The Death Knell

Chapter 952 Plans are worse than changes

To be honest, taking a cruise on a cold winter night, enjoying the so-called elegance while warming the stove and drinking wine, is really not something ordinary people should do.

The waters of Tokyo Bay are vast, and the strong wind came in through every gap in the cruise ship. Su Ming saw some drunk people with their fingers turning blue from the cold.

But such a problem does not exist for a few of them.

With the boss nodding and bowing in compliments, the three of them sat in the private room. However, no matter how well-dressed and high-status the original drinking guests were, they still remained silent in front of the foreigners passing by.

"Boss, serve the best food and wine here." Su Ming looked around the cabin. This cruise ship was very big, but it looked a little old.

But it's okay. During World War II, Japan mobilized many civilian ships to transport supplies. It was lucky that such a slow and large ship was not sunk and could be recovered after the war.

"Haha!" Perhaps the boss in Tokyo saw more foreigners, so his response was very appropriate.

First, he knelt down to kowtow, then sat upright in a samurai style, responded with a serious face, and climbed out of the cabin backwards.

Natasha curled her lips in disgust, she was not used to being served by others.

However, Su Ming was very satisfied. He sat on the couch and opened the window to let in the air: "Look, Japan's service industry is doing well. It's not okay to admit it. Have you seen people kneeling to take orders in the United States?"

"Now I understand why these people are so keen on war." Natasha sighed.

Su Ming looked out the window indifferently. In winter, the sky always looks particularly high and the stars appear brighter: "War is an extension of politics, and the U.S. government has always served the economy. There is nothing strange about this."

Gin also advised. She pulled Natasha to sit next to her. It was really uncomfortable to kneel down, so she sat cross-legged: "That's right, you don't have to think about this, he is here."

Natasha looked at her speechlessly and whispered: "If you do this for a long time, your intelligence will deteriorate..."

"Huh?" Gin's eyes instantly widened like a cat.

"No...nothing." Natasha lowered her head guiltily and looked at her boots.

Su Ming rubbed her nose. It didn't matter that Gin was always around, but Natasha still had to let her think for herself: "Let's not talk about that. I just took a look at the menu. The things here look pretty good. Today we Also try the sushi boats.”

The three chatted in English, and the Japanese outside the private room quickly paid their bills and left silently. Being in the same place with American dads made them feel like Alexander was about to have a nuclear weapon drop on their heads at any time.

Su Ming has a plan.

We finished our meal here first, and then took the two of us to Roppongi, near Minato City, to find a place to drink. After we came out in the middle of the night, we moved to Ginza for another restaurant.

At dawn tomorrow, I will go to see the famous Japanese swordsmith, Master Muramasa, and take a look at the demonic sword in his hand that claims to be able to cut everything off at the atomic level.

Diana's Vulcan Sword is also said to be able to cut things off at the atomic level, but after several times, Su Ming saw her cutting things constantly, which was quite embarrassing...

There are two Muramasa in Marvel. One is the real demon sword Muramasa, also called the black blade, which can kill those with the ability to heal themselves.

This sword later broke in the comics and was recast by Romulus. The blade and hilt were recast into two different weapons, one claw and one sword both named Muramasa.

It is said that people at Marvel seem to have a grudge against self-healing abilities. Various props for restraining self-healing are emerging one after another. Su Ming also wants to study it to see if his own ability will be restrained in any way.

Anyway, that old man Muramasa is not a good person. He is immortal, good and evil.

He is not only a blacksmith, but also a great swordsman. Every time he forges a new sword, he will go out with hundreds of his followers to find someone to "test the sword".

Master blacksmiths are different from others. An ordinary samurai would just chop down a few civilians to see how they feel with his sword.

If he wanted to cut, he would kill all the people in a town. The men he brought with him were like hounds, marking a hunting ground for him. He would slowly cut for days and nights by himself, carefully understanding the skills of the knife. shortcomings.

Countless repetitions over hundreds of years have made his craftsmanship perfect. For a while, he felt that he could not make any progress and was very bored.

One night he had a dream in which a giant god with an invisible face taught him new techniques.

About how to cut one's soul apart and forge a knife through the soul. As long as the sword containing the soul exists, he will be immortal.

After waking up, he did it again without hesitation and produced a black knife. The more people killed, the color of the knife would light up like a red light.

He named it after himself because it was part of his soul

The soul inside it is extremely bloodthirsty, including Muramasa himself. The weapon will backfire on anyone. Anyone who has picked up this sword in history has had a bad end. In the end, it returned to the hands of the forger, waiting for the next owner.

After all, Muramasa is a blacksmith, and he has some quirks as a craftsman. As long as you can pick up Muramasa safely, he will give you the knife for free and treat you as a guest.

Su Ming wanted to play with it and compare it with his God Killer to see which one was more evil.

Soul forging sounds a bit like the soul casting technique of Nabu and others in DC. Is there any connection or commonality between them?

Once the weapon is in hand, we will go to Miyamoto Shangyun, also known as Ogun, tomorrow afternoon.

He is a man of Romulus, but he falls in love with Logan abnormally. At the same time, he is also the sword master of this era in Japan.

