The doctor said that you fainted because of your anger. You must take good care of yourself now, and you can't get angry anymore." Ye Jingan frowned, "Where is Wang Ruofang?" Ye Qiang was afraid that Ye Jingan would get angry if he told the result, so he hesitated, but couldn't think of a good reason to get away. Ye Jingan looked at this scene and knew it would not be a good thing. "Just say it."

"Madam, Madam, she has been proven to have committed multiple crimes such as intentional injury. She has been detained now. After a few days of court trial, she should be sentenced."

After Ye Qiang finished speaking, he carefully looked at Ye Jingan's expression, fearing that he would make his body worse again.

Ye Jingan closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "This is what she deserves. There is no need to find a lawyer for her. Let her fend for herself."


Ye Qiang lowered his head and dared not say anything. After all, cheating is something that no one can accept.

"In addition, you can ask the Ministry of Justice to draft a divorce agreement and let Wang Ruofang sign it."

Ye Qiang nodded and went out to do it.

Soon, the court's verdict came down. She was found guilty of multiple crimes and sentenced to six years in prison.

After hearing the verdict in the court, Ye Qingyan looked at Wang Ruofang with hatred in her eyes.

Wang Ruofang looked at Ye Qingyan's eyes full of hatred and felt very distressed, "Yanyan, do you hate me?"

Ye Qingyan frowned in disgust, "Yes, if it weren't for you, how could I be pointed at in school, how could I bear the stigma of the mistress's daughter, it's all because of you!"

The secrets of wealthy families always spread quickly.

Wang Ruofang took two steps back in disbelief, "Yanyan, all these things mom did were for you."

"For me? Are you cheating for me? You are clearly doing it for yourself!"

Ye Qingyan yelled hysterically and ran out after she finished speaking.

Ye Qinghuan stood in a corner and watched the whole process. To be honest, she didn't think of letting Wang Ruofang go offline like this, but oh, the evidence was delivered to her, and she would be sorry if she didn't use it.

Although this incident has passed, the Ye Group has also suffered heavy losses from this incident.

Although the public relations department has stated that Ye Jingan and Wang Ruofang have divorced long ago, the public does not buy it. These days, the stocks of the Ye Group have been falling all the way, and the losses are heavy.

Ye Jingan is now busy with the affairs of the group every day. If the stocks continue to fall, the Ye family will sooner or later withdraw from the list of the four major families in Hai City. Now, the only way is to marry the Qin family.

So, under the operation of Ye Jingan, the party that was not held at the beginning was put on the agenda again.

However, what came before the dinner was the long-planned national joint examination.

Ye Qinghuan sat in the examination room, looking at the examination room and the same cards as the college entrance examination. Even the test papers were the questions set by the college entrance examination. It can be seen that the Ministry of Education attaches great importance to this national joint examination.

This joint examination is the largest examination in the history of national education. The number of participants and the scale are unprecedented.

The first test is Chinese.

Ye Qinghuan took a quick glance at the test paper and had a plan in mind.

As the sound of "start answering questions" fell from the loudspeaker, Ye Qinghuan picked up the pen and wrote at a very fast speed.

This time the questions were very difficult. Not only did they test the application of basic knowledge, but they also had certain requirements for students' divergent thinking.

Many candidates' first reaction when they saw the test paper was to frown, bite the pen tip, look at the test paper with a bitter face, and didn't know where to start.

Ye Qinghuan didn't care about the situation of others. She used a neutral pen to answer the questions on the answer sheet. After more than half an hour, she put down the pen, lay on the table, and began to sleep.

After seeing this, many students in Class 58 felt that the master was a master, and he finished it so quickly.

However, students in other classes would not think so. They would only think that Ye Qinghuan had completely given up.

Today, there are two exams, Chinese and mathematics, and the next day is English and comprehensive.

After the test, many students were pale, but Ye Qinghuan was the only one who looked like nothing had happened.

"Sister Huan, this

This question is so difficult, it's worthy of being a national joint exam, this question is not for humans."

After saying that, Pei Ziyi lay on the table with a bitter face, as if he had been drained of strength.

"Hey, don't bring me along if you want to scold me."

"Sister Huan, what do you think of this test paper?"

Song Youning's face was not too good either.

Ye Qinghuan frowned slightly, "This time the questions are indeed a bit difficult, but this is not the college entrance examination. This exam is also an opportunity for you. Isn't it good to check for omissions and find your own loopholes?"

Qiao An also spoke weakly, "Sister Huan, checking for omissions is to check for omissions, but this entire knowledge is almost like growing on loopholes, how can it be filled?"

"That's right, Sister Huan, it's really too difficult. "

Ye Qinghuan frowned. This situation is not acceptable. The exam is coming soon. We should mobilize everyone's enthusiasm.

"Okay, look at you. It's just an exam. The real test will be in the college entrance examination. What we need to do now is to cheer up. We can't throw away our armor before going to the battlefield."

Ye Qinghuan saw that they were motionless, so he stood up, "Okay, from now on, I will take you to review again. Believe in yourself. The world is uncertain. You and I are both dark horses. Come on!"

At this point, there was finally a slight reaction.

The class bell rang, and Qin Yu walked into the class.

Looking at the lifeless appearance of the class, it was expected.

"Okay, classmates. The national joint examination is over. This time the test paper is very difficult. Don't take it to heart. In the next period of time, everyone can review well. You feel that this question is difficult, and others are also difficult. Don't worry too much. Review well. "

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