The Death Knell

Chapter 987? Lady Lotus

No matter what Su Ming said, the Lord of Immortal Palace was still not as easy to deceive as Magneto. In the end, he just helped kill Braille.

As for the controlled army, he said it would not move at all.

The Blood Earl is a blood race, and Braille is an alien. He can justify his actions against these two people. After all, he is not allowed to interfere in the lives of mortals in Midgard. It was the rule he set himself and required everyone in Asgard to abide by. .

Midgard bears the name of the Nine Realms, but is independent in some aspects. This is the ancient agreement between Odin and the Ancient One.

Although Ancient One has now resigned as the Supreme Mage, as a top sorcerer who transcends time and has a monster like Emperor Weishan behind him, Odin still decided to continue the agreement.

Not to mention that Deathstroke invited him to take action now. He always felt that there was some conspiracy and he was determined not to be fooled.

So Su Ming could only watch the crow fly away with a little regret and disappear into the dark night.

"Haha, look at its back, it really looks like a bat."

Su Ming spoke to the strangulating tentacle that appeared on his shoulder, and casually stuffed a black feather into its mouth.

These are the feathers of the divine crow and a little blood. Give them to Strangler to copy. Su Ming is somewhat interested in this kind of magical cordless phone.

As for whether we can research anything, anyway, it’s a matter of whether there are dates or not.

However, the strangled expression was not delicious at all. It was not a living thing at all, but something that manifested energy. It had nothing but energy, let alone copied cells and molecular structures. The feathers could be said to be made of shadows.

"Is that so...forget it, no wonder those two crows have been standing on Odin's throne. This is where there is light, there is shadow, but Odin put it where everyone can see it. , but no one noticed it, but I learned something.”

Su Ming was not sorry for not getting any benefits. Instead, he felt a little emotional. Compared with Zeus next door, Odin was much better than him.

In short, in general terms, in order to make the nine realms form a close whole with the earth as the center and pave the way for future layout, the Supreme Mage needs to "stand on the earth's side and help the nine realms."

Such a stance makes Su Ming often seem to be trying to trick Odin and harm Asgard's interests, just like what the brainless idiot Thor would think.

But does Odin himself really know nothing? He knew it and acquiesced.

The one who has similar information to Odin is Hela. She is still drinking and relaxing in her dark palace, and she also does not take any action.

These two are not stupid at all. They both know that what Asgard loses today is just to pay for the future.

Everything is in the style of the Supreme Mage, and it still feels so familiar. Even if the Ancient One is replaced by Deathstroke, the gameplay remains the same, that is, equal exchange, in exchange for a glimmer of hope in Ragnarok.

It's just that the current Hela is not the future one who will come to Earth and become a video game enthusiast after realizing great enlightenment. Now as long as Odin doesn't die, Hela and Asgard are not of the same mind.

But this issue was a family matter, and Su Ming didn't bother to intervene.

Now, there is only one big snake as a common threat. However, Odin's eldest brother has disappeared over the years and has gone to who knows where. Even the Hammer of Winter and the Stone of Destiny are missing. It is also a hidden danger.

Braille is dead, Su Ming only needs to let Lao Wan go there to clean up the miscellaneous soldiers, and now the only ones left are Mrs. Lotus in Chicago and Zemo who has mysteriously gone to Los Angeles.

After thinking for a while, Su Ming went to Chicago first. After all, Madam Lotus was a superpower, and Zemo was not.

Letting a woman who can control her opponent run around would be too uncertain. Although this Japanese woman is still useful, she must be deterred and controlled.

After finding Magneto and explaining the tasks in the three cities, Su Ming himself disappeared into the sky in an instant. If the magic floating cloak let go of its speed, he would arrive at the corresponding location in Chicago in the next second.

In this era, it can be said to be the second most prosperous place after New York. The ruins on the roadside can still be vaguely seen as various entertainment venues. Among the ruins of a building with no roof and no walls not far away, Lotus The lady was sitting at the half-empty bar, drinking.

She is very dignified and elegant, and her appearance can be said to be outstanding among Japanese women of this era, at least much prettier than Logan's new wife.

At this time, she was wearing a dark kimono with a snow-white fur scarf around her collar, as if she was not on the battlefield but at home.

After clearing her guards, these ordinary soldiers would not delay Deathstroke. He walked straight to the bar and sat next to her.

She looked at him with a drunken look, lightly opened her red lips and said in Japanese: "You are here after all, Deathstroke-san."

"What are you doing, Sang? I'll leave you alone. It seems you know I'm going to find you." Su Ming took out his wine from his pocket and put it on the table: "Do you want to live or die?"

"As a tool, I am also thoughtful. Zemo and I both know what it means when Faust asks us to lead the troops performing the kamikaze mission." Lotus took the bottle indifferently and held it in her arms. .

Su Ming nodded. It seemed that she still wanted to live, even though she was not drunk at all, it was just pretending.

"Then leave Hydra and I will show you the way to continue living."

"No one can break away from Hydra. Traitors are not allowed to exist." Lotus shook her head. This still allowed her to die. In comparison, if she had to worry about Hydra's assassinations all the time, she would live in fear. I don’t know when I will die yet, so I might as well die now.

Su Ming gave her another cigarette: "But if you are transferred within Hydra, the problem will be different. In the past, you followed the Red Skull, and now you follow Zemo, so if you change the leader, the problem will be the same. What?"

"Is there someone of yours inside Hydra?" Madam Lianhua raised her head in surprise.

"Not yet, but soon. As long as I get rid of Mustache and Faust, there are many things and many secrets that can be manipulated. I don't need your loyalty, but there is one thing I need you to help me with. As long as you do that and don't show up in the United States again, you can live well."

Su Ming looked at her open mouth and pushed the cigarette to her hand to calm her down.

"Please tell me, I, a weak woman, can only rely on the strong to survive in such troubled times." Mrs. Lianhua lowered her head and said pitifully.

However, she still pretended. This woman was not a weak woman, but her mind control skills were ineffective against Deathstroke.

"On behalf of Hydra, go to Japan to find a person named Yashida Ichiro. I will give you his address. Within the next year, you will help him use all means to get into power. After that, I will let someone take over your shift. Give you a bunch of money and you can find a place to live out the rest of your life in peace, that’s the deal.”

"I promise you, thank you for not embarrassing the little girl." Lianhua leaned over and saluted pitifully, and there seemed to be tears in her eyes.

It’s still fake, this woman is just trying to survive.

Maybe she was aware of the death of her teammates and knew that Deathstroke's butcher's knife was about to come, so she just succumbed to the situation for now.

But Su Ming never thought about asking her to be so obedient, and naturally he would not naively think that she told the truth and would do it.

So he took out a magic contract from the small bag. This was a magic document prepared in advance by Hamil and witnessed by Emperor Weishan. One of them was activated not long ago when Magneto and the Sorcerer Supreme reached a deal.

And now, as Mrs. Lianhua's words fell, all the contents of the agreement instantly appeared on this blank paper, and a huge will flashed through the air, and the contract was established.

"Okay, a god tens of thousands of times more powerful than your Amaterasu has witnessed your oath. If you go back on your word or fail to do what you promised, the consequences will be miserable." Su Ming picked up the burning contract and Daggered in front of her.

There is no ashes after the paper is burned, there is nothing, only the bond and connection between the two people.

Madam Lianhua bit her lower lip. Was she really seen through? What a terrible man... But now I am powerless to change it. Maybe this is fate.

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