Antoine? Brother Venet? !

Qin Chuan couldn't help being stunned, and then he understood the butler's panic and Benoit's cover-up.

Amidst the screams, Qin Chuan and Weinette ran upstairs.

Fortunately, Antoine was not in danger because Qin Chuan saw him covering the wound on his leg with one hand and pointing a gun at Qin Chuan with the other...

"No, Antoine, put down the gun!" Venette stood in front of Qin Chuan.

"Don't do this, Antoine!" Benoit also ran up: "You should know that you are no match for him, he will kill you! And if you do this, we will all die!"

Antoine, whose face was covered with sweat, was breathing heavily and stared at Qin Chuan for a while before weakly putting down the pistol.

Venette immediately took Antoine's gun into her hands.

"Didi..." A whistle sounded outside the door.

"God, it's the Germans!" Mrs. Benoit looked out the window and said nervously: "They must have heard the gunshots and came over!"

"Captain!" Benoit said to Qin Chuan: "I hope you can understand the mood of a father. Antoine did not mean it. Please believe that this is not a trap, it is just a coincidence..."

Qin Chuan was stunned for a while, then nodded and said, "Carry him into the room!"

Qin Chuan believed this was a coincidence, because no one knew that he and Vinette would come back, but Antoine thought Qin Chuan was here to catch him, so this "misunderstanding" occurred which was not a misunderstanding.

Benoit did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly called on several servants to carry the injured Antoine into the room and closed the door.

"Open the door, open the door!" There was a heavy knock on the door.

The housekeeper standing at the door looked at Qin Chuan who was walking down the stairs, feeling at a loss.

Qin Chuan nodded and motioned for the housekeeper to open the door, but before the housekeeper could react, the door was pushed open with a loud bang, and a sergeant holding a submachine gun rushed in with several subordinates holding rifles. , the murderous intent in their eyes immediately turned into shock when they saw Qin Chuan.

"What happened, Captain?" asked the sergeant.

"Nothing happened!" Qin Chuan replied: "I just taught a few disobedient people a lesson!"

Being a sergeant is not easy to fool... Most German troops in North Africa have combat experience.

"But I heard two gunshots, sir!" the sergeant said. "Are you sure you're not in danger?"

As he spoke, the sergeant glanced at the people in the room warily, still holding the gun in his hand.

At that moment, at least a few possibilities flashed through the sergeant's mind: the captain was being kidnapped and threatened; the captain was pretending to be a spy; there were other dangerous elements lurking in the room...

The quality and vigilance of the German army were beyond words, which made Qin Chuan feel a little embarrassed.

"Are you doubting me, Sergeant?"

"No, sir!" The sergeant still refused to relax: "But I am sure that what I heard were two kinds of gunshots!"

The sergeant is right. Every gun has a different sound. Different models and calibers will produce different sounds. Even guns of the same model will have different sounds due to different degrees of rifling wear. .

Of course, only veterans who have experienced the battlefield can hear this.

"Vinette!" Qin Chuan shouted upstairs.

Vinette opened the door and walked out charmingly, holding a gun in her hand. Then she casually leaned on the railing and looked down at the group of nervous German soldiers below, and asked with a smile: "Is this the gun you're talking about, Sergeant?"

The sergeant looked at Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan raised his eyebrows and said, "You heard it right, Sergeant. There are indeed two kinds of gunshots. The one in her hand is the second gun you are looking for!"

"Can I see your military ID, Captain!" The sergeant still remained skeptical. The reason may be that there are very few female soldiers in the German army.

Qin Chuan took out his military ID card from his arms and handed it over, saying, "I appreciate your caution, Sergeant, but you'd better leave this matter alone!"

"That's up to me, sir!" the sergeant said, opening his military ID card.

Soon, the expression on his face froze: "Are you Captain Frick of the First Infantry Regiment?"

"Yes!" Qin Chuan nodded.

Qinchuan's response made all the German soldiers look at Qinchuan in surprise.

"But... you should be at the Gabes Defense Line, right?"

"We just got off the train!" Qin Chuan replied: "Look at our military uniforms..."

As he spoke, Qin Chuan spread his hands, his military uniform was covered with dirt and blood.

"Or you can call for verification!" Qin Chuan said.

"No, of course not!" the sergeant replied: "If someone pretends to be a 'legendary sergeant', it must be the stupidest spy!"

The sergeant is right, spies usually disguise themselves as unknown people because that can avoid unnecessary trouble.

"Sorry, Captain!" The sergeant put down his gun, handed the officer's ID card back to Qin Chuan with both hands, then saluted Qin Chuan and said, "I'm glad to see you here, I wish you... happy hunting! "

With that said, the sergeant led his men out of the villa, and several soldiers saluted Qin Chuan before leaving.

Qin Chuan stood there in a daze, not understanding what the sergeant meant by "hunting".

It took him a while to understand... Some soldiers who came down from the battlefield would break into people's homes and act arrogantly. If the people disobeyed even a little bit, the soldiers would use guns to teach these disobedient people a lesson.

Obviously, the sergeant regarded Qin Chuan as that kind of person.

But that's good, at least the current crisis has been resolved.

Next... Qin Chuan looked at the room upstairs and didn't know how to deal with it.

Qin Chuan knew that Antoine had joined the guerrillas, so now he and he should be enemies, and Vinette is...

No matter what, Qin Chuan bit the bullet and walked upstairs.

"We meet again, Antoine!" Qin Chuan said.

"Yes, Captain!" Antoine's voice was trembling because of nervousness and fear, but he still gritted his teeth and said, "It's a pity that I couldn't kill you!"

"God, Antoine!" Mrs. Benoit turned pale with fright: "Stop talking stupid things, the captain just saved all our lives!"

Benoit said nervously to Qin Chuan: "Sorry, Lieutenant, don't take this to heart!"

"Of course!" Qin Chuan replied.

To be honest, Qin Chuan still admires Antoine a little. Although he is afraid, even though he is scared, and even he is weak, he always sticks to his beliefs.

From this point of view, Vinette's character is somewhat similar to her brother, except that Vinette will compromise for her family, while Antoine does not.

"But I prefer to die in your hands, Venet!" Antoine turned to Venet angrily and said sarcastically: "Should I welcome you as a hero? Tell me how many people you killed on the battlefield." Enemies' bar!"

"Shut your mouth!" Venette, who was wrapping a bandage, exerted her strength on her hand, and Antoine couldn't help but scream.

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