The Death Knell

Chapter 958 Happy Monaco

"He really got into it."

The death knell hidden under the faces of ordinary people sat with the still young Wang in a luxurious restaurant... At the open-air food stall outside the door, one person ordered a bowl of udon noodles and looked inside through the glass of the restaurant. situation.

Under the warm and bright light, there was a group of beautiful young girls in Monaco Building, ordering a large table of delicious food and drinks.

As they drank and drank, the Magic Prince had long forgotten his previous reluctance, and now he was laughing so much that his tongue popped out of his mouth.

Monaco seemed to have tasted the same sweetness as Wolverine. The woman knelt down to pour him wine, feed him vegetables, and rub her fragrant skin against his ears and temples. He would not refuse anyone who came.

Xiao Wang looked at the dining table in the luxurious restaurant, and then looked down at the shed made of broken straw mats where he was.

Look at other people's big fish and meat, and then look at the noodles in your own bowl.

It’s really udon noodles, because apart from the soy sauce soup and a little bit of noodles that are just enough to fit between teeth, there are no other side dishes in the bowl. At least I added two slices of green onion to adjust the color!

As a good cook, Wang slurped the noodles expressionlessly, but he was already complaining in his heart.

Su Ming didn't eat much, he just picked up a noodle with chopsticks to show off. In fact, he kept watching the whole street and Monarch's reaction from the corner of his eye. Just in case, he even kept a watchful eye on the sky.

However, the streets were still so quiet late at night. Apart from the buildings illuminated by red lights, there was nothing special.

Now the restaurant Monaco has chosen is not far from the coast. It stands to reason that if the ghost ship passes nearby, he will definitely be able to feel it.

As long as he feels it, Su Ming can catch the clue whether he takes the bait or not, that's it.

However, a long time passed and the noodle soup started to get cold. The group of people in the restaurant were still drinking and having fun. The Magic Prince even learned to dance Japanese dance.

"Master, is there still no movement?" Wang lowered his voice and leaned close to Su Ming's ear.

Su Ming touched his chin, simply put down his chopsticks, and pushed the somewhat broken paint bowl away: "It seems there is a restriction - the person being tempted must be on the water. Captain America was captured on the water at that time. , and Gin and I also saw that strange ship on the water, so everything is related to water."

"Sea water or river water? Does it count if it snows or rains?" Wang Zhui asked.

Su Ming pursed his lips angrily. Wasn't he trying to cross the river by feeling the stones? Who knows: "Is there enough noodles? I haven't moved mine, can I give it to you?"

Wang shook his head and looked at Su Ming's bowl of swollen noodles: "No, it's really unpalatable. It only tastes like soy sauce. If we want to eat it, can't we go in and eat something good?"

"You must control your appetite in the future, keep your mouth shut, and open your legs, otherwise it will be too late." Su Ming's eyes became distant.


Wang was confused, what does this mean? Why does it sound like you are going to have diabetes? Did the Eye of Agamotto even see this?

Su Ming didn't pay attention to Wang's entanglement. He was thinking about how to let Monaco go to the sea now?

"Boss, where is the most luxurious cruise ship near Roppongi? It's the kind that accepts guests for accommodation even if it docks at the shore."

Su Ming took out a dollar from his belt and bought information from the owner of the noodle stall. The boss also looks like a miserable man, with wrinkles on his face that could kill a fly, and he looks very bitter and resentful.

On weekdays, not only do I have to lower my head to cook noodles, but I also have to nod and bend down, causing a very serious hunchback.

"I'm afraid there are no ships docked at the shore that still allow accommodation. Why doesn't this guest stay in a hotel?"

The noodle shop owner thought these two people were strange. They looked like Orientals, but they kept speaking incomprehensible bird language. At this time, the older man spoke Japanese with a Kyoto accent.

But for the sake of the dollar, he definitely knew everything.

Su Ming knocked on the simple counter. I didn't know where he found a broken door board and put two stools on it to serve as the counter: "The guest I'm talking about is an American. They like to live on boats."

The little boss suddenly bent even lower, as if the Stars and Stripes of the United States were flying in front of him.

"Oh, if he is an American gentleman, it will be different. All he has to do is go to the beach, fall in love with the ship, and live there. Everyone will welcome him."

"Well, that's pretty much the answer." Su Ming handed the tip to the boss, stood up, and led Wang out of the stall.

After opening the rags on the shed, the cold wind from the street blew on my face again. After a while, some Pan Pan appeared on the street. They were a step late and looked at the people who were there with envy. The foreign sisters were tied up in the hotel.

Su Ming raised his fingers at them. Some people saw him, but after seeing his Asian appearance, they ignored him, as if they were seeing a loser, full of contempt and discrimination.

Japanese men are all losers, but they have a bottom line.

