The footsteps of the giants shake the earth, and their cries are like thunder. The giants all frantically rushed towards Euthys, who was almost countless times smaller than them, and for them, Euthys could be slapped to death with one hand, but this was Loki’s order, and they wanted to use the most powerful posture to destroy the challengers of the gods.

Frosty air, hot flames, howling hurricanes, violent thunder, and all kinds of energy bombarded Euthys together, and at the same time, the giants also swung their huge fists and smashed towards Euthyses.

“Black Feather!” The black wings behind Eusys fanned over, and countless black feathers shot out from the black wings, penetrating those giants in the front row, and one huge blood hole after another burst into bloody blood, while disintegrating the giants’ attacks. But the giants have not decreased, because the altar is still calling.

“Thunder Gun!” A gun made of black thunder and lightning appeared in Eusys’s hand, compared to Loki’s, Euthys’s is more powerful, curse and darkness are the essence of this gun, several times stronger than the power of thunder alone.

Heh, the Thunder Gun was thrown, and at the same time it was constantly getting bigger and thicker. Nothing stands in the way of its progress, hinders its goal. The huge altar was torn apart by this shot, and the giant that had just appeared ended before he could exert his true power. Only two words, torture.

However, there is still one person who has not died, Loki’s eyes have become more and more crazy, and his body has begun to twist abnormally. For the first time, he was pushed to such an extent. Loki’s crazy eyes no longer find the slightest element of reason, and he wants to destroy Euthys, who was originally underestimated by himself, at all costs. Something taken from that angel.

In Loki’s crazy voice, Loki underwent a huge change, the originally huge body began to grow black scales, forming armor, at the same time, the space shattered, the lord of the atrium, the huge snake – Yemenga appeared next to Loki, and the king of hell, Hela, also appeared on the other side of Loki, and then began to merge. But Loki’s third demon pet, Fenrir Wolf, did not appear.

In the constant changes, Loki eventually changed into a different appearance, covered with gray scales to form armor, the wings of the gods behind turned into gray cursed wings, and the two strengths of the shoulders were crystal-like, forming a crystal crown, which was the characteristic of Jermongard, holding a formidable scythe in one hand, with tentacles-like things growing on his back, surrounded by countless dead qi, which was the energy of Hela, the Lord of Death.

Loki moved, and after the change, he jumped to Euthys’s side, the scythe in his hand cut towards Euthys, and at the same time, the tentacles behind him were like bone spurs, stabbing at Euthys’s body, which carried Hela’s corrosive energy. It’s only for a second.

At the same time as Loki attacked, Eusys disappeared and appeared behind Loki, in Loki’s surprised eyes, Eusys swung his sword, facing Loki, who was several times larger than himself, Eusys’ sword easily cut off one of Loki’s hands and the hand holding the scythe. The armor on Loki’s body was simply like a decoration, and it could not withstand the sword of Eusys.

Then came the flowing and gorgeous countless sword lights, Black Feather, who had not yet had time to exert his strength, and then his soul, his body, was devoured by the curse on the broken soul. Before the end, before he died, Loki understood why he lost. He is not facing a person, but a darkness, and he is the master who stands above the darkness. He saw that Yusyth’s eyes were mixed with things, only darkness, not even a trace of emotion. Finally, he wanted to scold the angel: Go to Nima, what broken things do you give Lao Tzu?

The fragments of Loki are gone and nothing is there. The cut ended so suddenly, in the end only dust returned to dust, and soil returned to earth. Only Juses was left standing there. The surroundings have become and broken.

In another place, Asachel and the others also ended, and Vali appeared not far from Yusyth with a trace of blood.

“I didn’t expect you to be able to kill it,” Wally said as he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

“Don’t come here, Arubian! Valley! Dolegu warned.

“What’s wrong, Red?” Arubion asked strangely, and Vali stopped when he heard this.

“Now Euthys, it’s dangerous, leave quickly! I can’t communicate with Euthyus,” Dolegu said anxiously. It doesn’t know what happened to Jusses, and after being beaten underground by Loki, it suddenly changes completely.

As Dolegu spoke, Eusys looked over, a look that surprised Vali. Indifferent eyes.

“Do you want to come to the Ertenryu Duel now, although I am injured, I will fight” Vali was surprised, and his fighting spirit burned, although he didn’t know what happened to Jusses, but he would not back down.

The figure of Eusys instantly appeared in front of Wally, and in Wally’s wide eyes, Vali was punched by Jusyth and flew on the ground, blasting out a large pit. A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Immediately afterwards, Yusys reappeared around Vali, and punched again, but was narrowly dodged by Wally, and the huge force smashed the pit even deeper.

“Eusys, although the Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor are opponents, he helped us this time, not an enemy” Asachel didn’t figure out the situation and ran over to fight the circle. In response, a magic cannonball from Eusys flew into the distance.

“Eusys, are you crazy?” Asachel shouted as he snorted down on Jusses’ attack.

“Hey, are you guys fighting infighting? Do you know I’m still going to a meeting? Old man Odin also followed at this time, Loki died, and he changed back to the appearance of the lecherous old man again.

Bang! As Odin spoke, a heavy punch hit Odin’s old face, and several front teeth flew off.

“Boy, you me off,” Odin said gloomily.

At this time, Eusys smiled, smiling very evilly and proudly. Without putting Wally, Asashel and Odin in his eyes at all, he attacked the three again. Various explosions sounded from time to time.


“Lias, Jusses, he seems to have changed a person, cold, arrogant. It’s like there’s no one who doesn’t know us” Junai looked at Jusses, who had a completely different impression from herself, she panicked, such Jusses was not the gentle and shy Jusses she knew.

“I don’t know…,” Lias said, suddenly ringing a sentence that Yulina had said to herself. As long as my brother uses the power of darkness, the deeper he falls, the more his feelings will be lost.

Don’t!? Thinking of this, Lias suddenly flew towards the place where she was fighting.

“Lias, don’t go, it’s dangerous there!” Junai tried to stop Lias, but with a step, Lias had already rushed in.

At this time, Vali, Assachel, and Odin were a little dignified, and Eusys at this time was too strong, and he didn’t even touch a single hair of him, and he could only defend completely.

Eusys rushed at one of them again, and the sharp magic turned into a diamond and stabbed over. Lias was in the way at this time. Open your hands and block.

Eusys’s eyes did not change in the slightest, still stabbing out. _

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