The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 137 Poor Snake

"No more?" Linde looked at Harry in surprise.

"No more!" Harry spread his hands. Linde was a little helpless. He was playing detective games with them at this level and trying to catch the guy who killed the blind monk!

"Okay!" Linde stood up, restored the octopus sofa under his butt, and knocked the bottom of the book on the table. "You guys chat slowly, I'm going back first!"

On the way back, Linde glanced at Colin. When he arrived at the dormitory, Andersen talked about the details, "He has more money than you can imagine. It's all under the pillow, about ten galleons.

To be honest, it's hard to have this asset with just Harry's photos sold for one Sickle. There must be something wrong.

I just don't know who the buyer is!"

Linde nodded, "Besides mine and Harry's, are there any more?"

"No more! Harry's photos are much more than yours. That should be his main "product", so many customers pick and choose."

"Yeah!" Linde nodded, Andersen is getting smarter now.

Thinking about it, Linde thought about what Andersen didn't say, and slowly said, "More than ten Galleons, where are the coins?"

Andersen was stunned for a moment, "All gold Galleons. What's wrong?"

"We didn't see him on the Christmas train, right! That means he didn't have a channel to exchange Sickles for Galleons.

In other words, someone is trading with him in Galleons. And he trades with him in large quantities in Galleons!

Because Harry's photos are only one Sickle, there are very few transactions involving Galleons. In addition, you said that there are very few photos of me, so the person who traded photos with Colin in Galleons must be trading my photos." As he said, Linde looked at Andersen.

"If I'm right, the photos of me he has are all taken recently, just like the one you brought back."

"That's right, your photos are all recent."

"With your brain capacity, you have observed enough!" Linde comforted.

"How do you remember so many things? Don't you read books every day... Oh! My brain is working well!" Andersen said halfway before he reacted, and then patted his head with his wings.

"Then learn slowly! Observation is a habit." Linde said with a smile.

Linde tore off a piece of paper casually and called Andersen to write, "Ask him to buy some photos of Harry tomorrow night!"

"Don't you need to understand his trading channels first?! Aren't you afraid of alerting the enemy?" Andersen asked doubtfully.

"Don't care, I just hope he can take the initiative to deliver it to me tomorrow, and I have to make medicine in a while, so I don't have time today.

If he doesn't come to me, I will go to him at most!" Linde laughed.

It's Quirrell who is playing tricks!

Thinking of this, Linde lay down on the soft big bed and looked at the curtains on the bed.

Life is a long journey.

And I will tie Quirrell with a rope and drag him to death behind my van!

In the middle of the night, Linde came to the Room of Requirement. This time, he succeeded.

The thick whale blood hung on the wall of the crucible like a milk cap, and then slowly slid down again and gathered into a ball.

The bright red mandrake leaves had broken into many small pieces and were mixed in the whale blood milk cap.

Next, add half of the previous amount of whale blood. Mix them as evenly as possible.

After mixing, let it stand for a while, and put it on a high place for the next steps when the full moon is full.

Linde looked at the middle of the moon, and the full moon should be there tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Making potions has never been a short-term job. Even in his previous life, Linde saw that the soup of Buddha Jumping Over the Wall had to be boiled for several days and nights, let alone potions!

Thinking of this, Linde packed up his box and left the room. He returned to the room where he practiced spells and started practicing tonight.

It was almost six o'clock in the morning when Linde packed up and went back. Just as he was about to walk to the lounge, Linde was bumped and stumbled!

The moment he was hit, he instinctively threw the box directly, and Andersen flew up to catch it, and at the same time, he threw the wand out of his sleeve with his right hand.


A cry of pain sounded in the empty corridor, and as the curtain was lifted, Harry and Ron appeared.

"Oh, hey, Lind."

"The invisibility cloak is to make others unable to see you, not to make you unable to see others!"

Lind complained unceremoniously, "Don't you make any noise when you walk?"

Harry smiled, "I'm used to it. As long as I wear the invisibility cloak, I will unconsciously take smaller steps!"

"Okay! Are you going back?" Lind took the box handed over by Andersen.

Ron nodded, and then the three of them walked together. "Harry, can you show me your invisibility cloak?"

Harry handed it over, Lind took it, looked at it carefully, and the hand that took it had disappeared. The invisibility cloak looked like a silvery fabric, as if it was woven with moonlight. It felt a little strange, like holding a concrete water.

