After a long time, Ye Qinghuan looked at Pei Jinnian, and then he said, "Do I look weak?" Pei Jinnian was stunned for a moment, and shook his head subconsciously. "Don't worry, they can't hurt me." Ye Qinghuan's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a sense of arrogance. Soon, the ambulance came. Ye Qinghuan just watched the medical staff take Ye Jingan away, and Ye Qingyan left with him. "Ye Qinghuan, you are really a cold-blooded animal." Ye Qingyan left after saying this viciously. Ye Qinghuan's eyelids drooped slightly, revealing a sense of sadness. "Little girl, don't care about other people's opinions. You are you. There is no need to be sad because of what others say."

Ye Qinghuan closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, her eyes had regained clarity.

"I, Ye Qinghuan, will never let anyone affect my mood. The only one who can judge me is myself."

She stood there, her neck slightly raised, like a proud queen, looking down on the world.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was the day that students hate the most - Monday.

Ye Qinghuan came to school in a loose school uniform, and looked at the noisy class that was studying quietly at this moment, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"Pei Ziyi, what's wrong with you? When did you become so serious?"

Pei Ziyi's eyes lit up when he saw Ye Qinghuan, "Sister Huan, you must know that the national joint examination is coming soon. This joint examination is the largest joint examination before our college entrance examination. It is very important. I also heard that some schools may select recommended students based on the results of this examination."

Ye Qinghuan nodded indifferently, "Then you should study hard."

Hearing this, Pei Ziyi frowned, "Sister Huan, you have to study hard too. Although you are a big shot now, the requirements for academic qualifications in this society are still very high."

Ye Qinghuan chuckled, "I didn't expect you to know so much."

Pei Ziyi Yi curled his lips, "No, it's not that. It's my parents who want me to study hard. They said my brother is so outstanding and asked me not to embarrass the family. I must take a bachelor's degree."

Hearing this, Ye Qinghuan nodded in agreement, "I think uncle and aunt are right. You should really study hard. Moreover, you are now in Hai City. Compared with children in other places, you already have a great advantage."

Pei Ziyi nodded, "Okay, sister Huan, you should study quickly. We can't always be the last in the school. Teacher Xiao Qin will be laughed at."

Ye Qinghuan was very surprised. She didn't expect Pei Ziyi to force herself to study for a teacher, but Teacher Xiao Qin is really a good person.

Ye Qinghuan didn't say anything anymore. After all, the teacher often said that you can not study, but you can't disturb those who want to study.

She just sat there and took out a book that looked very old from the table. She read it slowly and leisurely. It was very comfortable, without any tension of a senior high school student.

Song Youning sat in front of Ye Qinghuan. She looked back at Ye Qinghuan who was swaying and reading an ancient book. She was very confused. "Sister Huan, the exam is coming soon. Aren't you going to review?"

Ye Qinghuan raised her eyebrows. "I'm so good. Do I still need to review?"

Song Youning pouted and looked at Ye Qinghuan aggrievedly. "Sister Huan, I want to open your head and see what's inside——"

Song Youning's original personality was carefree. She didn't hold back her voice when she spoke. Many people looked at them.

Ye Qinghuan smiled gently. "Don't dare. Killing is illegal. You are all the buds of the motherland, but you are the successors of socialism. Study hard and make progress every day. Don't think about these unrealistic things."

Ye Qinghuan said calmly, which made many classmates laugh. For a while, the tense atmosphere in the class eased a lot.

Song Youning turned her head to look at the test questions on the test paper, bit the tip of her pen, looked at Ye Qinghuan again, patted her head in disappointment, and continued to fight with this damn physics question.

Ye Qinghuan looked at Song Youning's cute appearance, shook his head, and smiled dotingly, "Think about it carefully, and ask me if you don't know."

Very good, after Ye Qinghuan said this, many people in the class looked at Ye Qinghuan.

Looking at their big eyes, Ye Qinghuan laughed, "You too, if you don't know, you can ask me."

The classmates looked at each other and shouted, "Thank you, Sister Huan, Sister Huan is mighty and domineering, Sister Huan is invincible!"

Qin Yu walked into the class, looked at the atmosphere in the class, and a happy smile appeared on her face, "What's the matter, so happy."

Pei Ziyi spoke first, "Teacher Qin, isn't it time for the exam? Everyone wants to study hard and earn you an honor when the time comes."

"Yes, but our grades are still far behind those of other classes. , but this time it's different, we have Sister Huan. "

"Yes, Teacher Qin, Sister Huan is very good, we can ask her any questions we don't know."

Looking at everyone talking, Qin Yu's eyes slowly turned red, "It's good that everyone has this heart, as long as everyone tries their best, nothing else matters, I also believe that everyone will definitely win this honor for the teacher, and now we have Qinghuan in our class, everyone must work hard in the future."

"Teacher Qin, don't worry, we will definitely do it."

Ye Qinghuan looked at the atmosphere in the class, with a smile on his face.

Perhaps, grades are not the standard for measuring everything. Although Class 58 of Senior 3 is not the best class, it must be a very good class collective, and the children in the class are all very good.

"Okay, next we will have a good class, everyone must listen carefully."

This class passed quickly, Teacher Qin was very serious and motivated, and the students in the class were also very well-behaved, everyone listened carefully and took notes seriously.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class. Qin Yu packed up his things and looked at Ye Qinghuan, "Qinghuan, come out for a moment."

Ye Qinghuan stood up obediently and followed Ye Qinghuan to the door of the class.

"Qinghuan, there are still two months before the college entrance examination. The children in the class are under a lot of pressure. You can enlighten them more when you are free. Don't put too much pressure on them."

Ye Qinghuan raised his eyebrows, "Teacher, why don't you worry that I will be under a lot of pressure too?"

Qin Yu rolled her eyes and said coquettishly, "If you are still under pressure, do you still want to let the children in the class live? Okay, you don't have to pretend. The principal has told me that you are not an ordinary student."

Ye Qinghuan shrugged, "Okay then."

"Don't worry, Teacher Qin, we will definitely get this honor back for you."

Ye Qinghuan patted Qin Yu's shoulder like a little adult, with the words "believe me" written on his face, but this expression looked unbelievable.

Qin Yu smiled and shook his head, "Okay, let's go back to the classroom."

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