"Who said I wanted to rob him?" Linde asked in surprise, his eyes were sincere and sincere. It was as if the person who laughed softly just now was not him.

"I want to buy photos, seriously. I want to buy some photos from classmate Colin, seriously!" As he said this, Lind took out a small handful of Sico with a few Nats mixed in it.

He didn't know how long he had kept the change. The unit he usually trades is Galleons.

After saying that, Lind stood up and walked to Colin eagerly. The eyes of the two roommates next to him changed and they looked at Colin several times, but Colin just kept trembling.

Just like Snape said, when Lind intentionally targets someone, he really has a power that makes people feel breathless...

However, he is not the kind of person who can't control his emotions when his brain gets hot and hurts others arbitrarily. Now his "power" is only aimed at Colin.

"Right! Colin, come on! Take out Potter's photo and show it to me!"

Lind hugged Colin from behind and turned his back to Colin's two roommates.

Linde whispered softly, "I never showed my malice in the beginning. Right, I just wanted to ask you to clarify the matter...

Since you can notice that the photo is missing and you can still think that it is me who is looking for you tonight, why do you still do such a stupid thing that involves outsiders?

Do they know that your so-called obsession with Harry is just to use him as a tool to make money?

It’s not too late to regret now…”

With that said, Linde opened his hand and handed over his wand.

"This is my sincerity..."

Colin raised his head and looked at Lind's height and his wrists, which were almost as thick as his own.

It seemed that he somehow had the courage to confront Linde, and the act of handing him the wand meant that Linde really just wanted to know who was buying his photos and had no desire to hurt him.

A child behind him shook off Lind's hand on Colin's shoulder and said viciously, "With us here, you can't bully Colin."

Linde turned his head and smiled nonchalantly. He returned to the chair and sat down.

Why are today’s little brats so heroic? Do they all reach their second phase of puberty so early?

Linde thought well. No one else knew about Colin using Harry to sell photos. The Gryffindor atmosphere would not accept such a thing.

Last night, after Colin returned to his dormitory, he saw the note that suddenly appeared on his bedside.

His first reaction at that time was that another business was coming.

But he lay in bed at night, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. He suddenly wondered who would buy Harry's photos in this way. Gryffindors saw Harry every day, and they didn't need Harry's picture at all.

And if he wasn't from Gryffindor, how could the other party put the photo on his bedside without anyone noticing?

The more Colin thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. It wasn't until early in the morning that he became too sleepy and fell asleep.

Until noon today. When he started preparing photos to bring to trade, he keenly discovered that one photo was missing. A photo of Lynde Augustus.

At this time, he thought of the key point,

The so-called transaction note was actually a trap set by Augustus for himself.

Although Colin thought the probability was low at the time, he still decided to escape tonight's "business" of unknown origin. Be a coward.

However, Linde did not follow the routine and wrote him a note at the time, warning him that he had better go to the appointment as soon as possible.

So Colin, who had no way to escape, decided to deceive two "tall and strong" roommates to go find Lind together, and then the scene just happened.

"Lunt, Urry. I seem to have misunderstood this classmate!" Colin suddenly turned around and looked at his two teammates with a relaxed expression.

"Yes, I thought he was trying to steal my photos. But he said he wanted to buy some..."

"Then are you going to sell it to him? If you don't want to sell it to him, let's just leave!" The child looked at Colin with an upright face, as if 'you are covered by me'.

Linde covered his face, feeling that his life was being wasted.

After a while, Colin sent his two friends away, repeatedly signaling that he was safe and hoping that they would not tell anyone about tonight's events.

It was not until after seeing them off that Colin moved a chair and sat across from Lind.

Looking into Lind's eyes, the sense of security he felt holding the wand just now began to slowly weaken again.

"When did you start taking photos of me?" Linde slowly moved his face closer and stared at him.

"It started after I came back from Christmas!" Colin lowered his head unconsciously, like a child who had done something wrong.

"Alas!" Linde let out a long sigh!

"You smell like lies, did you know that?"

Hearing his words, Colin shuddered and looked up involuntarily, and then saw Linde's expression that was half-smiling but not smiling.

"How can a guy like you be in Gryffindor!" Lind said. The atmosphere in Gryffindor is indeed very good. He also received the protection of everyone in Gryffindor due to the incident some time ago.


"Tell me the truth! Do you think I'm a fool?" Linde leaned back on the chair and looked at him intently.

Wand or not, he didn't care. With or without a wand, he could easily kill me!

