not look at the calligraphy and paintings on the wall, nor did he pay attention to the gorgeous screen. Instead, he immediately knelt on the ground and performed a grand ceremony. on women.

At this time, Yamamoto Hajime had put on a black furisode. His long black hair was tied on top of his head and fixed with seven or eight gold hairpins. The snow-white neck was exposed on the back of his head, which flashed in Logan's sight.

Furisode is a type of kimono. Unlike the more everyday yukata, furisode is a dress worn on formal occasions.

It is divided into three types: large, medium and small, not only the size, but also the regulatory size.

The furisode is the most high-end dress for an unmarried woman and is a must-have. The so-called entering the five lines means that there are five family emblems painted on the whole body of Furisode.

In addition, when worn from top to bottom, it is a landscape or flower-and-bird painting. The sleeve length of the large furisode is about 120cm. When worn, the bottom of the sleeves can reach the ankle. It is a more sentimental kimono style and is perfect. Huge canvas.

The patterns generally use Yuzen dyeing and tie-dye techniques, combined with gold foil and embroidery, and the decoration is very gorgeous. Black is usually considered the most noble furisode.

Under the bright lights, black flowers bloom on the light green tatami, and the golden patterns and jewelry are sparkling and dazzling.

This posture made country bumpkin Logan stunned.

With such a dignified and elegant manner and a generous aura, could this be the legendary Yamato Nadeshiko?

Hajime was still lying on the ground and greeted: "Your Majesty Wolf Warrior, please be safe. I am Hajime. I have caused many offenses during the day."

Logan didn't know how to answer. His former dead wife, Atsuko, was just a farmer's daughter. She had never had these routines at home, and he didn't know either.

So when he saw his sweetheart kneeling to salute, he didn't know where to put his hands and feet, so he had an idea and knelt down too...

Yamamoto Ichiro coughed twice, turned his head and pretended not to see it, as if he was attracted to the sparrow footprints in the snow in the yard.

In Japan today, only women kneel to men, and men are the heads of the family. When a woman is at home, whether she is serving food to the table or opening the door to enter a house, she always kneels.

It seems funny for foreigners not to understand the customs, let alone such a bearded man?

But this is good, which shows that Logan still likes his sister very much. After getting married, he will let her blow his mind and persuade Logan to become an official. Such a powerful samurai will definitely be able to revitalize the Yamamoto family name.

"Sister, I have to go see if the matcha and snacks are ready. You will receive Mr. Logan first." Ichiro smiled at his sister and nodded, making an excuse.

This snack? Let's eat it tomorrow morning.

"Hey, thank you for your hard work." A has stood up in response. She was slender, so there was a big gap between her collar and her neck, which made it impossible for Logan to pull out his eyes.

Ichiro winked, closed the door, and locked the two of them in the small room: "The Lord God will be here soon, please be patient."

Hajime's face turned red. She tightened the sleeves of her kimono, held the crane wings embroidered on them in her hands, nodded slightly, and did not answer.


Logan, who was lying on the ground, was confused. The shrine master is the host of the shrine, and he is usually an onmyoji. Could it be that he is also a guest today?

But when he saw Ha Yi raised his sleeves to cover the lower half of his face and blinked at him with a pair of big eyes, he forgot his questions again.


Ah Yi opened her lips lightly, and as soon as she uttered a syllable, she was interrupted by Logan scratching his head.

"Call me Logan, hehe..."

Ah Yi nodded in agreement and reorganized his words. When he returned home, he seemed to be relaxed and generous: "Lord Logan, I'm sorry for my abruptness, but I wonder if you have a wife?"

"Yes." Logan replied very matter-of-factly. He was straightforward and had nothing to hide: "I just died on the day Hiroshima was bombed."

Hearing this answer, Hajime's eyes showed sympathy. She lowered her arm in front of her, and the gorgeous kimono fabric made a rustling sound.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to."

"It doesn't matter. I once joined the army and have seen life and death. Hiroshima...that was a long time ago."

Logan waved his hand generously, indicating that it didn't matter.

"Oh? Is it the Allied Forces? So my father was once a soldier, but he didn't come back from the battlefield." Ha Yi talked about his family's affairs, and a touch of sadness appeared on Guazi's face.

Logan's heart tightened, could she be the enemy's daughter? He secretly held his breath and asked tentatively: "Where is the battlefield?"

"Iwo Jima, did Mr. Logan participate in that battle?" Hajime put away his emotions and asked with a faint smile.

Logan breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the boat he was on was sunk by a Japanese submarine on the way to Iwo Jima. Thanks to the acid torpedo!

"No, no, I would have...retired from the army before that."

He wanted to say that he was captured, but he felt it was dishonorable, so he changed his words.

"Oh, that's a pity. I was still young at the time, so I just heard that Iwo Jima was extremely cruel, but the news was blocked in Japan. I just wanted to ask what the real situation was like."

