When he said this, his tone was matter-of-fact, and he didn't feel there was anything wrong with his thoughts and actions.

——Xuantian Peak is the head of the holy land in the world. It monitors the vast land of China, protects the people of the world, and nip any possible dangers in the bud... Isn't this just and natural? After chatting for a while, the Holy Master left the cabin, as if leaving an independent barrier hidden in the air. No one passing by saw the existence of the cabin.

After leaving, the Holy Master began to prepare for the trip phoenix to return to the city. Things such as the ancient demon phoenix that may disrupt the balance of the world must not be allowed to spread in Xuantian Peak.

He was sitting in the main hall of the sect, looking through the urgent or slow news delivered by his disciples.

"...Recently, a good prospect has appeared in Dongli Wulin.

According to the reports of the disciples who were placed in various sects in Dongli to monitor, this person had a clean background, was a righteous man, was talented, and hated evil as much as he hated evil.

In just three months, most of Dongli was wiped out. The green forest bandits fled after hearing the news, and the demonic sect disappeared... The most rare thing is that this person has studied by himself without having any teachers.

"The Holy Master flipped through the top file, which was a letter of recommendation written by one of his direct disciples.

Xuantian Peak seems to be aloof, but in fact there are many "supervisors" in the world. If they meet a good prospect that they think is good, they will recommend it to the sect.

"It's rare to see a disciple like me praise someone so highly. It seems that this young talent is really good!" The Holy Master smiled and said to an elder next to him, "I happened to hear that this young talent will also go to Fenghuan City. You can take the opportunity to investigate.

"The elder next to him also became curious, smiled and touched his snow-white beard: "Haha, I wonder which young talent can attract the attention of the Holy Lord? But those people who are famous in the world? " "No.

This young man's surname is Xu Mingyuan.

Nowadays, he is only well-known in Dongli, and is unknown in the world.

However, if he is really that good, I think it won't be long before he becomes famous! "·Bei Mo, on the snowfield about three hundred miles away from Fenghuan City, a group of people galloped past.

The first few people are famous righteous seniors in Dongli Wulin. Together with Xie Chengyun, the chief escort of Chengyun Escort Bureau, their cultivation level is at least half a Taoist, and the highest one is already a Taoist Grand Master.

There were also many young people around him, all of them had strong foundations and different temperaments. They were obviously the younger generations they had specially brought out to gain experience.

There was only one exception among them, a young man.

This young man is riding on a crimson dragon-blood horse. His green shirt is like rain washing the clear sky, and his green silk hair is tied up like a waterfall, making him look clean and neat.

A seemingly ordinary sword hung at his waist.

There is a carefree smile on his elegant and handsome face, with bright eyes and a straight nose, giving people the impression of being intelligent, upright, open-minded and cheerful.

The young people around him were all arrogant and arrogant, but they intentionally or unintentionally guarded the young man in the middle. They would look at him from time to time, and their expressions and tones naturally showed unpretentious admiration.

Even the respected seniors in the world did not treat him like a junior in the family. Instead, they were amiable and approachable, just like they would treat him as an acquaintance.

"Brother Xu seems to be in a good mood?" A young man close to him asked casually.

"Xu Yuan" nodded with a smile: "I am a little curious about the ancient demon king and would like to see it.

"And, I have a hunch..." His clear eyes reflected the ice and snow in the sky, but gave people a warm feeling like clear spring light, "Maybe there will be something else this time."

"Chapter 98 We will meet again (20) After a martial arts trial, Fenghuan City was almost in ruins, and the people in the city suffered heavy casualties.

The young geniuses who came to participate in the martial arts trial were almost wiped out.

The Chongshan clan, a large clan in the Northern Desert that originally dominated Fenghuan City, fell apart.

Choosing to use many geniuses to set up the Returning Star Formation was originally a big gamble made by Chongshan Xin.

If you win, you can get the divine artifact of creation, the Dao Diagram of Heaven and Earth, which will bring the whole family to an unprecedented peak.

