The Death Knell

Chapter 951 Preparing for travel?

But what can be done? It was Luo Gen who jumped on him without any hesitation.

Even when he was standing next to Deathstroke talking, he selectively didn't see it.

Now that he is incompetent and was killed by Deathstroke with one move, who can he blame? Natasha just felt a little sorry for his stupidity, knowing that Deathstroke was probably one of the strongest people on the planet right now.

In her opinion, Logan is about the same level as Captain America, and there is a huge gap between him and Deathstroke, and Natasha also knows that the boss has many secret weapons.

So she dug Logan out of the frozen ground, dragged him to the room, resettled him next to Hajime, and covered the two of them with quilts.

After thinking about it, she took out a few hundred dollars from her pocket, which was her pocket money. Anyway, she wouldn't have to spend it when she went out with her boss later, so she would leave the money to her little uncle to live.

She understands the word "brother-in-law".

He is already undignified enough, so let's live a more affordable life.

Looking at Logan who was bleeding from all his orifices, Natasha wiped him with a complex expression. She always felt that Logan's temper would be in big trouble in the future. The most troublesome thing was that he still couldn't listen to any suggestions.

But that’s it, let’s see if a few people can find the person behind these dolls in Tokyo. As long as the danger is eliminated, he should be able to live a good life here, right?

At least it seems that his wife is pretty good.

Sometimes I really envy these fools who know nothing but can trust anyone and dare to love and hate.

She can't.

The emotion didn't last for a few seconds. She used the willpower of a professional agent to eliminate these disturbances. She walked out of the bedroom and closed the door behind her back, showing a smile.

"Boss, can we fly there? I don't want to go through the portal..."

"Come on, we're not in a hurry anyway." Su Ming followed suit and took off the magic floating cloak from behind, pulled the two women and jumped up, flying into the sky.

Whether these Shiva robots are sent by the Hand or Romulus, there should be someone lurking nearby.

Their purpose is either for Logan's genes or to play with Logan, so Wolverine is not in any danger in a short period of time.

To be honest, Logan is definitely not born in the year of dog but in the year of Xiaoqiang. His destiny is very tough.

Anyway, Hydra has been eliminated. Sitric has a better robot than this, and it is also equipped with death spore bombs and cosmic cube energy blocks. There is no use for these things.

The appearance of Deathstroke here also conveys some information to the people who are watching in secret. I believe those people will keep watching for a while to avoid being killed by Deathstroke.

Compared with a person who has no foundation like Wolverine, the existence of Deathstroke is more intimidating to the more knowledgeable people, especially those who know that there is a magical world in this world.

What the Supreme Mage represents can be understood just by listening to the name.

Poor Natasha thought her boss was taking them to Tokyo to investigate the case. In fact, Su Ming had no such plan at all. He really went there for a trip.

Steve can take Peggy on a trip, but he can't stay in Hawaii all the time. Just sunbathing is no fun.

But to be honest, not to mention ordinary villages and towns in Japan now, even the most famous big cities in the future are still very ordinary.

I am used to the prosperity of New York, but when I came here it was dark at night. I couldn't even see any landmarks below. I could only rely on the stars in the sky to guide my direction. It felt like I was in the wilderness.

However, as we got closer to Tokyo and saw the lights on Tokyo Bay, the situation improved.

Under the dark night, the lights were reflected on the sea. In addition to cargo ships, there were actually many cruise ships operating.

"Yes, the Japanese are quite resilient. Doolittle burned half of Tokyo to the ground. Now these new buildings are much better than the old wooden houses."

Su Ming let the cloak stop on the sea in the distance, looked at the bright city in the dark night, and nodded with satisfaction.

Although it is not full of skyscrapers like New York, in the 1950s, it was enough to have a lot of buildings.

Since there are cruise ships in business, the first priority is naturally to find a place to have a late night snack.

He patted the armor, and Strangler instantly transformed into a black suit, revealing his original appearance. He also signaled Gin to return to his original appearance. Now it was time to enjoy the fruits of victory in World War II.

"I also have a silk robe here. You put it on, otherwise I really can't go to the restaurant in this tight leather suit." He took out the silk robe from his belt, which he bought in Stormwind City.

I originally planned to wear it as pajamas, but it just didn't have the same vibe as using silk, so I put it on hold.

With Gin, both of them eat large pieces of meat and drink from large bowls, and with the Vikings, they only wear a circle of mink around their necks.

Natasha took the robe, not to mention its silky feel, she looked puzzled: "Aren't we going to trace the origin of the pick?"

"There's no rush about that, let's go eat first, be good." Gin touched her head. She also liked these furry girls because they were straightforward and not afraid of the cold. She felt they were very similar to her.

Watching the girls chattering and playing together reminded her of the good days she had spent with the Valkyrie sisters. Unfortunately, except for her and Brunhilde, everyone else was still in a state of confusion.

Although Su Ming snatched their souls back from Hela, they had been dead for a long time, and their recovery was still far away.

Natasha always felt that the two of them didn't seem to care much about Wolverine, but since the boss said it was okay, it should be okay.

Past experience proves that he has always been foresight.

So she sighed cutely and showed a helpless expression: "Okay, then you can't drink."

Her small appearance made Gin even more happy. He held her in his arms and nuzzled her like a small animal: "We are not drunk. Don't worry. Your friend needs to lie down for at least a few days. Nothing will happen. No."

"But those robots went to assassinate him today." Natasha struggled desperately, but her little face changed shape when Gin held her in his arms.

Su Ming looked at the coastline and chose a landing location: "Don't worry, no matter who the opponent is, today's robot configuration is just to experiment with Logan. Otherwise, they only need to replace the musical instruments in their hands with knives. Anti-self-healing metals are not uncommon in our world, they are found in Japan.”

"Is that so..." Natasha gave up her resistance and let Gin hold her like a big toy: "Okay then, but you guys can help me track down this clue."

"...Sushi for dinner? Or hot pot?"

Seeing that Su Ming was unmoved, Natasha turned to seduce Gin to help. She also showed a pitiful appearance and used the acting skills learned in the red room to the extreme.

Gin would not be fooled. She had led the winery for so many years. At this time, she was just smiling and dressing Natasha without answering any words.


Not long after the few people left the Yamamoto mansion, a tall figure appeared outside the door of Logan's wedding room. The man opened the door, took a look, and let out a strange laugh.

Then, he put down a jar of potion on the corridor outside the door, then bounced dozens of meters out of the courtyard, disappearing into the sky like a flying bird.

And early the next morning, terrible rumors spread from the Yamamoto family.

It is said that the night before, the Wolf Warrior was ridden by his wife until his whole body was broken and his orifices were bleeding.

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