When he arrived in Algiers, Qin Chuan realized that he was wrong.

The order turned out to be what he thought was the most impossible..."rest"!

"Three days of vacation!" Colonel Slain ordered: "Each person will be given one hundred francs as a reward for your performance on the battlefield!"

The soldiers couldn't help but cheer loudly.

One hundred francs would have been a considerable fortune a year ago, because at that time, the exchange rate was 5:1 against the U.S. dollar. One hundred francs was equivalent to 20 U.S. dollars, which is equivalent to modern times in terms of purchasing power. 360 US dollars, which is almost 2,000 yuan.

However, due to the surrender of France, the people lost confidence in the franc, and the German tax on France depressed the French economy. As a result, the franc depreciated rapidly, and by this time it was only worth about one dollar.

But this was still enough for the soldiers to enjoy two seafood feasts while enjoying the sea breeze at the beach.

But the soldiers soon became confused after being excited.

Things are often like this sometimes. When the battlefield is so tense that you are about to collapse, you think about taking a vacation and rest all day long. However, when you really take a vacation and rest, you find that you don't know what to do or where to go.

Qin Chuan also feels this way.

Go home?

Not to mention that I am not familiar with my so-called "home" at all. Even if I want to go back... three days is not enough time to go back, unless there is a US military transport plane to take me back.

Going for a stroll in Algiers?

Forget it, it’s just drinking and eating, although eating is still very attractive... Just like before, even a chicken has to risk its life to lose the smell of birds on the battlefield. eat.

However, is three days of vacation too much of a waste to spend on eating?

"Captain!" Colonel Slain said, "Have you decided how you want to spend this holiday?"

Before Qin Chuan could answer, Venette grabbed Qin Chuan's arm and replied: "Yes, Colonel, we have thought about it!"

"Uh-huh!" Colonel Slaine showed an envious smile to Qin Chuan, and the soldiers around him also cheered... Vinette almost announced their love to everyone.

"Enjoy these three days!" Colonel Slaine said in a cryptic tone.

Venet stopped a carriage as soon as she walked out of the military camp... This place was a French colony before, and some of its living habits are more like France. For example, the carriage used to carry passengers is a European antique four-wheeled carriage. But because the economy is relatively backward, it is simpler.

After getting on the bus, Vinette named a place and gave the driver five hundred francs (the largest denomination) with a wave of her hand... The driver's eyes were full of astonishment, as if he didn't expect that these two soldiers, who were dressed in rags and dirty clothes like beggars, would take action. Such generosity and generosity, before he thought he was worried about providing free services, after all, this is a common thing in Algiers, especially white soldiers.

Therefore, the coachman took off his hat and saluted Qin Chuan and Wei Niwu respectively with a grateful expression.

"Maybe you shouldn't do this!" Qin Chuan started to speak after the carriage started running.


"I mean what you said in front of the colonel!"

"Oh, why?" Venet replied casually, and rolled up her sleeves to check. She had already begun to count the scars made on the battlefield.

"You should know that you are very popular in the army!" Qin Chuan said.

This is the truth. The vast majority of the troops are men, strong-blooded men, especially those who are still under the pressure of death on the battlefield. Especially Vinette is a typical French beauty, especially the French are still romantic... So although or Some people knew more or less about the relationship between Weinette and Qin Chuan, but there were still many soldiers who courted Weinette.

"That's exactly what I hope!" Venet turned back and smiled: "Besides, you are also very popular in the army... although there are not many women in the army!"

Qin Chuan couldn't help but be startled when he heard this, and then quickly thought of Yulia. Qin Chuan couldn't help but rolled his eyes. Venet had a purpose in doing this.

The carriage stopped in front of Vinette's villa, and the housekeeper looked at Qin Chuan and Vinette who got out of the car with a look of astonishment.

It took a while for the housekeeper to recognize Qin Chuan. He hurriedly greeted him, looking a little flustered: "It turns out to be a lieutenant. No, you are already a captain. Welcome to your arrival. If you inform me in advance, I will let you know." Mr. Nova..."

Vinette said "hmm" next to her, pretending to be a serious man's voice and said: "Mr. Jeremiah, we are here to search this house. We have received reliable information that a murder has occurred here... You at least kill After eating two chickens, I can already smell the aroma!”

"Little... miss!" Only then did the housekeeper recognize Venet.

But despite this, the shocked expression on the butler's face was no less than seeing a murder.

Indeed, Vinette's current appearance has changed greatly compared to the image she wore a few months ago, wearing makeup, a tight dress, and holding a small umbrella. It's just that Qin Chuan looked at Vinette's changes, so I don’t think so, but now even the housekeeper doesn’t recognize him at first glance.

"I lied to you!" Venette laughed happily, and then ran towards the door.

What surprised Qin Chuan was that he felt that the housekeeper wanted to prevent the two from entering the house, but he couldn't find an excuse, so he stood at the door in embarrassment.

"Is there any problem?" Qin Chuan asked, "Are we being too presumptuous?"

"No, no, Mr. Captain!" the butler replied, "Of course not!"

Then, as if he remembered something, he said: "Oh, I'll go and report it!"

"Uh-huh!" Qin Chuan nodded.

Looking at the butler's hurried departure, Qin Chuan couldn't help but wonder. Does the young lady need to be notified when she is back?

But what else could happen to Benoit? Qin Chuan shook his head, thinking that this was just the result of him not being able to adapt to a peaceful society after staying on the battlefield for a long time... They called this battlefield syndrome.

Walking into the door, I saw Benoit already waiting at the door.

"Oh, Venet, my daughter! I don't recognize you anymore!" Then Benoit rushed to Qin Chuan and said: "Captain, I am glad that you are already a captain. We should celebrate this." Isn’t it? There’s a bottle of champagne in my study!”

But Qin Chuan did not move. He was sensitive to the danger, although he did not know what the danger was.

Suddenly, the door to the room upstairs opened, and a figure flashed out with a gun in his hand.

Qin Chuan rolled on the spot.

With a "Bang!" sound, the bullet hit where he was just now.

Qin Chuan did not hesitate and pulled out the pistol from his waist as quickly as possible to fight back.

"Bang bang!" The figure fell down.

But the next second, Qin Chuan heard Venette shout: "No, he is Antoine!"

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