Finally, the flare went off.

At the moment when the flare went out, the British officer turned the steering wheel and tried to leave the battlefield... He knew that the human eye has "light adaptation" and "dark adaptation".

That is to say, it takes a period of time to adapt from a dark place to a bright place. Similarly, it also takes a period of time to adapt from a bright place to a dark place... During these few seconds of adaptation, you can hardly see anything.

Qin Chuan only had these few seconds to kill the officer, otherwise the target might escape into the darkness and never be found again.

One second, two seconds...

Then with a "bang" sound, Qin Chuan pulled the trigger.

In fact, Qin Chuan still didn't see the target, but he saw the white smoke emitted from the exhaust pipe of the armored vehicle... The temperature in the early morning was below zero, and the seaside was also very humid, so the white smoke was very obvious under the starlight.

Qin Chuan fired based on this cloud of white smoke... It was a Beaverette light armored reconnaissance vehicle. Qin Chuan was familiar with it and knew that its exhaust pipe was on the lower right side, and about ten centimeters to the side was the right rear wheel. .

The bullet hit the right rear wheel, and a muffled sound like a mortar shell was heard faintly in the darkness, followed by a violent impact. Obviously, when the British officer turned the steering wheel sharply to the right, the right tire suddenly burst, which would inevitably cause the car to roll over and roll several times.

Sure enough, when the flares came on again, Qin Chuan saw an armored vehicle overturned on one end, with one side touching the ground and the other two wheels spinning in the air. Looking around again, the British officer was thrown to a position more than ten meters away and was lying on his back. He was trying to get up with blood spurting from his mouth.

"Remember to wear your seat belt next time, you scum!" With that said, Qin Chuan pulled the trigger.

The bullet hit the target between the eyebrows, and a stream of steaming blood spurted out from the other end of the head. Then the British officer's head fell heavily to the ground. It shook under the influence of inertia and stopped moving.

The tank continued to move forward.

The tank crew inside seemed to be aware of what was happening outside, but they did not dare to open the hatch to take a look because they were worried that doing so would close their eyes forever. At the same time, they did not dare to stop the tank because they were not sure whether there was an enemy. They were chasing behind them with anti-tank grenades... So they could only let the tanks continue to move forward, not knowing what to do next.

In fact, they are completely free to move, because the cruise ship has returned to the main battlefield again, that is, in front of Major William.

At this moment, Major William's heart collapsed, because he knew that his two squads had been completely annihilated.

To say "thoroughly" may be an exaggeration, because Major William heard the "rumble" of tanks in both directions, but he felt that the only ones left might be tanks...but in this case, these tanks were It's of no use at all.

Major William looked around him and saw that his own part was not much better. There were only about 80 people left in the 150-man troop, and all of them were injured.

What's more important is that all Major William can see in their eyes is fear. Major William is aware... They have lost this battle.

"Major!" At this time, the signal soldier handed the walkie-talkie to Major William: "It's Major General Evans!"

"Major!" Major General Evans asked on the walkie-talkie: "How is the plan going? Has the port been captured?"

"No, General!" Major William replied bitterly.

"Hurry up!" Major General Evans said with a reproachful tone: "We can't delay any longer. It will be dark soon. We must fight quickly, otherwise the warehouse will be in danger of being blown up by them..."

"General!" Major William interrupted Major General Evans and said, "We failed!"

"What? Failure?" Major General Evans could hardly believe his ears.

"Yes, we failed!" Major William replied feebly: "We only have eighty-five people left, including me... My troops were scattered by them!"

"This is impossible!" Major General Evans said: "We are attacking their frontal defense line with all our strength. It is impossible for them to send reinforcements..."

"They have no reinforcements!"

"Then please tell me, how did a German infantry company defeat you? Major! You have absolute superiority in troops and equipment, as well as the expectations of all of us!"

"I know!" Major William replied: "But they have a cruise ship!"


"Yes!" Major William said: "They are defending on the cruise ship. On the sea, we have nothing to do with them. We can only bear their bullets and shells like targets on the shore. Most of my men are dead. Major General ! You think we want this?"

As he spoke, Major William hung up the phone with a snap and cursed: "These bastards!"

"Major!" asked one of the soldiers. "What do we do now?"

"We should call back those tanks!" Major William said, "Then build a line of defense..."

Before he finished speaking, a bullet hit Major William's head with a "bang" sound. Major William was shocked like an electric shock, and then fell straight to the ground.

Qin Chuan had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. He had not noticed this officer before because he was dressed like other British soldiers until he hid behind an armored vehicle and made a phone call.

At this time, the person who will talk to his superiors will most likely be the top commander of this unit.

Of course Qin Chuan knew his value. He could be said to be the last bit of cohesion of this army... Otherwise, the British army would have collapsed after one-third of its casualties.

But now this British army has suffered at least two-thirds of the casualties, but it can still persist. This may be related to the quality of this army, but more importantly, the commander is still persisting.

Now Qin Chuan killed their commander.

However, Qin Chuan was not sure. After all, he did not see his military rank. The caller might be a communications soldier or a staff officer.

So Qin Chuan watched the other side in the scope and waited for a while.

Then he knew that he had guessed correctly, because a white flag was displayed behind the armored vehicle, and the British army shook it vigorously to let him see it.

"They surrendered!" Qin Chuan said.

"What?" Werner was picking up a drum magazine from the ammunition box. He had replaced his MP40 with a British Thompson submachine gun. During the battle, he said that this thing was very enjoyable... The drum magazine can hold 100 rounds of bullets. It's almost a battle.

"I said they surrendered!" Qin Chuan repeated, then paused and shouted: "Cease fire, cease fire, they surrendered!"

Bazel looked at the direction indicated by Qin Chuan with his binoculars, nodded and said, "Yes, sergeant, they surrendered!"

The German soldiers couldn't help but cheer. They couldn't believe this fact... A group of British troops equipped with tanks and armored vehicles and with much more troops than them actually surrendered to them.

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