"What? What did you say?" Colonel Slain couldn't help but be stunned when he heard Bazel's report: "You mean we won?"

"Yes, Colonel!" Bazel's voice trembled with excitement: "They surrendered, we guard the warehouse!"

"How many are there?" Colonel Slain asked.

"There are about five hundred people!" Bazel replied: "Twenty tanks, twenty armored vehicles, and some cars carrying ammunition!"

"But you only have more than a hundred people!" Colonel Slain couldn't believe it the more he heard: "And you have nothing, but you actually defeated them?"

"Yes, Colonel!" Bazel replied: "We even captured five tanks and seven armored vehicles, and they are all intact!"

"How did you do it?" Colonel Slain even doubted whether Bazel said these words under the coercion of the British.

"Remember Sergeant Frick?" Buzzell asked.

"Uh-huh!" Colonel Sline said: "That scheming guy..."

Then Colonel Slain reacted: "You mean, it was him who allowed you to win again?"

"Yes!" Bazelle replied: "He suggested that we defend on the cruise ship. You know, we would be safe on the cruise ship. The tanks could never get close to us unless they could swim, but we could be condescending on the cruise ship. shooting..."

"So you won!" Colonel Slaine couldn't help laughing: "That's great, Captain! You and your troops, especially that Sergeant Frick... It was a beautiful battle, very good I think I should give you a little more leave, but the war is not over yet, do you understand?"

"Understood, sir!" replied Bazel.

The sky gradually gets brighter, and a fiery red sun rises from the sea level, indicating that the world will turn from cold to hot again.

Werner was lying on the bed of the cruise ship like an inverted sea cucumber, with his eyes half closed and a cigarette in his mouth. There was a kettle filled with water on the bedside.

"Can we sleep here for a while? Sergeant!" Werner asked.

"No!" Qin Chuan replied while packing his backpack.

"Why?" said Werner. "We all dream of having a clean house, and look here... we can even have a room each!"

Several of Qin Chuan's subordinates also looked at Qin Chuan with expectant eyes.

"If you want to stay here, I have no problem!" Qin Chuan said and picked up his backpack.

The subordinates couldn't help but cheer.

But Qin Chuan added inappropriately: "As long as you are not afraid of death!"

"What?" Werner couldn't help but jump up from the bed.

Qinchuan replied slowly and politely: "I have reason to believe that the British army reported the reason for their failure last night to their commander, which means... the British already know that this cruise ship caused their failure. ! And now it’s dawn, so what do you think will happen?”

"Bomber?" Werner was so surprised that the cigarette almost fell from his mouth.

Qin Chuan didn't answer. He put on his backpack and grabbed his rifle, saying, "Anyway, I still choose to go to the dock. You can decide for yourself!"

This move was very effective. As soon as Qin Chuan stepped out of the door, the soldiers packed their belongings as quickly as possible in the cabin, and soon followed him in unison.

What Qin Chuan said is not alarmist, but the reason is not this... You must know that the reinforcements coming from Benghazi will soon arrive at Tobruk Port. If the British still want to fight, they should send airpower to prevent reinforcements from arriving.

Qin Chuan's guess was correct. After hearing that last night's plan failed, Major General Evans couldn't help but be stunned on the spot. No matter how careful he was, he could not have imagined that the last bad thing would be the cruise ship captured by the Germans. If he had known this, he would have The Air Force should have sunk these cruise ships yesterday.

It's too late to say anything now. The sneak attack plan has failed. The next problem is that enemy reinforcements will enter the port and supplement Tobruk's defense.

This made Major General Evans feel as if the sky was falling. As mentioned before, Tobruk Port is responsible for the supply of the entire British army of more than 100,000 people. Without it, it means that more than 100,000 British troops will die...

"Major General!" The staff officer handed a telegram to Major General Evans and said, "Lieutenant General Greenhill's order..."

Evans picked up the telegram and glanced at it. It read: "Continue to attack Tobruk, whether the warehouse can be recaptured or not!"

Major General Evans couldn't help but nodded. Lieutenant General Greenhill's order had the same idea as Evans.

Retaking the warehouse is certainly important to the British army, because it almost represents the question of whether the British army can continue to fight the German army in this area.

But now, retaking the warehouse is almost impossible.

The reason is simple. A sneak attack can only be used once. The enemy will be prepared for the second time, not to mention that the enemy's troops will be replenished immediately.

Then, if the warehouse cannot be recaptured, recapturing Tobruk becomes the top priority.

Because Tobruk can provide necessary supplies for the main retreat of the British army... Fuel and ammunition can be transported from Egypt by transport ships. As long as Tobruk is in the hands of the British army, the British army can even use the port to retreat.

Otherwise, whether the British army can return to Egypt safely is a question.

What's more serious is that if the port of Tobruk is in the hands of the German army, then the Italian transport ships will continuously send supplies here, and it will become a forward base for the German and Italian troops to chase the British army and even attack Egypt.

At this time, Major General Evans couldn't help but regret it. He had a good opportunity last night. He could defeat the German army and occupy the port of Tobruk, just as the staff said... But Major General Evans made a wrong decision for supplies.

But it's hard to judge whether it's right or wrong: Under the circumstances at the time, I'm afraid that most people would choose to do the same as Major General Evans. No one would have thought that an elite force with absolute advantages in equipment and manpower would be defeated by an ordinary German infantry company.

This is also the charm of war. Any accident may happen. No matter how perfect the plan is, it cannot guarantee victory.

Major General Evans knew that regretting now would not help, so he looked at the map and said to the staff: "Contact the Air Force Command and let them be ready to bomb the enemy reinforcement fleet at any time!"

"Yes!" The staff responded.

Now the only way is to stop the enemy's reinforcements. Major General Evans couldn't help but sigh. At the same time, he also knew that the main force would soon retreat to Tobruk.

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