The Death Knell

Chapter 980? Weak


The ticket seller flinched slightly, and the chair was moved across the floor tiles, making a squeaking and rubbing sound. He raised his head and looked at Magneto's face, but avoided those eyes.

He knew he was still being sought out, perhaps a concentration camp survivor, but he had handled thousands of test subjects, and that was many years ago.

The young man in front of me was probably just a child at that time, his appearance was unrecognizable, and the surname was also meaningless. The Jews in the concentration camp all had numbers, just like livestock.

Magneto was not surprised at all. He had known all this for a long time. In that hell on earth, he was only slightly more conspicuous because of the existence of super powers.

"What about this?"

As he spoke, he raised a hand, and a coin flew out of his pocket, spinning in the air as if being held by an invisible platform.

"It's you......"

When the former researcher saw this scene, he almost instantly remembered that special child. At that time, Chief Schmidt tortured the child's mother to stimulate his superpowers. All this explained Magneto's purpose.

The coins fell on the counter, making a clear jingling sound. Magneto pulled down his hood and clenched his fists: "You don't remember me, you only remember my abilities. Mutants are just props in your eyes!" "

"No! That was a mistake. I apologize to you. We all live in a wrong era where we can't help ourselves. For the sake of God, please let me go."

The researcher knelt down. He still remembered how the child fought his way out of the concentration camp. The terrifying magnetism swept through the steel like a tornado, instantly killing every soldier in the concentration camp.

If the girl who was with the boy hadn't persuaded him to leave quickly, the researcher who now runs a small movie theater would probably have died on that day.

Magneto's face was expressionless: "Do you know where Schmidt is now?"

"No, I don't know. No one has seen him since the war. He has always been very mysterious."

The researcher shook his head desperately, his hands trembling violently, and he knelt down to worship the mutant like a god.

Magneto closed his eyes and sighed. What a dramatic change. This was indeed a theater. People who used to torture themselves as a test subject are now so afraid of their own power.

Sure enough, only strength is the guarantee of the right to survive.

No country will speak for mutants. They are regarded as monsters and alien species. So, he will do this and speak to the world on behalf of his ethnic group.

"In this case, you are of no use anymore."

Magneto raised a finger and swung it left and right in front of his face twice, and the iron fence that originally separated the ticket room and the lobby was torn apart like noodles, making a tooth-breaking sound of metal deformation.

Then he hooked his hands, and the chair tied up the conductor from the ground and flew out of the hole.

Seeing the man in front of him struggling and screaming, he couldn't help but think of himself back then. In order to develop their own superpowers, they have used various inhuman means, and now, they will finally taste the fruits of hatred that they have sown with their own hands.

Hatred will never disappear, it will only become thicker and more solid as the years go by.

"No! Please don't!"

At this moment, perhaps the screams alerted the researcher's family. A figure rushed out from the small house behind the ticket office. She clung to the steel cage in mid-air in vain, as if she was planning to break open the cage with her hands. A terrible instrument of torture.

Magneto looked her over, and he didn't recognize her. She seemed to be someone who had nothing to do with the revenge plan.

"Are you his wife? Do you know who he was before?"

"I know a little bit, but he already knows that he was wrong and wants to change. He is a good person now and will always help everyone enthusiastically. Please let him go." The woman also knelt on the ground and started crying.

Magneto took a deep breath: "He is a nazi, and his hands are stained with the blood of innocent people. Do you think it can be explained by just regret? In the past, I also begged these beasts to let my family and friends go. Did you ask him if he let it go?"

"That's different... He was also forced." The woman believed that her husband was a good man, and she was still trying to reason with Magneto.

But if he could be shaken so easily, Magneto would no longer be him. His will and determination could not be changed by words at all.

"I can forgive him..." Magneto replied calmly, but before the woman showed a relaxed expression, his fingers suddenly closed together, and only a chirping sound was heard, and the former researcher Squeezed into a pile of scraps of flesh and bones: "But the other innocent souls I represent cannot."

"Devil!! You have to die!" The woman was filled with grief. Before she fainted, she pointed at Magneto with a trembling finger and shouted curse words.

Magneto looked at the woman who fell to the ground, and slowly pulled up his hood. The water droplets from the melted snowflakes made the fabric cold, and the splattered blood was wiped away by his hands.

"A devil? If it's to prevent the tragedy from happening again, then just think of me. These persecutors must pay a price, otherwise the world's oppression of mutants will never stop."