This was Colin's first thought.

"Why? I did this kind of thing in school before, and nothing happened!" Colin yelled in his heart, "Mom, I'm so scared. Why do I suddenly feel so dangerous in the magic world? Isn't this a school? Why are there such guys?"

Thinking about it, Colin suddenly burst into tears. He found that he overestimated himself. Even if the other party handed the magic wand to him, the other party could cut him into pieces with just that terrifying look!

Sobbing, but not daring to delay Linde's time, he said intermittently, "I... I started taking pictures of you not long after school started."

"Why do you do this?" Linde looked at Colin, who was sobbing on the table, leisurely.

"Originally...originally I didn't notice you. Until...until the fifth week of school, I sold photos for the first time. It was at night, in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

That was the first Harry fan I contacted, a third-year Hufflepuff. She was very picky...she wasted time picking and choosing in the classroom, and wanted me to ask Harry for an autograph..."

"While I was picking and choosing, Professor Lockhart showed up.

At first we planned to conceal it and say it was a photo exchange between fans.

At first, I thought I had successfully concealed it from the professor, but I didn't expect that he would call me to his office the next day.

He asked me to take photos for him. I didn't know what he wanted to do at first.

Just a week after I took photos for him, he told me that I was selling Harry's photos. He also told me that this behavior would not be welcomed by anyone, including Dumbledore.

He said that if Dumbledore knew about this, he would definitely send me back home. Clear all my memories of the wizarding world, and then let me become an ordinary person again."

Andersen flew over at some point, and when he heard this, he and Lind looked at each other.

"Isn't it obvious that this is a scare to him? He actually believed it..."

This is the common thought of the man and the bird.

Colin was still talking, "Afterwards, he promised me that he would not tell anyone about this matter.

But there is a condition... He wants me to take a picture of you."

"Take a picture of me? Why!" Lind continued to ask.

He didn't feel that the other party was lying, nor did he think that the other party could continue to lie under this circumstance.

"I don't know..."

Lind continued to ask, "So you started trading with Lockhart in September?"

"No... In mid-October, a while before Halloween. And we are not a buyer and seller relationship." Colin corrected him, he didn't understand why Lind said this.

Well, Lind nodded slightly.

Colin said before that the first transaction was five weeks after the start of school, and then Lockhart asked him to take a picture of Lind a week later. So it was a total of six weeks, and the time should be in mid-October. Not September.

If Colin did not refute Lind's September, it would mean that Colin was lying.

Just like when Lind went to ask for the girl's WeChat in his previous life, the girl said her phone was out of battery and gave him a phone number. At that time, Lind deliberately repeated the wrong number, but the other party did not refute or correct it.

There is no doubt that the girl definitely did not want to give Lind her WeChat.

Of course, these are past events, and Lind has long forgotten this matter...

"Aren't you in a business relationship?" Lind asked doubtfully.

"Yes, we are not in a business relationship." Colin's emotions were also sorted out at this time, and his speech was much clearer and more certain.

"Then those under your pillow..."

"Those are..." As he said, he actually saw some shy expressions on Colin's face.

When Andersen saw him like this, he couldn't help but think that he would not be kept by someone!

"That was what I cheated from Lockhart."


"I told him that my lens was broken, and I didn't have enough developing solution, and I didn't have enough photo paper, and there were all kinds of things..." As he said, Colin climbed on the table again.

What am I talking about! How did I say it!

But if I don't answer, he will kill me!

The magic world is so scary, mom! !

"You are really interesting. I can't understand how you came to Gryffindor." Lind said.

"I..." Colin was about to answer, but Lind waved his hand.

"I was just talking casually. That's it! I said I have no ill will towards you." Lind didn't care how he came to Gryffindor. Anyway, Lind himself didn't belong to Gryffindor, so why did he say anything about other people!

"Remember, pretend that what happened today didn't happen. Today... I really just bought you two photos of Harry.

After that, you should take pictures. When you hand over to Lockhart, notify me."

As he said that, Lind stood up, patted Colin on the shoulder, and took back the wand in his hand. Then he whispered to him, "Remember, tonight is just an ordinary night. After that, you will remain the same."

Then, he opened the door and walked out with Andersen. The clacking footsteps sounded like every step on Colin's heart.

Linde walked out of the classroom, and Colin's two friends were gone. They must have gone back home.

It was very late now. When Linde walked to the first floor, he saw several Hufflepuff students hurriedly walking to the underground corridor on the other side. They were going back to the Hufflepuff common room from there...

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