"Colonel, can I make a suggestion?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Of course!" Colonel Slaine took a sip of coffee.

"Why don't we go to Meichili to join the main force after dark?" Qin Chuan asked.

Qinchuan's suggestion is certainly reasonable. There is no hope in staying in Tengeter. After dark, the Germans can break out to find the main force without worrying about bombing by British air power.

Colonel Slain shook his head: "You are not the only one who made this suggestion, Sergeant. In fact, I think so too. But..."

Speaking of this, Slaine didn't say any more.

Qin Chuan knew the meaning behind this "but"... Rommel did not agree to this.

Perhaps it can be said that only when the first regiment really suffered heavy losses and was unable to stay in Tengeter, Rommel would agree to the first regiment to join the main force.

So this leads to a paradox: a regiment cannot leave Tengeter without suffering heavy losses. If it does not leave Tengeter, it will inevitably suffer losses or even be annihilated.

"Do you have any other suggestions?" Colonel Slain asked.

This was almost an eviction order, but Slaine added: "At any time, if you have any suggestions or ideas, you can talk to Lucas..."

As he spoke, Colonel Slain raised his head towards the officer who brought Qin Chuan. The officer took a step forward and introduced himself: "My name is Lucas, the colonel's adjutant!"

"It's an honor to meet you, sir!" Qin Chuan stood up and saluted.

Colonel Slaine continued: "Or you can come to me directly, because I am looking forward to another suggestion to defeat the British. We need this suggestion very much!"

At this time, Qin Chuan was supposed to salute the colonel and say goodbye, but Qin Chuan did not realize this because he was thinking about his situation.

The current situation is obvious. It will undoubtedly be dangerous for Yituan to continue to stay in Tengeter.

And as the saying goes, "No eggs can be found when the nest is overturned." If a regiment is going to suffer heavy losses or be wiped out, then Qin Chuan, as a member of the regiment, will naturally be in danger... So Qin Chuan cannot let this happen. occur.

But what can Qin Chuan do? Rommel's orders were pressing above.

Objectively speaking, it is understandable that Rommel would issue such an order, because he needs a force to cut off the enemy's supply line in the rear, so as to have a chance to defeat the enemy's main force or prevent them from escaping, even if this intersecting force has to sacrifice the entire army. The price of destruction is no longer hesitant.

The problem is that Qin Chuan doesn't want to be sacrificed like this.

Therefore, Qin Chuan had only one choice, which was to disobey Rommel's order.

But it was almost impossible... He was just a sergeant, and it was impossible for Colonel Slaine to disobey Rommel's orders.

"Sergeant, Sergeant?" Colonel Slaine shouted in confusion when he saw that Qin Chuan had not moved for a long time.

"Colonel..." Qin Chuan came back to his senses.

"Did you remember something?" Colonel Slain couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh, yes, Colonel!" Qin Chuan replied: "I'm thinking that we may not necessarily have to defend Tengeter!"

"Sergeant!" Colonel Slaine couldn't help but turn cold upon hearing this: "Do you want me to disobey orders? Please note, this is outside your scope of authority!"

"Sorry, Colonel, that's not what I meant!" Qin Chuan explained: "What I mean is... our ultimate goal is to cut off the enemy's supply line and coordinate the main force's attack on the enemy. This is why General Rommel asked us to station in Tenge. In fact, we know that stationing in Tengeter can foreseeably not achieve this goal. What if... we disobey the order and leave Tengeter, but can we achieve this goal? "

Hearing this, Colonel Slaine couldn't help but startled, and then laughed: "You mean... you have a way to cut off the British's supply line or prevent them from retreating?"

Colonel Slaine thought Qin Chuan was joking, and even thought Qin Chuan was looking for an excuse to retreat, but when he saw Qin Chuan's serious expression, he began to believe it.

"Okay, Sergeant!" said Colonel Slain. "Tell me what you think. I'm listening!"

"Can I use your map?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Of course!" Colonel Slain made room for Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan walked to the map and found Tengeter's location at a glance... He specializes in studying the history of World War II, especially German history, so he knows every battle and process very clearly.

"We are here!" Qinchuan pointed to Tengeter on the map and said: "The main force of the British is in the Mechili area, sixty-four kilometers away from us!"

Colonel Slain was impressed as soon as Qin Chuan opened his mouth, because this seemingly simple sentence contained several pieces of information that ordinary soldiers did not know, such as the location of the main force of the British army, and the relationship between Mei Chile and Tengeteng. Er's exact distance.

"How do you know this?" Colonel Sline asked curiously.

"Well... part of it is heard, and part of it is guessed!" Qinchuan replied: "If Tengeter is the enemy's rear, then the enemy's main force will have nowhere else but Mei Chile, right? "

Colonel Slain nodded: "Go on, Sergeant!"

"Then..." Qin Chuan said: "I make a bold guess that most of the British tanks are east of Tengeter, in the Meichili area!"

As he said this, Qin Chuan looked at Colonel Slaine.

"Yes!" Colonel Slain agreed: "Our intelligence shows that they have more than 900 tanks east of Tengeter, and more than 100 tanks in Egypt, a small part of which are in Egypt. Tobrug…”

This is not a secret. Before that, the British army chased the Italian army all the way to Tripoli. The British tanks could be said to be deployed in full force... Although these tanks were broken down due to performance problems, most of them still advanced to Tripoli. Only more than a hundred vehicles remain in Egypt in Libya. This can also be seen from the fact that the British armored forces' previous attack on Tengeter came from the west.

"On the other hand!" Qin Chuan continued: "The British built Tengeter as a stronghold. For example, they store gasoline and tank parts here so that the tanks can receive fuel and repair in time..."

"Uh-huh!" Colonel Sline didn't object.

There is no doubt about this. The German army found a large amount of gasoline and parts in Tengeter's warehouse. They even encountered and captured tanks that were refueling in the city before.

"I speculate..." Qinchuan said: "The British not only set up one stronghold in Tengeter, they may have set up many, and these strongholds will be connected in a line leading to Tobruk Port..."

"You mean..." Colonel Slain raised his head and looked at Qin Chuan, his face full of shock.

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