Su Ming sighed, took out a small stack of dollars from his arms again, and waved it twice in the air.

It worked this time.

"Sir, do you want to find someone to accompany you?" Immediately, a woman came around, as if her face changed, and she looked so well-behaved, as if she wasn't the one who rolled her eyes just now.

"I don't want to, but I want my dollars." Su Ming rubbed the banknotes in his hand with his thumbs. Seeing their eyes getting greener, he said, "Did you see that foreigner in the restaurant? You guys brought He goes to the beach to find a big boat and lets him stay, and the money will be yours."

"Really?" someone asked, but he was too short to be seen in the crowd.

"I'll pay each of you a deposit of ten dollars first, and you can ask the foreigner for the remaining ten dollars later." Su Ming began to hand out the money generously. He would then demonstrate his hypothesis to see if his guess was correct.

If the kidnapper's ability is indeed related to water, then the scope of the investigation will be greatly reduced, and the principle is likely to be similar to a mirage or a trick performed through various liquids.

Seeing the women take the money and rush into the restaurant proudly to get the Monaco, Su Ming retreated into the darkness again.


"Sir, come on~~~" the women shouted like cats, laughing happily, as if they had forgotten the cruelty of reality.

"Hey, I'm here." Monaco didn't look like a gentleman at this time, he was no more than a gangster.

There are many more conversations like this, but they are not all that inappropriate.

In fact, this is a game that everyone can play. After being drunk a lot, Monaco was successfully led to the pier by the women. As local snakes, the women knew where there were big ships, so naturally they would bring them with them for money. He comes here.

But I don’t know if it was because of the alcohol or something else. Monaco suddenly wanted to play hide and seek. At this time, on a cold winter night, more than a dozen people started playing next to the pier.

An embroidered handkerchief blocked the eyes of the Magic Prince. He listened to the sound and grabbed the women running around him.

From time to time, a girl would touch him, and then jump away like a deer, leaving clear laughter that could be heard far away on the empty pier at night.

It’s not that no one was curious about what happened. Even the patrolmen came, but when they heard that it was Americans, they immediately turned around and left.

In today's Japan, it is not illegal for Americans to kill people, so they will not get into trouble because of such a trivial matter.

"Depraved, so depraved."

Su Ming and Wang stood on the roof of the church in the port, looking at the childish games below, he couldn't help but sigh.

This guy Monaco is a sultry gourd, and once he is let go, he will be even crazier than Howard.

But don’t play hide-and-seek on the dock. It’s so late at night. Go to the boat quickly to verify whether Su Ming’s guess is right!

Wang watched with the same expressionless expression, but he was not as able to hide his emotions as Batman. There seemed to be a hint of...envy in his eyes?

Also, life at Karma Taj is too simple. It’s not that there are no female students, but there is only such a big place on the mountain, which can be regarded as a manor.

If you don't see it when you look up, you won't see it when you look down. The rabbit won't eat the grass beside the nest.

This adolescent boy has never seen such a formation before, and it is a normal reaction to want to replace it with Monaco.

"Master, are we going to watch hide and seek all night? Are they going to play eagle to catch the chicken or throw the handkerchief?"

Su Ming sighed, folded his arms and hid behind the cross on the roof: "Who can say for sure, but we are only about ten steps away from the ship. Let's wait a moment."

"Oh! He's caught someone! Look, Master, they're heading to the boat."

"I saw it, is indeed as I expected, can the ghost ship sense the presence of superpowers on the water? Haha..."

Su Ming smiled coldly. He saw a huge black shadow under the water in the distance, coming towards the dock area in the gloomy waters at night.

It's definitely not a whale, it's much bigger than a whale, and this isn't the stranding beach they use to kill themselves, so that's obvious.

The ghost ship appears.

"Get ready, Wang. As soon as it appears on the surface of the sea, open the portal and let's go up." Su Ming warned again.

"I understand, Master." Wang Ye became serious.

He is different from the other students of Karma Taj, and even his father. He uses a double hanging ring.

With a slow motion of his left and right hands, he can open two different portals at the same time. How should I put it, most of the time it is a relatively useless stunt.

It's like a girl idol introducing herself and saying that her special skill is making faces, so that's about it.

However, there are also benefits to the Double Hanging Ring. Su Ming has some ideas, but it will be too late to teach him later.

"Here we go...hold on...let's go!"

Su Ming looked at the huge black image rising from the water like a monster, appearing in the deep waters of the dock as if it appeared out of thin air, and immediately gave the king an order.

This ship is bigger than the Titanic. Logically speaking, the water depth in the dock area is definitely not enough to accommodate it lurking underwater. So is this some kind of space technology? Or is it phase technology?

But that doesn't matter, as long as Deathstroke is on the ship, these skills will be his sooner or later.

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