In the future, perhaps even the Northern Desert Royal Court will have to look up to him; if he loses, he will be doomed to suffer the revenge of the forces behind the geniuses, as well as the inflicted suppression from the enemies in the past.

Chong Shanxin was not completely desperate. There was still a way out - the Returning Star Formation did not hurt anyone's life or damage the foundation. It only temporarily depleted the cultivation of those geniuses. As long as there are spiritual pills and spiritual stones, they can always make up for it.

Even if the plan fails, as long as he is willing to hand over such a magical formation as the Returning Star Formation, those people will not kill the Chongshan clan.

But I didn't expect that everything would change after Ji Muyue intervened.

Chongshan's fate was worse than expected.

After all, Chong Shanxin directly killed nearly a hundred geniuses in a blood sacrifice pit.

This hatred can be said to be endless.

Although Chong Shanxin was killed by the Sky Demon Gufeng, and many clan members were burned alive by the meteor shower that night, this was not enough to make others give up revenge and suppression.

In just a short period of time, the once glorious Chongshan clan collapsed. The few surviving descendants of the branch took advantage of the chaos and left Fenghuan City without knowing their whereabouts.

The prosperity of the past has vanished into thin air! After the Chongshan clan fell, the Yiwang clan swarmed forward, but they only drank soup and ate some broken bones. The biggest benefits were shared by Xiaoyao Tower and Beidou Demon Palace unknowingly.

Many of the Chongshan clan's secret forces fell into the hands of Xiaoyao Lou.

This also makes the newly opened Xiaoyao Building in Fenghuan City have a much stronger foundation than many people think.

In late March, with the full help of several major clans in the Northern Desert and Xiaoyaolou and other forces, Fenghuan City, which was almost in ruins, roughly regained its old appearance.

With the opening of Xiaoyao Building and the auction day approaching, the city has returned to its former glory.

The majestic city wall shines under the ice and snow, and the wall bricks are lined up one after another, like fossils in amber, and like pieces of crystal clear dragon scales.

When the winding city walls line up on the snowfield, it looks like an ice crystal dragon sleeping in the ice and snow.

When the strong wind from the far north sweeps in, blowing up the ice and snow on the endless snowfield, every dragon scale seems to be stretched in the strong wind, shining brightly.

——The rebuilt Fenghuan City looks like it is surrounded by an ice dragon head to tail. At the city gate is the large mouth of the dragon's head, which looks magnificent and magnificent.

A group of people from Dongli followed the flow of people and entered Longkou. The young men and women in the team looked around curiously and exclaimed: "I heard that the walls of Fenghuan City were rebuilt by Xiaoyao Tower, and several great Taoist masters were invited to do it personally. Woolen cloth.

What a generous act! ""With the strength of a Taoist Grandmaster, as long as he is willing to consume a lot of real energy to do hard work, it is not surprising that such a large change in the landscape is possible.

I am more interested in the legendary ancient demon king.

"This was the first time for a group of young people to leave Dongli and come to the unique Northern Desert. They looked around, dizzy, and talked in low voices from time to time.

"...and Xiaoyao Tower, this force suddenly appeared from nowhere. Maybe I am ignorant and have never heard any news before?" "Haha, Junior Sister Xue, you have always been in seclusion in the mountain gate and rarely set foot in it. Of course, there is something unknown about Jianghu.

The origin of Xiaoyao Building is mysterious. It was originally just a chamber of commerce organization that emerged in Dayong. However, it has expanded rapidly in the past six months and has become somewhat famous in Dongli..." "By the way, I also heard that the owner of Xiaoyao Building started from scratch. But not knowledgeable in martial arts.

However, he was upright and upright, and even many villains who originally came from Cold Stone City were influenced by him and became his supporters.

Such a person, I really want to get to know him! "Junior Sister Xue" seemed a little disbelieving, and immediately retorted suspiciously: "It's just a reformation of some villains, what's the big deal?" Can those people put down their butcher knives and forget about it? I think it is the right way of heaven to eliminate all evils like Mr. Xu.


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