On the other side, Colonel Slaine, who was in the headquarters, was still unaware of the battle situation on the front line. He frowned at the map, thinking hard about how to solve the problem at hand.

At this time, the adjutant ran in stooping under the gunfire and reported out of breath: "Colonel, I...we..."

"That's enough, Lucas!" Colonel Slaine was not satisfied with Lucas's panicked performance. He reprimanded impatiently: "I know the situation is very critical now, and the British are about to attack. , but we have no retreat, we can only fight to the end, please keep the calmness that an officer should have..."

"No, Colonel!" Lucas flushed with excitement: "You misunderstood, I... we won!"

"I know, I..." Colonel Slain couldn't help being stunned as he said that. He looked up at Lucas in surprise and asked, "What? What did you say? What victory?"

"We won, Colonel!" Lucas couldn't help laughing: "They defeated the British!"

"Did they repel the British?" Colonel Slain still couldn't believe it: "How?"

"Use gasoline, Colonel!" Lucas replied: "They placed gasoline on the way the British advanced, and then set fire to half the city... The British suffered heavy casualties, losing at least more than a hundred tanks and thousands of soldiers. Soldiers! I’m afraid they won’t be able to attack again in a short time!”

Colonel Slaine couldn't help but opened his mouth in astonishment. After a long time, he nodded and said: "Using gasoline is such a good idea! Lucas, these are the soldiers of our empire, aren't they? They actually won this almost impossible victory." Fight! How did they come up with this idea?"

"Colonel!" Lucas replied: "It is said that this method was invented by a sergeant!"

"A sergeant?" Slaine looked at the adjutant.

"Yes, a sergeant!"

"Sergeant Frick!" Qin Chuan, who was resting in the corner, heard Bazel's cry: "The colonel wants you to go to the regiment headquarters!"

"What?" Qin Chuan didn't respond.

"Are you Sergeant Frick?" Under Bazel's instructions, an officer walked up to Qin Chuan, followed by two guards holding submachine guns.

"Yes, sir!" Qin Chuan quickly stood up and answered.

"Come with me!" said the officer.

"Yes, sir!" Qin Chuan didn't know what was happening, but he knew that he had to go with them because this was the army and he had to obey the orders of his commander.

Several people walked through the streets, and from time to time there would be a few artillery shells fired from the direction of the British army, which made them occasionally duck down to avoid, or sometimes they had to pass through ruins and broken walls, because the streets were often covered by collapsed buildings. Block it up.

After walking for more than ten minutes, a few people got into a two-story building. Inside, there were officers wearing big hats walking back and forth and busy. After passing through their busy area, they found a room at the corner inside. The light was not very good, and the door had been torn down... This approach was correct, because the doors of Libyan people's houses were not strong, and they did not play any defensive role except to prevent their own movement.

"Colonel!" the officer stood up and reported, "I brought him!"

Only then did Qin Chuan see the officer at his desk who was looking at a map with a magnifying glass. Seeing his rank of colonel, Qin Chuan quickly determined that he was his regimental commander, Colonel Slaine.

"Sir!" Qin Chuan stood up and saluted.

Colonel Slain raised his head and glanced at Qin Chuan, nodded slightly, and asked, "Are you Sergeant Frick?"

"Yes, Colonel!" Qin Chuan replied.

"Relax, sergeant, nice to see you!" Colonel Slain stepped forward and shook hands with Qin Chuan.

"It's my honor, Colonel!" Qin Chuan replied.

"Can I see your ID?" Colonel Sline held out his hand.

This made Qin Chuan nervous for a while, because Qin Chuan had always felt like he was impersonating Frick, or it could also be said to be an illusion.

But Qin Chuan still took out his soldier's ID card from his pocket and handed it over, but his actions were a little panicked because of his guilty conscience.

Colonel Slain took the soldier's ID card, opened it, and then stared at the information on it for a minute.

Qin Chuan couldn't help but wonder... maybe he saw some flaws, or maybe there was something strange written in the soldier's ID card. For example, he was once a tank driver, but he didn't know anything about tanks. As long as he Asking just one question will reveal the truth.

But what Qin Chuan was worried about did not happen, because Frick was an ordinary soldier who couldn't be more ordinary.

"I'm surprised, sergeant!" After reading, Colonel Slaine returned the soldier's certificate to Qin Chuan: "It said you had no merit, and even said you were slow to react, but... now you But he is an excellent sniper, and this time he came up with an ingenious way to repel the powerful British army. In particular, this is a very good way, use gasoline! "

"Maybe it's luck or something else!" Qin Chuan replied, he really couldn't find a better excuse.

Slaine smiled and shook his head: "No, I don't think it's luck. I wonder if you offended an officer who evaluated you, but gold will shine no matter where it goes, right?"

"Yes, sir!" Qin Chuan stood up and replied: "Thank you, sir!"

"By the way!" Then the colonel asked: "I heard that when you were in Aghdabia last time, you used your knowledge to destroy a building and enable our army to successfully break through?"

"Yes, sir!"

"It's really impressive!" Colonel Slain walked back to his desk, poured a cup of coffee into a cup with a kettle, and asked Qin Chuan, "Would you like a cup?"

"No, sir!" Although Qin Chuan refused, he couldn't help but swallowed... The aroma of coffee was very attractive, especially in the dry and hot desert.

Colonel Slaine seemed to have seen through Qin Chuan's thoughts, and smiled and handed Qin Chuan a drink: "Don't feel restrained, sergeant, you saved all of us, me, and my troops! We all owe you !”

"That's what I should do, sir!" Qin Chuan happily took the coffee and took a cautious sip... Suddenly, a long-lost aroma flowed from top to bottom, and he felt comfortable all over his body.

Colonel Slaine made another cup for himself, then leaned against the table, raised the cup, and saluted Qin Chuan: "For victory!"

"For victory!"

"However!" Colonel Slaine continued: "Our current situation is still very serious. We are just lucky enough to pass the first level. The British will attack a second time and a third time... Moreover, Next time, we may not be so lucky!"

Qin Chuan understood what Colonel Slaine meant. It was impossible to use the same method a second time.

Moreover, because of the disastrous defeat of the British army and the fact that Tengeter is a battleground for the British army, their attack may be more violent next time.

What can the group do then?

Are you waiting here to die?

No, Qin Chuan will not just sit back and wait for death.

Suddenly, Qin Chuan realized that this was a perfect opportunity for him to make suggestions... The leader was right in front of him.

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