But when Lind put it on, it lost its silvery glow.

Lind took it off and gave it back to Harry.

"Do you really go out every night?" Ron asked curiously.

"I just went out and came back. Who would go out every day and not sleep?" Lind said.

"Oh, it seems so. We just came back from going out, so what did you do when you went out!"

"Date!" Linde said bluntly.

"How can a date be so..." He wanted to say that Linde could not have so many dates, and then he looked at Linde's face again.

It seems to be okay!

Thinking of this, Ron could only say angrily, "Okay, date."

Harry was beside him, but he didn't pay attention to Ron. "Linde, have you heard a strange sound during this period, that is... a low, cold sound with an echo!" Harry tried his best to describe the characteristics of the sound.

"No! What's wrong?" Linde looked at Harry in confusion.

That's not right! Dumbledore destroyed the notebook, so how could Harry still hear the sound of the basilisk.

"Linde, you didn't hear it either!" Ron said a little disappointedly, "It seems that only you can hear that sound."

"I don't know!" Harry thought.

"Friar!" Linde shouted the command, opened the door of the lounge, and climbed in first.

"Could it be because you are a Parseltongue?" Lind didn't know what to say, but still reminded Harry.

"Parseltongue? Yes, Parseltongue!" Harry seemed to have his thoughts connected.

"No wonder I said this voice was familiar! It's it." Harry looked at Ron in surprise. "Maybe it's because of the echo stone or something, I didn't recognize its voice."

"It?!" Lind asked puzzledly.

"It's a super big snake that Harry met last semester!" Ron said impatiently.

"Big snake? Where did you meet it? Can you tell me in detail?"

"In October last semester, on the edge of the Black Lake!" Harry said carefully. He is a person who rarely hides anything. This can be seen in the novel.

He basically answers every question, even the marginal characters in the protagonist group: Neville and Luna, Harry has never concealed anything from them.

"Hmm..." Lind thought, pulled out a chair in the lounge and sat down. He fumbled in his waist bag, took out a book, and flipped through it quickly.


Linde stopped flipping the book, and then stepped back two pages.

"Does it look like this?" Linde folded the book, leaving only the illustration that filled a whole page for Harry to see.

Harry just sat down, and then stood up to take a closer look. This is obviously an old book. Harry smelled the musty smell on the book as soon as he got close.

After taking a look, Harry said in surprise, "Oh, yes, yes, how did you know."

Linde took the book back and looked at the other side that he had folded open. On it was written "Basilisk" in black bold font.

"Did you see it or meet it?" Linde asked curiously. Why didn't Harry die!

"I met it, it seemed to be blind, and then said that its owner was Slytherin..."

Nearly a quarter of an hour later, Harry explained clearly what he had encountered with the Basilisk, including the communication between him and the Basilisk.

"Does Dumbledore know about this?" Lind had already put away the book and asked Harry.

"I know, I told Dumbledore the first time. But Dumbledore didn't know there was such a guy in the school, and he couldn't find it after several searches!

Lind rubbed his temple.

In the original book, the basilisk appeared twice.

The first time was when Myrtle died.

The second time was when the Chamber of Secrets incident was supposed to happen.

Only these two times did accidents happen, and there were no other accidents, so everyone thought that the Chamber of Secrets was a legend. This is the evidence that the basilisk has not hurt anyone for hundreds of years.

So the basilisk said that its job is to protect Hogwarts, which is acceptable.

So Harry knew that the basilisk was foraging in various pipes in Hogwarts?!

Did Voldemort also know the existence of the basilisk and the Chamber of Secrets in this way?!

So Harry said that when he met the basilisk, the basilisk had been actively closing its eyes.

Thinking about it, Lind suddenly had some bold ideas, and then adjusted his tone and said slowly, "Then it should be it! "

His tone was a little sad, "It's really pitiful. The snake that has been silently guarding Hogwarts for hundreds of years, I know this is a little incredible. But it can only eat mice and insects to survive for hundreds of years... It's really pitiful."

As he said, Lind stood up and said goodbye to the two, indicating that he was going back to the dormitory and taking a nap before class. Before leaving, he muttered, "It's really pitiful..."

Ron looked at Lind's back in disbelief. When he first heard Harry say this, he didn't think that this snake was pitiful. He thought of the story of the knight defeating the dragon.

