"…What is it?" Qiankun Daotu asked curiously.

"Nothing, just helping to dig up eight celestial beings."

"…" Chapter 97 Meeting (19) Yan Weilou was of course joking.

However, the situation in Fenghuan City is now in turmoil, and undercurrents are surging. It is indeed far from being as calm as it seems on the surface.

Let alone other things, in just a few days, those who tried to break into Xiaoyao Tower in various ways were all cleaned up by him with thundering means.

Even the kitchen maids were replaced by seven, almost one a day.

Then Yan Weilou took the lead and completely disrupted the apparent peace.

"——Announce to the world that Xiaoyao Tower will open a branch in Fenghuan City soon.

There will be a special auction on that day, and the complete body of the ancient celestial demon phoenix will be the finale auction item.

" The young man wearing the vest of "Yan Qingshuang" gave this order casually, revealing a leisurely smile.

The bait has been cast, and it depends on which fish will take the bait.

As expected, the news spread at an astonishing speed, and immediately aroused the interest of many people.

This is the body of an ancient demon king! Not to mention how precious every bit of the demon king's flesh and blood is, perhaps there is only one in the world.

Just say that the special blood of the ancient phoenix of the sky demon has a long lifespan, and has the ultimate magical power of the phoenix nirvana... There is even a rumor in the world that if you can eat phoenix meat and drink phoenix blood, your lifespan may exceed a thousand years... Such a baseless but tempting saying.

If someone really studies something from the blood of the ancient phoenix of the sky demon, it will definitely benefit a lot.

Especially for those practitioners whose lifespan is about to end, this is undoubtedly their greatest hope.

Countless practitioners poured into Fenghuan City from all directions. This time the movement was much greater than the Chongshan clan's martial arts test not long ago.

Many big figures were attracted and cast their eyes at the same time.

Beidou Demon Palace.

Du Jiuyou, who was sitting on the first seat, chuckled and looked down at his subordinates: "Xiao Wuyi is right there. If any hall master is interested in the Ancient Phoenix of Heavenly Demon, just go there.

Now the war between Yong and Qi is at a stalemate, and I have to stay at the front line of the battlefield to guard against Pei Buming!" While he was guarding against Pei Buming, the national teacher of Dayong, Pei Buming was also guarding against this big devil.

Moreover, for Dayong Dynasty, the battlefield is now at a critical moment, and every bit of combat power is important.

No matter how rare the Ancient Phoenix of Heavenly Demon is, if too much is invested in this matter and the war fails, it will be a real loss of the big for the small.

In view of this, Emperor Yong was reluctant to send out even a Grandmaster of Taoism.

He only sent his biological son, the Third Prince, to Fenghuan City to take a look.

In this way, Dongli, who was at war with it, naturally did not dare to act rashly, lest Dayong take advantage of it.

When the two great secular dynasties were unable to pay attention to other things, the people in the martial arts world and the aristocratic sects were particularly interested in the Sky Demon Ancient Phoenix.

The great sects in the Dongli Wulin specially sent their elders and young disciples to go there together, just to experience it.

No one from the Canghai Sword Sect, which had a close relationship with Dongli, came out, but the chief disciple Qiu Yuebai came with the magic sword Canghai.

The news quickly spread to Xuantian Peak, the first of the three holy places and the most mysterious in the eyes of the world.

On the steep peak hanging in the sky, the contemporary saint of Xuantian Peak rode the wind and ascended, with a strong aura around him, like a vast galaxy.

With every breath and every move, it seemed that the clouds in the sky could flow.

This was a natural phenomenon caused by the unity of the celestial saint and the great way of heaven and earth.

The Holy Lord of Xuantian Peak, who was accompanied by strange phenomena in his every move, was one of the few rivals in the world today. At this time, he appeared in a small wooden house on the back mountain of Xuantian Peak with a humble demeanor.

And there was another person in the wooden house.

