Situ Yuan only calls him senior brother, but when he comes to him, he becomes the sect leader? ! Others silently despised these two flatterers in their hearts, and then... secretly hated themselves for not reacting quickly enough and being sweet enough.

They ignored their buzzing heads and hurriedly complimented him together, and stepped on Zhang Changsheng and his son ten thousand times.

"Zu Changsheng, this old thief, is selfish and pedantic. He wants to turn me, Zu Kuimen, into his family's personal property. He does not think he can do anything to provoke the master of the Beidou Demon Palace. He almost brings trouble to the entire family. Everyone in this family has been deeply resentful for a long time. Fortunately, the family The Lord is wise and mighty, bringing order to the chaos!" "That little thief, Zhen Wubing, has always used his power to bully others, and has been running rampant in the sect. He has not made any contribution to our Zukui Sect, but has caused many complaints from the disciples. It is really a shame for the Zukui Sect today! The Lord has ascended to the throne, which is really pleasing to the people and obeys the will of heaven!" These people's words are not slander, but these crimes may be enough to be expelled from the sect ten thousand times in the righteous way, but they are not worth mentioning in the devil's way.

At this time, these people in the demonic path spoke righteously, as if those two people had committed an unforgivable crime. It was as if they suddenly took the script of a famous righteous family, and each of them became a good person with innocence and noble character. ! It seems that they were all honest people who were oppressed by the devil in the past, and it was Yan Weilou who saved them from the fire and water.

This scene seems strange.

But the expressions of everyone present were very serious, and their faces did not turn red when they told lies, and they did not feel guilty at all.

Yan Weilou raised his hands slightly, making a silent gesture, and the surroundings quickly became silent.

His eyes slowly circled around everyone, and finally landed on Situ Yuan at the front. The other person immediately lowered his head respectfully, with an extremely obedient attitude.

A chuckle escaped from Yan Weilou's throat, and he didn't want to say anything as tacitly modest as a famous and righteous person.

He just said in an understatement: "From now on, Zuokuimen belongs to me.

"Zu Kuimen changed hands quietly, failing to cause the slightest ripple in the world.

Originally, Yan Weilou had already infiltrated and subdued many members of the Zuokui Sect, including the two elders who entered the Taoist realm, all because he provided resources and guidance.

But he didn't conquer these people in advance just so that they could help him rise to power - a mere obstacle to immortality did not require him to go through all the troubles and tricks.

Like now, directly at the succession ceremony, he defeated him with overwhelming force and killed people to seize the throne. Zukuimen would naturally be his.

The reason why Yan Weilou conquered his cronies in advance was because he might lack trustworthy manpower when he needed to reorganize Zukuimen after taking office.

At this time, these people were placed one by one to follow his orders and cleanse the entire Zuokuimen.

As the first person to surrender, Situ Yuan kept his attitude very low since then.

His nature is a real villain who bullies the weak and fears the strong. In the past, "Jiang Xuan" was weak and Zhi Wubing was strong, so he bullied and ridiculed "Jiang Xuan"; now that Yan Weilou suddenly breaks out and seizes the throne in one fell swoop, he has no intention of doing so. Hesitantly chooses to kneel and lick, not ashamed of it.

Although "Jiang Xuan" seemed to be comfortable with being licked that day and did not deal with him, he was always uneasy afterwards, worried that the senior brother was still holding a grudge and someone would chop him up. He couldn't sleep well every day.

But his worries were obviously unnecessary.

Yan Weilou was not the bullied Jiang Xuan himself, so of course he didn't care about this.

He also did not think that Situ Yuan was so capricious that he had to be eliminated as soon as possible.

Thinking back in the Blood Refining Sect, even Qu Fang and Yan Weilou, who originally wanted to use him to refine medicine, were spared a small life.

——This kind of villain, who bullies the weak and fears the strong, is much more reliable than some gentlemen who seem to be affectionate and righteous.

After all, as long as he remains strong and can bring benefits to the other party, he doesn't have to worry about villain betrayal.