Then, he turned his head to look at Harry, but found that Harry seemed to be really thinking about Lind's words, "It's really pitiful! Lind is right."

When they went to class, Ron was drowsy all the time, but fortunately there was only class this morning, and it was the History of Magic. He could sleep a lot.

When the get out of class was over, Ron drooled at the corners of his mouth. He looked at Harry with an excited face and had a bad premonition in his heart, "You won't..."

"That's right, I want to take the initiative to find it! "Harry said in a low voice, his tone was extremely certain.

"What is it? What is it?" Jane turned her head and looked at Harry curiously.

After that, Harry told them his thoughts while walking. Hermione flatly denied Harry's idea, "Impossible! This is too risky!"

Harry said with certainty, "Don't take risks. I'm a Parseltongue! What's the danger? Remember? I can control snakes."

Jane looked eager to try, and began to help Harry persuade Ron and Hermione...

In the evening, after dinner, Lind came to a basement classroom agreed with Colin.

Seeing the time on the pocket watch pass by little by little, Lind's patience gradually ran out.

He took out a small note and handed it to Andersen. "Go!"

"Don't you need me to find an owl to deliver it?" Andersen asked.

Lind waved his hand, "It doesn't matter, you can deliver it yourself or send it to him by owl. Anyway, I will make him pay for the wasted time!" Lind was particularly unhappy with Colin's behavior.

But this was also within his expectations. No matter how Andersen went to check his dormitory and restored the scene, after all, one of his photos was indeed missing.

When Colin found that the photo was missing inexplicably, and then inexplicably received a note wanting to buy photos, he might naturally notice something.

But finding out is one thing, and choosing is another.

It depends on whether he dares to keep the appointment or act like an ostrich.

Thinking about it, Andersen has already flown out, and Lind picked up the parchment and started to do his homework.

Homework should be done early so that he can study on his own in the remaining time.

After about ten minutes, Andersen flew back. Andersen thought that his image characteristics were obvious. If the threatening note was accidentally leaked by Colin, it would be easy to accuse Lind of bullying the weak.

Lind certainly didn't care about these external evaluations.

But Andersen cared. Since his mind became more and more clever, he gradually began to understand many things that he couldn't understand before.

Half an hour later, Colin knocked on the door carefully.

"Is anyone there?" His somewhat nervous and trembling voice sounded!

"Come in!" Lind's voice was not loud, but it was very penetrating, so that Colin outside the thick wooden door could hear it clearly.

With the creaking sound of the door, three little wizards came in together.

"Oh?! Hehe..." Linde saw the three people coming in, and inexplicably understood Colin's thoughts, and laughed softly.

Andersen, who flew to the windowsill, also kept laughing, and the cackle sound was like the sound of the soul-seeking god of death, which frightened Colin.

The scene between Linde, Colin and the few little wizards behind him was like...

It was like Colin was a serious criminal with solid evidence, standing in the dock in the court, and then he hired a lawyer named Zhang Wei and stood arrogantly. It seemed that he would definitely be acquitted.

And Linde. He hired a lawyer named Luo Xiang, and he was the plaintiff.

Now the gap in this underground classroom is similar to this.

Mainly... Colin's behavior made him want to laugh.

But it was just a laugh! No matter what you face, you should take it seriously.

Thinking of this, Linde put away the books, parchment, etc. on the table. Then he threw the wand on the table. Indicated that he had no intention of taking action.

Of course, he didn't know whether the other party could understand him. After all, the first-year wizards still thought of fighting with fists.

"You two... do you know why I went to find Colin?" Lind asked curiously.

"Don't try to bully Colin. We all know. If you want a photo of Harry Potter, go take it yourself! Why do you want to snatch Colin's?" A taller boy behind Colin yelled, looking at Lind with a look that was obviously wrong.

Andersen felt a little uncomfortable.

Why did he let the owl deliver the letter for him? ! It was because he didn't want other wizards in the lounge to connect Colin and Lind together, so as to avoid tonight's incident.

If the buyer of Lind's photo knew about this, it would probably make things more troublesome.

If only Colin came today, he would naturally keep his mouth shut about what happened today after he left. Andersen was confident of this.

But now there are two more stupid boys who were deceived here without knowing the situation! Then this matter will be difficult to conceal. Colin is the main culprit, and Lind can ask him to shut up. But these two brats are especially likely to tell others about this...

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