The Death Knell

Chapter 944 Natasha’s whereabouts

After explaining to Gin for a while, she realized that the people in Japan were actually like that.

Although there are many Japanese in Hawaii who shamelessly returned, the blood of those people seems to be no longer pure, not at all like what Su Ming said.

But even so, she still firmly opposed turning herself into such an ugly appearance. In the end, even if she became Asian, she was still a beauty.

Su Ming sighed and wanted to act in a low-key manner, but this was not possible. This made him like a female star who has to be noticed wherever he goes.

But that's it, it's just a little troublesome.

Su Ming asked Zhuo Sha to change his appearance. Since Gin wanted to look good, he should become ugly, so he changed into an old and ugly old devil with a beard.

It also reduced the length of the X metal skeleton, in other words, turned into a dwarf.

What? Do you think only handsome men are worthy of beautiful women? Have you heard of sugar daddy?

Gin is so beautiful like this now. After turning into an Asian appearance, she still has a delicate beauty, which is simply tempting and sinful.

Walking on the street in the middle of the night, I didn't know how much trouble there would be. Although Su Ming was not afraid of trouble and bloody things, there was no need for him to clean up Japan's garbage.

Then here is a look that is not worthy of a beauty no matter how you look at it, making people have to think about their family background and background.

The nasolabial folds must be deep, like the ones engraved on the face, which look like bitterness and hatred, so as to appear intimidating.

"Hahahaha..." Gin pointed at him, laughing so hard that he couldn't stand up straight, and even stretched out his hand to tug on his mustache, as if he had seen something new.

Su Ming slapped her hand away angrily. Wouldn't it be enough for both of them to have normal appearances? Just to accommodate her, he sacrificed himself, and she is still laughing wildly?

"Don't make trouble, there is still business to do."

Gin retracted his little hand and put his arm on top of his head to show his height: "It's not your fault that you turned into such a clown and made me laugh."

"... Let's go and inquire about the streets near the prison." Su Ming didn't bother to argue with her, and took her hand and walked to a small town not far away: "The naval prison after the war It should have been abandoned, but now it seems to have been converted into a fishing port. This town developed based on the port."

"You dare to eat fish after nuclear radiation? However, if it is a port town, then the residents are either fishermen or workers, and at most there are small businessmen. Can they know such secret things about World War II prisoners?"

Gin managed to hold back her laughter and tried her best to focus on the task.

Su Ming pulled her through a forest on the shore and walked to the road. It was still a dirt road and was frozen hard in the winter.

"We don't need to ask about anything secret, because Natasha set off earlier than us. The information in her hand is the same as ours. She will definitely come to the Nagasaki Naval Base to look for clues." Su Ming looked around and said, There was no one on the road: "In a place like this, who wouldn't notice a red-haired foreign woman?"

"Then I hope she has found some clues, but if there is no problem, maybe we can go somewhere else? Tokyo, Kyoto?"

Gin shrugged. She came with a vacation mentality anyway.

The urban area of ​​Nagasaki was a place that was hit by a nuclear bomb. Although it was not the origin of the explosion, it still suffered a lot of radiation. To be honest, there is no good scenery. It is better to go to Northern Europe.

"She is a professional agent. She has her own methods. We just need to follow behind and make sure things don't develop too unexpectedly." Su Ming looked at the snow under his feet. It was obvious that there were very few pedestrians here, and the snow was in a fluffy and messy shape. : "As for things to do, there really isn't much fun in Japan now. After the war, all industries were in decline, and the only entertainment is probably drinking."

"It's good to drink. We are going to drink all the wine in Japan this time." Gin cheered happily. She hugged Su Ming's arm and dragged him across the road to the town impatiently. Walk.

Like all Asgardians, Gin has a special love for alcohol. Could it be that she was picked up by Su Ming on the street because she heard that someone was going to open a winery?

But fate is like this, who can say clearly.

"Then we can start from Yamanashi Prefecture, the wine there is good."

Su Ming smiled and agreed, letting the beauty who was much taller than him drag him away.

The most people staring at Logan now are the Hand and Romulus. They pose no threat to him, as long as they pay attention to Sitrik's men.

The town is also in a state of decline. There is a faint smoke from the wooden structure huts, which basically smells of vegetation. No one has big fish or meat.

Nowadays, if you can eat a rice ball, you are considered a good person. Ordinary people can only eat rice dumplings in soup, the kind where you can count the grains of rice.

"Walking in a town of losers, this feeling is really strange. Don't they have any sense of honor? Why do they live like this without dying on the battlefield?"

Gin saw several disabled people who were in despair, wearing khaki military uniforms, staggering away in the dark night.