This person was wearing a black scholar's suit and had a handsome appearance, but there was a mark like a black chain on his right cheek under his eyelid, which destroyed his originally too heroic appearance and added some scholar's sickly air.

This person was sitting in a wheelchair. It was unknown whether his legs were diseased. He held a small compass in his hands, and there seemed to be starlight rippling on the compass.

"Mr. Mo, is this Prince of Qi the person you have been looking for?" It is hard to imagine that the Holy Lord of Xuantian Peak, who is a celestial being and holds the power of the holy land, would actually lower his posture and ask for advice in the tone of a junior.

However, this Mr. Mo is indeed his elder. As early as when the Holy Lord was still a child, he knew that there was such a mysterious Mr. Mo living in the sect.

It was hundreds of years ago, and Xuantian Peak was still in a trough after being hit by Biluotian, and had not yet risen.

The Holy Lord watched Mr. Mo calculate everything in the world without leaving his house, and helped Xuantian Peak grow step by step and become the leader of the three holy places of the righteous path again.

His admiration for Mr. Mo is from the heart.

Knowing that Mr. Mo has been looking for someone for hundreds of years, the successive sect masters of Xuantian Peak are very happy to help.

However, the vast land of Shenzhou is so vast, and the time span is so long that even Mr. Mo, who is proficient in divination, can't calculate when, where, and in what appearance that person will appear.

So it has been in vain for hundreds of years.

Now, this person seems to have finally appeared.

Hearing the words of the Holy Lord, the black-robed scholar in the wheelchair slowly turned the compass between his fingers, staring at the rippling starlight on the compass, his brows solemn.

After a long time, Mr. Mo slowly spoke, and there was a convincing charm in his hoarse voice: "It is this person.

"The Holy Master of Xuantian Peak was a little puzzled: "According to what Mr. Wang said, this person is the incarnation of an evil spirit from outside the world. He is a great threat and terror, and will plunge the vast land of China into water and fire.

In my opinion, this person shouldn't have such ability, right? "Although the prince of Qi had pretended to be a playboy for many years before he was able to seize the Hanhai Order and escape from Shengjing City, it was an incredible feat in the eyes of ordinary people.

But to the Holy Lord of Xuantian Peak, it was nothing more than that.

What's more, the other party almost disappeared after escaping from Shengjing, and not many deeds were spread. If he hadn't suddenly appeared and captured the ancient celestial demon, I am afraid that this person would have been forgotten in the world.

But the strength of an ancient demon king that has been sealed for thousands of years remains to be verified.

Mr. Mo shook his head and said nothing, slowly turning the compass, his eyes shining with dim starlight.

"No, it's indeed him.

" The depths of his eyes were complicated. Anger, fear, fear, and joy that his long-cherished wish was about to be fulfilled flashed for a moment, and then quickly disappeared, leaving only compassion.

“The demons outside the world are best at disguise. When they are weak, they remain silent and patient, but when they are strong, they show their fangs.

Don’t ignore it! ...What's more, maybe even this kid himself doesn't know that there is such a dangerous existence in him.

"Mr. Mo sighed softly.

The Holy Master of Xuantian Peak suddenly realized, and a murderous aura flashed from his body: "Since this person is so dangerous, then..." "Absolutely not!" Mr. Mo stopped him again, with a heavy heart, "The methods of this extraterrestrial evil spirit are unpredictable and unpredictable. Since then, both heaven and man have been deceived.

Otherwise, how could I not be able to figure out its secrets with my divination skills? Moreover, this person is also blessed by heaven's luck, and he will surely be able to survive in desperate situations and survive in death.

" His eyes were as deep and cold as the abyss or the sea.

...Single-handedly saving a whole race, how many times will it take for such good fortune to be cleared away? "If you want to deal with this person, confinement is the best option.

” Then, he cut off his energy and took away his luck, causing him to be abandoned by heaven and man, riddled with sins, and never get over.

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