The Death Knell

Chapter 986? Meteor Gun

With Odin guiding the way, finding someone is no problem. Although the statement that the God King is omniscient and omnipotent is a lot of exaggeration, it is true that he can see things on the earth.

At present, Su Ming believes that with an action model like the Super Axis, which disperses troops to various places to command troops, they should be attacking Faust. So judging from Zemo's character, he will definitely not be satisfied and will definitely have some small calculations.

But Zemo was decisive enough. After discovering that the super team he had followed for several years turned to Mustache, he immediately abandoned them as a distraction bait?

Otherwise, Zemo would never have made such an unwise move as splitting up his troops when he knew that Deathstroke would be coming. On the contrary, there was a feeling that he would not let Faust and the Führer get the team he could not get.

Sure enough, no one can sit in the position of leader of Hydra. There are many people who can't learn this ruthlessness.

However, it is understandable that Zemo and a few people had been hiding here and there like mice for so long. When he suddenly heard that the head of state was still alive, he thought he had a thigh to hug, so he took the initiative to find him.

But when they arrived on the moon, they discovered that the head of state actually had no one under his command. Instead, the mustache relied on Dr. Faustus's plan for food, which was very embarrassing.

It's one thing to work for Mustache, but it's another thing to have Zemo work for Faust.

He is also the leader of Hydra, but Zemo is not Zola. He can swallow his anger and keep a low profile. He must have secretly planned to take something away from Faust and run away, right?

It is normal for the nine heads to fight against each other. They are the organization that is best at internal fighting. The SSR only plays office fighting. The Hydra is really a life-and-death struggle.

Zemo is one of the rare leaders within Hydra who has a good relationship with everyone on the surface. Even though it is just his disguise, it is enough to keep him alive.

"Tsk, tsk, it seems that the enemy leader in San Francisco is the Blood Earl. Sure enough, we still need to take him to the sun..."

Hiding on the rooftop of a building, Su Ming touched his chin and talked to the crow. Not far away, on the top of another tall building, there was a blood-red figure bathing in the soft light of the moonlight. .

Vampires are often gloomy and reserved. Their cold blood makes them lose their emotions, like stone sculptures or philosophers, and they are unwilling to participate in things between humans.

Humans are prey, do they need to interfere as predators?

If you, as a hunter, don't go hunting properly, but put your energy into dealing with the neighborhood relations with hares, you are sick anyway, right?

The Blood Earl is such a sick person. As a vampire, he was too bored in his long life. By chance, he got a book from a human, the title of which is Mein Kampf.

After reading the book, his eternally silent heart actually beat because of the enthusiasm in the book. This feeling, this love, was what he had lost!

So he immediately set off to find the author of the book, the mustache, who was, of course, Kang the Conqueror in disguise.

He was fooled by Kang and Blue Gloves into joining the Super Axis Team and became a tool.

This guy is completely hopeless. He has been fed a lot of nazi ideas. He is the most fanatical mustache believer. As long as the head of state orders, he will even dare to fight Dracula.

You must know that Dracula is the true ancestor of the Vampire Clan. It is true that he is traveling and vacationing in the world, but it is also true that he holds the power of life and death of the Vampire Clan. The power of his descendants is worse than that of ants in front of him.

But Dracula was too boring, and he couldn't die anyway, so he just laughed off the Blood Count's offense. He just wanted to play games with the descendants of Van Helsing, and he didn't care about anything else.

The Blood Earl's bloodline was very mixed, and Su Ming even thought that Romulus might have done something to him secretly, injected him with wolf blood, or infected him with rabies or something.

In short, unlike ordinary vampires, the Blood Earl is very crazy. He can do all kinds of behaviors that are not in line with the status of a vampire noble. Moreover, like a berserker, he likes to scream and curse.

It is not difficult to deal with vampires. Except for Dracula's immortality, Su Ming has many ways to restrain other vampires, but it is easiest to just throw them into the sun.

"Let me do it, you step back." Odin's messenger crow sent the words of the God King. Although it was a request, the tone was like an order, leaving no room for Su Ming to refute.

Su Ming curled his lips, put the ice cream that the God Killer had turned into into a round shape, and put it back in his bag: "It's different when you're used to being a big brother, right? Okay, come on, just get up and exercise more."

"I just hope you won't take part in these mortal battles casually. Didn't Ancient One tell you before he left office? It's the responsibility of the Supreme Mage." Crow glanced at him with ruby-like eyes, and there was actually some helplessness in his eyes.

Su Ming sat on the rooftop, leaning against the concrete fence on the edge of the rooftop. The snow made his back feel cold. He took off his helmet and took out a cigarette to light it.

"She is her, and I am me. You can't ask every Supreme Mage to be the same. And believe me, Ancient One's choice of me to succeed must be more than her choice. Do people represent the times? Or do the times make people? "

The crow lowered his head, which meant that Odin was also thinking, but after a while he bypassed the topic. After all, it was just a detail.

He hoped that Deathstroke would prepare for the future, hide his strength and bide his time, lurking in the darkness of the world. Deathstroke believes that even in darkness, there are still things that can be done, and blindly developing behind closed doors will not lead to good results.