Hajime explained his motive, and as he spoke, he began to rinse the tea bowl and prepare to make tea.

"Then your father died in the battle there. He and I were enemies ten years ago. Don't you hate me?" Logan felt strange about her relaxed attitude and asked again as if he was committing suicide.

Hajime smiled and shook his head, gently turning the tea bowl around.

"This is the fate of a samurai. Life is like the morning dew of a cherry blossom. It is about seeking the opportunity to bloom at that moment. The battlefield is where the strong win. I have no resentment. If you can survive, it means you are a stronger samurai. , nothing more.”

Logan thought about his abilities. If immortality means he is powerful, then he is indeed extremely powerful.

Not to mention torpedoes, even if it eats a nuclear bomb, it will still be fine.

Anyway, he is definitely stronger than Captain America, but I don’t know who is stronger compared to the legendary Deathstroke?

It's just that I have been in the army for so many years, and I have never seen such a famous figure in the United States. It is probably made up to scare the enemy. Those people in the intelligence department have very dirty hearts!

But I think so in my heart, after so many years in Japan, Logan has learned some things, such as being polite.

"No, no, I'm just lucky enough to survive."

But there was no look of luck on his face at all, it was all taken for granted, and his expression seemed to say the opposite.

"Pfft." Ah Yi covered her mouth and chuckled. She looked at Logan charmingly: "Then, sir, do you look down on the daughter of the defeated general, that is, my concubine?"

"How is it possible?! You are so kind, beautiful and generous, full of oriental elegance, and what about that." Logan searched his poor Japanese vocabulary in his mind.

Ah Yi breathed a sigh of relief, she pushed out the tea bowl, straightened her sleeves and sat upright, looking at Logan seriously: "I and my brother's parents died early, so I had to struggle to survive in the world. Now I have a very unreasonable request. Please consider...please don't be angry, are you willing to join the Yamamoto family?"

"...Huh? What do you mean?" Logan didn't understand the word.

"I'm just asking...are you willing to marry me as your wife?" Although she had already discussed it with her brother, she was still very embarrassed to ask her to speak on her own.

After she finished speaking, she covered her face shyly, bit her lower lip tightly, turned her head and looked at the tatami, waiting for Logan's reply.

Logan understood this time.

He was immediately overjoyed. Although it was too early to meet in the afternoon and get married in the evening, in this era, human life is like morning dew as Ha Yi said.

If you don't seize the time to do what you want to do, life may suddenly pass by.

Love means seizing every minute and every second.

"I do!"


The door behind him immediately opened, and a group of servants came in holding wedding dresses, dragging Logan and Ha Yi to change into dresses respectively. The Lord of God was already waiting in the main hall, and relatives who were closer also arrived. .

What an honor it is for a European and American to marry into the Yamamoto family?

It seems that the original preparations are not enough now, but it is already too late to make further arrangements. The only way to publicize it afterwards is to let the entire Hiroshima Prefecture know!

"Brother! Change your clothes now and pay homage. We will have a wedding tonight!" Ichiro said enthusiastically, dragging Logan's hand.

Logan wanted to say something else, but when he glanced at Ha Yi in the gap between the crowd, she was also looking at him lovingly. He immediately forgot about everything and was dragged away like a puppet, letting others manipulate him. went.


"We haven't gone for a ride in a long time, but the distance is a bit short."

At the same time, Su Ming and Gin landed on a shoal somewhere in Nagasaki, not far from the original naval prison. In any case, it was better to follow the clues that might be correct first.

Even after landing, Gin seemed a little unhappy. She liked the feeling of sitting on a flying prop and drinking. It was a pity that her Pegasus was killed by Hela.

The souls of animals are not controlled by Hela. Now even if Su Ming asks Hela for them, they will not come back.

"Next time, I probably have some ideas, and I will take you for a ride in other universes next time." Su Ming comforted him, and quickly returned his attention to the task: "Now our appearance is too conspicuous. , disguise it first.”

"What do you want?" Gin began to prepare illusions, which was her special skill.

"You will become a petite woman, with yellow hair, gray skin, shorter height, bad teeth, bow legs, mild lead poisoning, and preferably a little bit of night blindness..."

Su Ming talked about a very common image of a Japanese woman in this era. There was no East Asian magic in this era.


Gin slapped his arm angrily, frowned and pouted in protest, and had no intention of casting an illusion.

"What's wrong? There should be no problem with your illusion. Let's do it." Su Ming touched the magic floating cloak, and the cloak responded to him. There were no magic restrictions around it, and energy could flow normally.

Gin looked at him suspiciously, as if wondering if he was joking: "Bad villain, you actually let me, the Valkyrie of Asgard, turn into a mother goblin?! Are you serious?"

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