Su Ming wanted to compete in martial arts and learn from each other's strengths.

After that, I will buy some souvenirs from various places in Japan, and then prepare to return to the United States. I will put Natasha in school, and I and Gin will go to Warnerheim to live for three to five years.

"Oh, our sushi boat is here, and it's really beneficial."

Thinking about the plan, Su Ming saw a wooden boat container like a bathtub being brought in. It was filled with various sushi and rolls. There was a muffled sound after being placed on the table. The waiter who served the dishes was tired. I can't even straighten my waist.

Seeing the brightly colored and full bowl of sushi, he was in a good mood and tipped each waiter a dollar, then waved his hand to tell them to get out.

"Eat, you're welcome." Su Ming took out his chopsticks and said to Natasha with a smile.

But Natasha looked out the window with a very confused expression on her face.

Su Ming dipped a piece of fish meat in wasabi and brought it to his mouth. He followed her gaze and found that what Natasha was looking at was a huge cruise ship that passed by very close to it.

He just glanced at it, then turned his head and stopped paying attention, as if he didn't notice anything.

"Don't you think it's strange?" Natasha rubbed her little face: "A ship of such a large tonnage sailed so close to us, and we didn't shake at all. Logically speaking, the water pressure would cause us to hit it. And there isn’t even a single light on the ship. Isn’t this a ship entering the harbor?”

Su Ming ate another lobster roll and said vaguely: "Look, you are still young, aren't you? There is a fatal flag that is to mind your own business while on vacation. Under normal circumstances, as long as you get involved, it will definitely be a big deal, and it will definitely happen. Tough luck. We eat our food without looking, without caring, without asking. When you can restrain your curiosity, you will be a successful agent."

Natasha watched speechlessly as the big ship left almost close to the window. She could even see the mottled barnacles near the waterline. Her heart was itching like a cat scratching her until Gin stuffed a piece of fish into her mouth. inside.

The smell of wasabi made her face turn red quickly and she shed tears.

After she and Gin had a rough time, she looked out the window and could only see the reflection of the moon on the sea.

The ship was gone, and she felt lost, as if she had missed something.

Su Ming chewed the octopus in his mouth, took two breaths of cold air, and put his hand on the delicate white porcelain wine glass: "Natasha, what is your plan?"

"Well, find the place where the tortoiseshell plectrum is made, and then find the person who plans to deal with Logan." Natasha said obediently when she saw Deathstroke becoming serious.

Su Ming nodded and picked up the eel grip on the ship: "Then since you have a plan, just focus on your mission and don't be disturbed by the outside world. Gin and I can feel what you are feeling. There is something on that ship. Call others to see it, but the more it is like this, the more wrong it is. Calm down, it has nothing to do with your goals or mine, don’t be disturbed by it.”

Natasha took a deep breath, closed her eyes and sat quietly for a while before opening her eyes. She nodded seriously: "I understand, thank you."

"You're welcome, eat."

Su Ming smiled and skipped this part. This was a trip, not a school trip. There was no need to make it look like teaching.

Natasha used her chopsticks well. She also picked up a piece of fish and was about to put it into her mouth, but her eyes were involuntarily attracted to the window.

On the distant ocean, where the sea and the sky meet, there is an undetectable white line that is constantly twisting.

"What is that?" She squinted her eyes, trying to see the dark sea clearly.

Su Ming smacked his lips. Sometimes if you don't look for things, things will find you. He was just eating quietly here without letting anyone stop.

"Gin is interested in our food. I'll come as soon as I can."

After saying that, he jumped out of the window. Before he could fall into the sea, he was already wearing a black and yellow uniform. The magic floating cloak took him towards the sky, and a deep groove was drawn on the sea.

What is hitting the city is not a tsunami, but it is more troublesome than a tsunami. This distant white line under the moonlight is actually an army composed of various marine creatures.

The huge whale is like a movable wall, and a large number of other creatures mixed in it are constantly stirring the waves.

In addition to common and uncommon enlarged versions of fish, there were also some humanoid creatures with light blue skin and wearing coral and shell armor. Su Ming recognized them as Atlanteans at a glance.

These guys are extremely aggressive all day long. If they have any conflicts with the land people, they will shout to flood the land.

What Su Ming is more concerned about is whether these people are from Namor or from U Demon?

If it's Namor's guy, beat him to death. If you are from U Demon, you can talk about it.

There was nothing he could do, Namor's mind was completely filled with water, and he couldn't listen to anything unless he woke up and it hurt. But U Demon knows how to assess the situation and know how to advance and retreat.

In fact, if it wasn't today, or if these people's goal was not Tokyo Bay, Su Ming couldn't see it, and they could do whatever they wanted.

As long as there is no major chaos that affects the safety of the earth or the stability of dimensions and time, Su Ming will not bother to meddle in these nosy matters.

But he has plans for today and tomorrow. If they flood the fun places, wouldn't his travel plans tonight be in vain?

Therefore, the poor people at the bottom of the sea are on the opposite side.

The God Killer suddenly lengthened in his hands, forming a thin rope hundreds of meters long. He rounded it and drew towards the sea, and a wall of water suddenly exploded.

"Stop! Whoever crosses the line dies!"

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