With a flick of Dirmdo’s swipe, Ascalon flew upside down back into Jenova’s hand.

Jenova did not dare to be careless. The man in front of him cannot be underestimated, and his combat awareness and combat skills are definitely at the top level.

“Then there will be no mercy this time, Knight of Lias.” Diarmudo took a position, two magic guns of different lengths, one in front of the other. A faint invisible aura spread out with Diermudo as the center.

“Hey, Diarmado, I chose my opponent privately, this is difficult for me” A man and a woman behind Diarmuo, the man walked out. He was dressed in a black outfit, snow-white hair, and carried a black big sword behind his back.

“Then, I’ll choose the one with the Holy Demon Sword. My name – Siegfried. The man introduced himself.

“Who is that guy?” Irina looked at the man named Siegfried in surprise.

“Irina, do you know that guy?” Yuto asked.

“He was originally a member of the Church, one of the strongest warriors with the title of Demon Emperor,” Jenova answered the question on behalf of Irina. Did even he defect?

“Why betray, Siegfried” Irina didn’t know that the most admired top warrior of the church had actually betrayed the church.

“There is no need to explain to you, the person with the Holy Demon Sword over there, your opponent is now me” Siegfried did not mean to answer. Or just don’t want an answer at all.

“Since this is the case, I will accompany you to the end” Since you want to fight with yourself, you naturally can’t back down.

“Ah, in that case, I don’t have a choice.” The last woman is troubled, so that she has no room to choose an opponent.

“Isn’t there still a fallen angel governor Asashel?” Diarmudo laughed.

“I won’t be stupid enough to fight with a figure at the level of the Fallen Angel Governor, that’s no different from looking for death,” the woman also walked out.

“Angel over there, your opponent is me, my name Joan of Arc,” the woman said her name.

“Oh, aren’t you looking for me?” Asachel saw that the three people on the opposite side did not look for themselves to fight, and suddenly felt a lot bored, but it seems that there is another person here. Just stare at him yourself. The unknown holder of the Absolute Mist.





Meanwhile, on the other side.

The broken soul of Euthys and Cao Cao’s dusk holy spear constantly collided together, and the surrounding area had turned into a ruin, and thick black smoke was rising everywhere.

Rumble!!! The two people fought against each other again, and the huge shock wave took the center of the two as the flashpoint, spread, and the ground was directly cut by a layer.

Duh!! Both men distanced themselves and looked at each other.

“Worthy of being the new Demon King, such a terrifying attack, if it weren’t for the ability of the Holy Spear, I would have been defeated long ago,” Cao Cao praised.

“Cao Cao, what do you want to get when you are moving around with the Calamity Group? That’s not what Orpheus’s purpose is at all,” asked Jusses.

“It’s just wondering where the limits of humanity are, humans in angels. Fallen angels. The demons are too weak. That’s why our so-called heroes appeared. It will be humans who will defeat demons, dragons, fallen angels, and various other supernormal races. – No, definitely human. “Cao Cao entered a certain state of madness, and the more he talked about it, the more crazy he became.

“This is no longer a so-called hero, but a crazy !!” Eusys said. And there must be another reason for this, Cao Cao did not say it.

“Forbidden Hands – True White Night Holy Spear,” Cao Cao shouted. Duh!! The Holy Spear of Dusk has a new change. Seven green balls of light flew out from the golden spear blade and floated beside Cao Cao.

Jusys looked solemn, he felt different things from those seven balls of light, and he didn’t know what it was.

“Pegasus !!” With Cao Cao’s words, a green ball of light merged into Cao Cao’s body. Cao Cao floated in the air as if he had wings.

“Come on, the new demon king and red dragon emperor of the underworld, this battle has already made me boil,” Cao Cao roared condescendingly.

“Dark curtain…” Eusys opened his black wings and appeared above Cao Cao, and at the same time, around Cao Cao’s hundred meters, a black enchantment rose, and countless black lightning bolts cut through the sky.

The black dark curtain swallowed Cao Cao in an instant, forming a ball shape and floating in the air.

Inside, Cao Cao felt that his body was extremely heavy, and it was extremely difficult to move, and every inch of his body was like adding a piece of lead.

“Soul Lock !!” Eusys reached out to control the Dark Curtain.

Duh. Duh. Duh.

A huge chain appeared on the black enchantment, constantly pulling back and pulling, shuttling, forming a huge lock array, and the sharp lock tip locked Cao Cao, directly towards Cao Cao’s body.

As long as it is passed through the chains, not only the body, but also the soul will be locked, there is no possibility of escape, waiting, only to be swallowed by endless darkness and cursed locks, completely disappearing from this world.

Cao Cao also felt the terrible dark curse on the silver chain, and if he was hit, he would have suffered it.

“Black hole !!”

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