The Death Knell

Chapter 979? The True Avenger

This winter is extremely cold.

So thought the lonely man walking in the dark alleys of Budapest.

Since his wife and daughter were killed in the fire, every winter, the season when he needed to chop wood for fire, he would subconsciously reject the flames and wander the streets at midnight like a ghost.

Snowflakes and cold wind are not as cold as the coldness in his heart, and his hatred is different from ordinary people.

If ordinary people's hatred is like a volcano or a raging flame, it will burn everything when it erupts.

His hatred is like an iceberg standing in his heart, unchanging and extremely hard.

Several years had passed, but he still couldn't forget it. He became an avenger, looking for his enemies everywhere.

He has killed all the villagers who killed his wife and daughter, but the culprit who killed his parents in the past is still at large. The whereabouts of Klaus Schmidt, the Nazi executioner who controlled the death camps, remain a mystery.

Maybe that was a fake name, but it was the only clue the man had.

Over the years, he has been looking for that person across Europe to make money and maintain his life through super powers.

But most of the money was donated to compatriots who were in greater need. He himself lived very simply, with only a pair of old clothes, a broken hooded cloak, and a small package.

Those who received help were not his fellow Germans, but fellow mutants.

The world is indeed unfair. Along the way, he discovered that many mutants experienced the same tragic fate as himself, which sparked his thinking.

Are mutants really monsters? Really inferior?

No, mutants have various powerful abilities, and they should be superior to others. These persecutions and abuses are just the twisted fear of the weak towards the strong.

He found his own way, how to avoid tragedies from happening again in the world. That was his mission as a pioneer. He wanted to unite the strong, call them to wake up, and gain a place for mutants in the world.

He said that Magnus was dead and from that day on, only Magneto was alive.

He has strong abilities, and his past experiences have made him empathize with the suffering of his compatriots. He is willing to avenge them without any reward.

The scope of his activities is currently limited to Europe. Most of the persecution suffered by mutants came from various experiments during World War II. Therefore, Magneto unknowingly became a famous Nazi hunter. Every time he visited a city, he would They have to dig deep into the ground to dig out the Nazis who were hiding after the war and kill them.

Of course, this also made him a wanted criminal, but the European people who had been tortured by Nazis at that time were not willing to arrest such a hunter. The so-called wanted man was just a formality.

Not to mention that there is no name or code on the wanted poster. Even the photo is a black lump. It's hard to catch anyone.

But even so, hatred still drives Magneto to wander around like a ghost. Not only his own hatred, he also bears the pain of too many compatriots.

He could not stop. If he did not torture all the perpetrators to death, then the innocent dead compatriots would not be able to rest in peace.

Now it is the depth of winter again, and he followed a clue to the capital of Hungary. He walked on the snow on the streets, and there was even a smile on his weather-beaten face.

This was the closest he came to Klaus's traces, because through the help of his compatriots, he learned that a researcher who had experimented on him in the concentration camp was hiding in the city.

The so-called Dr. Klaus Schmidt at that time was the main scientist in charge of various experiments. After Germany's defeat, would his close associates know his whereabouts?

So Magneto had some expectations in his heart, and hatred stung his heart. He couldn't wait to know the answer.

There were few people on the streets late at night, and he soon arrived at his destination. He stopped, raised his head and looked at the beautiful building in front of him, which was a cinema converted from a classical theater.

Neon lights and billboards are destructively embedded in the exterior walls of Roman-style buildings, which really destroys the aesthetics.

Moreover, the movie being released at this time is the so-called blockbuster from Hollywood, the kind of soap opera that you love to death, or the garbage produced by Stark Films.

On the poster, Howard has a lewd smile on his face, holding the heroine in his arms and looking into the distance. This is again the way he goes into battle in person and wants to make a fake show.

Howard Stark is currently the most famous scientist in the United States and the most depraved little bee. Even if Magneto is in Europe, he can always see things related to him.

For example, new firearms, new bombs, and various things that can persecute mutants...

In contrast, next to the Stark poster, Wilson Film's new film "You Are the One" makes Magneto feel better. The name seems to promote the protection of animals?

Magneto knows that during the most difficult period in the past two years, many of his compatriots still relied on Wilson supermarkets across Europe to survive. The owner of this company is very low-key, but Magneto has a good impression of him.

Although I know that the things made into cheap food may not be fresh beforehand, and the supermarket's price reduction promotion means that the shelf life of the food is approaching, but I could only buy a small pancake for the money, but I bought a more filling compressed biscuit. , what else is there to be dissatisfied with?

After another glance at the black and yellow W logo, Magneto opened the door to the cinema with an expressionless expression and walked in.

"Welcome, one?"

There was a skinny man in the box office. He didn't look old, far from the age where he could only make a living by buying tickets at the cinema, but he just did this kind of job.

Magneto looked at the steel fence. The small window separated the ticket room from the lobby, like a prison. Behind the ticket office, there is a small room with figures moving around inside. It is probably the man's relatives who live here with him.

After all, the cinema is open late at night, and someone has to guard the door, so it is more convenient to bring family members.

"Nice cinema, is it yours?"

Magneto asked in proficient German, took out a few banknotes from his pocket and pushed them into the window.

Hearing the German language, the man who was cutting the movie tickets with his head down was startled. Then he cut the tickets with scissors, pushed them out from the glass plate, and took away the money.

"Well, I don't understand, here's your vote."

He answered in Hungarian, with a smile on his face that made his glasses fall off his nose.

"No, I know you not only know German, but you also know seven other languages, which you taught me." Magneto picked up the movie ticket, took a deep breath of the cool air in the hall, and stuffed it back expressionlessly. Douli: "If you hadn't taught me Russian, maybe I wouldn't have encountered all that. This was probably the choice of fate."

" are?"

The ticket buyer tried his best to identify the young man in front of him, but he could no longer recognize him.

This uninvited guest looks young, but in his eyes, God, there is no sign of life, only the cold winter night.

"I am Max Eisenhardt. Maybe you don't remember this name anymore, but I gave myself a new one. You can call me Magneto."

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