The Death Knell

Chapter 959 Ghost Ship

The women were frightened when they saw the strange ship suddenly appear from under the water. Japan can be said to be a country of fishing boats, and the theory of ghost ships is also very popular here.

But they were reluctant to leave because they hadn't received the money yet.

I have eaten and drank enough, but my family is still waiting for the rice to be put into the pot. If I can't make money tonight, my family will go hungry tomorrow.

How could Monaco look drunk at this time? He took out the money and stuffed it into the arms of a woman next to him, and then instantly activated the portal on the ground, letting them all 'fall' to a safe place.

A series of moments were completed, and he jumped from the small boat to the big boat and came to Su Ming and the others.

The death knell must have been following him. Since it was fishing, the person holding the pole would not be too far away. This rule applies to both the enemy and us.

The Prince of Magic knew Deathstroke's style.

"It doesn't look like this ship is alive. It can be said to be lifeless." Monaco looked around at the environment and said to Su Ming: "I thought it would be like a crocodile, suddenly rushing out of the water and taking a bite. I eat that.”

Su Ming was also observing the environment. At this time, the three of them were on the most spacious front deck, with a good line of sight: "I was originally going to fish you out of the piranha pond."

"Speaking of piranhas, phew, these Japanese women are too enthusiastic, they seem to want to eat me." Monaco wiped his face vigorously, and there were traces of rouge all over it.

"Haha, you are a long-term meal ticket. Of course I want to hold on to it. Who doesn't want to live a better life?" Su Ming replied with a smile, and then changed the topic: "This ship, after getting on board, there is a feeling that it is letting you down." I'll go to the bottom, I can resist this temptation, how are you doing?"

"That's okay with me too."

Monaco said this, but he took out a rabbit from his pocket and strangled it to death. He wiped his tears with the snow-white fur. He must have released some defensive spell.

"So Xiao Wang, where are you...?"

When Su Ming saw Monaco giving the exact answer, he turned to ask the king, but unexpectedly, the king, who had always strictly adhered to his status as a servant and followed three steps behind him, disappeared.

What is still behind Su Ming and Monaco now, apart from the distant lights and stars on the shore, is only the deep black water under the hull railing, and the sound of the waves hitting the hull is like sharpening a knife.

The conversation between Su Ming and Monaco lasted only a second or two, and the time when both parties were not looking at Wang was even shorter.

Su Ming laughed and wanted to squat down on the floor and start writing physics formulas. Could it be that this trip to Japan...

"Is the case calling to me as a detective?"

Monaco looked at him speechlessly. He knew that Deathstroke was not normal sometimes, but now the person who came in together disappeared. It was a strange situation no matter how you say it. Isn't it a bit... to laugh wildly now... ..

"Now we know how the so-called kidnapping happened. Although we still don't know the principle, it is best not to act separately in the next time."

The Magic Prince made the suggestion with a serious face, but he saw Deathstroke actually squatting down at this moment, taking out his weapon, and carving something on the deck like crazy.

"Interesting, really interesting."

You can also hear Deathstroke talking to himself, as if he has really lost his mind.

"Hey, don't scare me. What should I do if one of you is missing and the other is crazy?" Monaco spread his hands and began to prepare magic.

Su Ming turned to look at him. The black and yellow armor spread to the surface of his body: "Actually, we found this ship and the problem has been almost solved. The Sea Tribe told me at the time that the ship was alive. This is the first clue."

"Later I discovered that it can only lure others at sea and launch attacks. This is clue two."

"A beautiful boy who was 1.7 meters tall and weighed 50 kilograms. In an instant, please note that he disappeared next to the Supreme Mage and the Prince of Magic. This is clue three."

Monaco tilted his head and stopped the spell-casting movement in his hand: "What does this have to do with the beautiful boy? Ahem! So what? Sherlock."

"Do you really think you are Watson? This ship is right under our feet, and it can't run away. It robbed my people in front of me, do I still need to solve the case?"

Su Ming stood up and patted the debris on his hands. What he carved on the deck of the ship was actually not a physics formula, but a small figure.

It's as simple as a stick man, but what he draws is not important, what is important is what he discovered.

That is - this seemingly wooden deck is actually not wood, but some kind of horn.

After scratching it with a knife, it is obvious that whether it is wood stubble or fingernails, the difference in touch is huge.

In the same way, the iron that makes up the guardrail is not iron.

And the enemies that are pouring in from the ship are naturally not human either.

"What's your most powerful magic?"

Seeing a variety of enemies rushing out of the cabin, including monsters, sea tribes, German soldiers and Japanese soldiers, Su Ming tilted his head and asked Monaco beside him.

Monaco stroked his beard with his fingers and took out a small pistol from his pocket. After fighting with the NAZI warlock troops for so many years, he also knew the necessity of thermal weapons: "The most powerful magic? Voodoo asks God to calculate. Doesn’t it count?”

Su Ming ordered the strangulation to stop the enemies rushing from all directions and buy time for the magician, while saying with some helplessness.

"Someone once told me that her strongest magic is the one that can kill gods. I think you have to be similar. You can at least do meteors, fire, rain, or earth tremors, right? But you told me that the strongest one is the awkward dance. Dance master.”

Monaco shrugged: "If God can respond to us, then jumping to the Great God to cause trouble is really the most powerful spell. Since you can't call out Emperor Weishan, I think you can invite a violent and barbaric Loa god to come and bring us down." It’s a powerful enough spell to destroy the enemy together.”

"Tsk, is the price a blood sacrifice? God Loa really likes that...but can you contact the Leopard God? That one is a little different."

Su Ming spoke loudly to Monaco in the interval between strangulation gunshots.

"Let me briefly describe to you the principle of voodoo to invite gods. It uses a frequency that humans cannot hear to broadcast around the world."

Monaco has not started to cast spells. It is not that desperate yet, and the death knell is still around:

"The content of the broadcast is actually 'Hey! Come and eat!'. Don't think that the gods sound very smart. 99% of the Loa gods have no intelligence and are no different from beasts, while the remaining 1% are more dangerous."

"Forget it, you cast a spell to block these things. If I'm not wrong, they are the white blood cells of this ship. It's up to me to dismantle the ship itself. Alas, it's a tiring life."

After saying that, Su Ming took out the God Killer, transformed into a shovel, and started digging directly on the deck. And Strangler also took the opportunity to catch the dug things and devour everything it could digest.

There were no cabins below the deck and it was solid, which was more in line with his guess. Unfortunately, there was no way to negotiate with this ship, otherwise Su Ming would have wanted to negotiate a deal with it.

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