There are only so many disputes between the two sides, and this is not the key to the future.

"World Meteor, Gangnir!"

Following the whisper of the crow, a thin beam of colorful light suddenly fell from the sky, hitting the Blood Earl who was still laughing at the scenery not far away. It was thrown by Odin almost before he could react. The sharpshooter hit.

Gungnir's built-in special effect is sure to hit. Even if Odin shoots with his eyes closed, as long as he identifies the target, this spear that can turn into thunder will penetrate the heart of the target.

Anyone who knows this gun knows that although it looks shiny and golden, it is extremely gorgeous. But in fact, it is transformed from the branches of the World Tree, and there is an ancient rune message from the World Tree to Odin on the barrel of the gun - 'Whoever holds this gun is the king of the world.'

For most vampires, being struck in the heart by a wooden stake will cause them to fall into a deep sleep.

Now Odin uses the branches of the World Tree, and the effect is even more extraordinary. After the spear hits the target, it emits strong light like the sun, disintegrating the target's organs from the inside.

The poor Blood Earl didn't even see where the enemy was, and was broken into rainbow-shaped fragments in confusion and confusion. He didn't even have a chance to clone himself into the bat swarm.

There was a "pop" sound, just like some invisible bubble was burst, and colorful light spots were scattered on the snow on the rooftop.

Gangnir turned into a rainbow and flew into the sky. Not far away, darkness returned again, with only the moonlight remaining.

"Bang bang bang, it seems that the Asgardian myth is not all lies. The World Tree is indeed somehow related to the Nine Realms. I don't believe it in the legend that it supports the Nine Realms with its branches, but it can bypass Kama. Taj’s protective magic circle, this is true.”

Su Ming held a cigarette, clapped casually, and joked a few words with a smile on his face.

But I'm still thinking about Odin's intention in doing this. Is it a hint? Or some kind of show of strength?

"I haven't heard from Orochi recently. He seems to have evaporated from the nine realms." Crow said immediately before he could think about it for too long.

Su Ming understood. It turned out that he was driven by this incident, so Odin showed his power in order to find a way to get off the stairs. He wanted Deathstroke to help him deal with his brother, but he couldn't explain it clearly.

So when he makes a move, he first sells personal favors and acts as if he is afraid of being rejected by Deathstroke. He is very proactive.

Could it be that Odin was not such an impatient person? Was there something going on within Asgard?

The God of Story has been erased by time. Loki's petty troubles are not a problem now. Thor has no brain at all now and cannot cause any big trouble.

In this way, it seems that Gullweger's plan to assassinate the Mother of the Gods was successful. Among the three Goddess, only her sister Frigga is left. Gaia and Qitong should have been eliminated.

Yes, Queen Gullweg of Vanaheim indeed has the potential of his father Frey, and those imported palace fight dramas are not in vain, and they are already bearing fruit.

"I have also been tracking down the news about Orochi, but unfortunately..." Su Ming would not let Odin see what he was thinking in his heart. Instead, he nodded to Odin solemnly: "If there is news about him... , I will notify Heimdall immediately, and then we will work together to find a way to kill him."

"But, in the prophecy..." The crow hugged its two wings humanely, just like a person hugs his own arms.

Su Ming interrupted him and stuffed the half-smoked cigarette into the crow's mouth: "I know that in the prophecy, your son will die with the serpent in order to save Asgard. This will actually make Ragnarok come, and everything will go the same way. The end is inevitable. But it all depends on man. Maybe you have tried other methods and gave up because you thought it didn't work. So why not let me, a Midgardian, try it? Anyway, even if I fail, you will be the same. Just die."

"Haha, you, a young man, are more courageous, so just do what you want. I'll leave first." The crow spit out the cigarette butt, flapped its wings and flew up.

"Hey, don't leave in a hurry. There are still three cities to go to. Don't you Asgardians know what it means to help to the end and send Buddha to the west?" Su Ming grabbed the crow's hind legs and pulled it away. Pulled back.

"You're right, we don't know what Buddha is." Crow turned his head away from him.

Su Ming rolled his eyes, flew up to find Lao Wan, and muttered to the crow: "You are just pretending to be confused because you understand. If you really don't know what a Buddha is, then you should even say this." You just don’t understand.”

"Ahem, I need to rest." The crow conveyed Odin's words: "You are the same as me, our souls are both injured, but you were damaged by external forces, I am exhausted, and we both need it. Cultivate yourself and wait for the arrival of the tide.”

"Anyway, now that we have taken action, no matter how many times we attack, we won't be able to kill them. In fact, it doesn't matter whether these hundreds of thousands of troops are crushed to death by metal or crushed to death by rainbows. You leave an Asian woman and the one wearing a purple hood among the enemies. That’s it for me.”

Su Mingcai didn't believe his lies. There were too many external factors interfering with his relationship with Odin, which was far less pure than the relationship between him and the Leopard God.

Since the big cat said it was fine, there should be no problem. Besides, haven’t you eaten the hot-boiled mutton to make up for it?

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