The other party will even become his most loyal eagle and dog minions, biting any enemy mercilessly.

But the illusory friendship changes at any time, without any trust at all.

Many people in the Zukui sect knew about the past grudges between Situ Yuan and "Jiang Xuan", and they were not liquidated after seeing Situ Yuan surrender.

Immediately, many people breathed a sigh of relief, put down their little calculations, and bowed their heads completely.

Although the new sect leader seemed to be tolerant and generous, not caring about those who had grievances in the past, the subsequent purge revealed his ruthless side.

In addition to many scum being killed directly, Yan Weilou also killed many people inexplicably. These people had different identities. Some people had never even interacted with "Jiang Xuan", but they were all killed by him.

This also made everyone who had just relaxed tremble with fear. They were deeply in awe of the moodiness of the new sect leader and did not dare to show any slightness.

What everyone doesn't understand is that this purge list is actually Yan Weilou's enemies in his previous life.

He had already killed him once when he broke into the Zukui Gate alone in his previous life. Now, practice makes perfect, so he just killed it again.

"This is not my revenge..." Yan Weilou thought that he was quite broad-minded.

It's just... "It's not pleasant to think about gathering former enemies into his subordinates and leading them to live a good life in the future!" Of course, he can actually quietly gather these people into his subordinates and send them out to do it in the future. Some dangerous tasks, used as cannon fodder, will not be noticed.

This seems to be the approach that maximizes profits.

But after thinking about it... "Well, it's more fun to kill them again!" ·Zhu Kui Gate, the place where the tragedy started, has become Yan Weilou's territory.

Just as he was making drastic changes, someone on Xuantian Peak, which was almost the entire territory of Dayong and 700 miles above Qinchuan, suddenly changed his expression.

In the small wooden house isolated by the barrier, Mr. Mo, who was sitting in a wheelchair, suddenly looked at the compass that suddenly appeared in his hand and cried out in surprise: "No, the destiny has changed!" In horror, his long sleeves swept across the chessboard in front of him. The Saint Master of Xuantian Peak, who was sitting opposite him, sighed: "This game of chess is messed up..." Chapter 110 Entering the Game (8) "The evil demons from outer space are moving again..." The illusory compass rose and fell in Mr. Mo's hand, and mysterious starlight trajectories intertwined and flowed. Mr. Mo sighed deeply.

Hearing this, the Saint Master of Xuantian Peak no longer bothered to pick up the scattered chess pieces, and hurriedly raised his head: "Is it him?!" At this time, the Saint Master of Xuantian Peak had just recovered to his appearance of more than ten years old, and his cultivation had only recovered 30%. However, he used to be the one who had the final say in Xuantian Peak, and he was high and mighty. How could he be willing to appear in front of everyone with such appearance and cultivation? Therefore, he has been living in seclusion during this period of time. Except for occasionally meeting "Xu Yuan", his savior, he has been with Mr. Mo most of the time.

In addition to his admiration for Mr. Mo, it is also to get the news of Yan Weilou as soon as possible.

——Since the battle of Feng Huancheng that day, Yan Weilou disappeared without a trace.

Even if the power of Xuantian Peak is used to investigate, it is only known that he disappeared in the territory of Beimo, but the specific whereabouts are difficult to find out.

Now the only hope is that Yan Weilou will show up on his own initiative, or let Mr. Mo use the art of divination.

Glancing at the Saint Master of Xuantian Peak who could not hide his excitement, Mr. Mo shook his head and said in a heavy tone: "I have said it before, this person is an evil demon from outer space, and his destiny is not in the way of heaven.

Even if I use forbidden techniques to calculate the secrets of heaven, it is still chaos.

It is a blessing to be able to get the warning of heaven.

" He said with a tone of compassion and sharing worries for others: "Alas, it's a pity that I couldn't keep him last time.

I am really worried that this person will grow up and cause a disaster.

Perhaps Xuantian Peak will be the first to bear the brunt.


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