She felt she couldn't understand what these people were thinking.

I heard that they claim to be warriors, but they don’t act like warriors. What’s the point of surviving like zombies?

Su Ming smiled and motioned her to keep her voice down and not to be too arrogant if she didn't speak Japanese: "The little devils are a very contradictory nation. They are not afraid of death, but they are afraid that their death will not be magnificent enough. Their bushido is different from Asgard's. The samurai spirit is completely two things.”

"You want to die beautifully?" Gin showed a tangled expression, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

As a Valkyrie, she has been leading heroic spirits to Valhalla on the battlefield thousands of years ago. She has seen many tragic deaths.

But...a beautiful death? Sorry, can't think of anything.

Su Ming patted the back of her hand. He knew that it was difficult for Nordic-style women to understand Eastern culture, not to mention that Bushido was a strange thing in Eastern thought.

Presumably, Wolverine has been in Japan for so many years, and he doesn’t even understand what ‘Setsuna Youth’ is, let alone the further ‘Chrysanthemum and Sword’.

But if you think about it, Wolverine has a special preference for Japanese women, and many of his wives and girlfriends are Japanese.

It's a pity that people with animals in their code names are usually evil stars. It's normal for their wives to die and their girlfriends to die.

Bats... spiders... even the wealthy Black Panther ended up getting divorced.

"Don't think about it. If necessary, I will show you how to make the enemy die beautifully. The place where the disabled people came out looks like a tavern. Let's go and find out the news."

Why do people like to go to pubs to ask for information? Because there must be the largest concentration of drunks there, and you can ask some secret old stories from the bartender. As for the news, asking the unconscious guests in the tavern is also the right choice.

"I'm sorry." According to Japanese custom, after opening the door and entering a store, you must first say something polite to express your apology for disturbing other people's drinking.

Since he is pretending now, he naturally performs a full set of acting, and Su Ming behaves like a real local.

"Ola, welcome." The proprietress knelt down by the door, bent down and kowtowed in salute. She was the kind of woman who is still mature and charming.

She was wearing a coarse kimono, a very ordinary dress. The lights inside the store were dim and the decoration was very old. It looked like she was living a normal life.

This is a Japanese-style pub, nothing like an American bar.

There is no bar and no bartender. Next to the door is a small table set up by the proprietress to prevent others from skipping the order, and behind it is the large tatami shop that surrounds the indoor wall.

People eat and drink with their legs crossed up there, which looks very unhygienic.

At the back of the hall, there is a kitchen for cooking, and from time to time children running errands bring out dishes of cheap food.

Dark, maybe soy sauce? Yes, soy sauce is not expensive and quite tasty.

The moment he walked in, Su Ming took the information to heart and focused on a few people who were almost drunk. Only then did the landlady raise her head.

She first saw the short dwarf, and then saw the tall beauty behind him, and the pupils in her eyes couldn't help but dilate.

The first reaction is why would such a beauty be with such a monster? The second reaction was that this ugly man must be extraordinary.

She unconsciously bowed again, bowing to authority.

"Look up and talk."

Su Ming said coldly, showing a slight sense of alienation, and also adopted a Kyoto accent.


I don’t know why, but the landlady feels like she’s being targeted by a tiger. Could this kind of power come from the Emperor’s face?

Seeing her being so cooperative, Su Ming no longer had to trick drunkards into talking about her: "A few days ago, there was a red-haired foreign girl wandering around the town. Have you seen her? Think about it before answering. Don't waste my time. "

"Yes, sir. Although foreigners are not uncommon here, I have only seen one with red hair."

"Who did she talk to? Where did she go after that? Do you know?"

Su Ming pretended to be on air, only looking at people with the whites of his eyes, and raising his hands to cover his nose, as if he didn't care to breathe the same air as the common people.

The impact of class society on Japan is deep-rooted, especially in this era when surnames were not popular. Acting aloof will make it easier for others to act before others figure out your details.

"Hey, she asked me about a person, the second lieutenant who once worked in the old prison not far away, Lord Yashida Ichiro."

The proprietress answered the questions very obediently. Su Ming stroked his beard and it seemed that he was doing well for now.

"Tell me the location of the Yashida family, and then sell me a bottle of the best sake in your store." Su Ming took out a ten-dollar bill from his suit like a magic trick, which is the hardest currency in Japan. .

With dollars, you can buy a lot of good stuff.

For example, various in-demand materials entered Japan with the US military stationed in Japan.

Instant hot pot, spicy strips, strong drinks, American cans, various series of drinks under the Skywalker brand, as well as high-end stockings, underwear, cosmetics, etc. produced by Wilson Enterprises...

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