This man had to die, because Magneto's parents were not the only people who died in the concentration camps, there were thousands of other people.

And this honest man who looks ordinary now and wears glasses was Schmidt's biggest accomplice back then.

regret? What were you doing earlier? People, unless they are about to die, they will not understand the true meaning of repentance.

But after Magneto finished talking to himself, he dug out of his pocket and took out a small pile of bills, sandwiched between two coins, and flew into the woman's hand.

Things come to a close, he still killed her husband after all, maybe the money will make her life better in the future.

She is also an innocent person, but this is how hatred spreads. Maybe her hatred will one day engulf Magneto, but before that, he still has a lot to do.

Whether she will use the money and what she will do with it will always remain a mystery.

Magneto turned around and pushed open the small door of the cinema. He still had a movie ticket in his hand. He threw it casually in the snow and took another look at the poster surrounded by neon lights. The light was particularly dazzling.

He has no chance of a peaceful and beautiful life. As Magneto, his future will be to live for all mutants and bring justice to them. And there is only darkness in his life experience, so the means he can think of naturally have no chance of light.

This person doesn’t know where Schmidt has gone, and it looks like he will have to look for new clues next.

But at this moment, in the alley where he came from, a red light suddenly lit up in the darkness that curved along the alley.

"Magneto... is very good." The hoarse voice sounded with a smile, like a devil whispering in the dark. The volume was not loud, but every word penetrated into Magneto's ears clearly. .

"Who are you?" Magneto watched as the red dot got closer and closer, until the black and yellow armor emerged from the dark night.

"I have many identities. Just call me Deathstroke. There are many more that I don't need to introduce yet. You will always know them in the future."

The weirdo in armor walked slowly over. Magneto tried to activate his ability to control the opponent's armor, but the metal-looking armor suddenly squirmed, sprouted a tentacle with a big mouth, and stuck out its tongue at him.

He couldn't help but take a few steps back. This situation was beyond his common sense. This was not armor at all, but a living creature.

"No need to try it. I have made all the preparations before I came to see you. This armor that looks like metal is actually made of flesh and blood. There is a concept called colonial clothing. You are still too young now."

The other party noticed his plan, but did not do anything drastic. Instead, he waved his hand easily, indicating that he was not hostile, and spoke openly.

"what do you want to do?"

Magneto is still calm. After all, this is a city. Even if the opponent's equipment and props cannot be controlled, there is still plenty of metal in the city.

From cars and ships to manhole covers and kitchen knives, he can control them all. As long as the overwhelming metal crushes them, he has never seen anyone who can stop them.

"Haha, relax, I'm here to negotiate terms with you."

I don't know why, but when Magneto heard the words 'negotiate terms', his heart tightened, as if he would lose something precious.

He took a few steps back and retreated to the other side of the street. Snowflakes fell on his head and gradually melted into the fabric fibers: "No, I'm not interested."

After that, he turned around and left. The opponent's origin and strength were unknown, but he suddenly appeared and called out his code name.

It was so weird, being looked at by that one eye, I was like a frog being stared at by a snake.

"Oh? Can you just leave like this?" Deathstroke did not chase him, but just looked at his back and asked in an appropriate voice: "Even if I can give you the bargaining chip you want most, you won't think about it? "

"What do you mean?" Magneto stopped, and a black footprint was left in the snow.

"Haha, I just visited your interrogation. Are you looking for Klaus Schmidt?" Su Ming touched his chin, crossed his arms and said calmly: "Your interrogation skills are very poor, and your intelligence ability is even worse. It’s normal, that’s a fake name, I not only know his real name, but also where he is, how about it? Are you interested in hearing my terms now?”

In the next second, an overwhelming amount of iron objects flew over from all directions, including kitchen knives or iron pots that went through the windows of residents' homes, and fire hydrants or lampposts that were pulled out from the street.

These things were treated as weapons and rushed towards Su Ming. However, they did not smash down immediately. Instead, they were suspended in mid-air together with Magneto King himself.

"tell me!"

Magneto stepped on a manhole cover and stood in the air with his hands behind his back. His shabby cloak was ripped off, revealing the purple leather tights and cape underneath.

"Actually wearing two layers of cloaks..." Su Ming covered his face. There was really something wrong with Magneto's aesthetics in his youth: "Are you planning to steal information? That's right, you think of me as a weakling. What are you planning to do? Exercise your own rights as a strong person, but who is stronger and who is weaker still needs to be touched to know.”

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