He already had deep faith in Mr. Mo, not to mention, seeing with his own eyes that Yan Weilou could actually control the Dao Diagram of the Universe, he felt that this person was even more weird.

After the battle when Feng returned to the city, they had already developed a grudge against each other.

The evil spirit outside the world is so difficult to deal with. Even gods like Mr. Mo can't predict the slightest bit of news. If we continue to let it go, there will be disaster in the future! "No, we must get rid of this demon as soon as possible!" He stood up suddenly, with a firm tone and unwavering murderous intent in his eyes.

Compared with before going to Fenghuan City, this attitude was completely turned upside down.

Mr. Mo lowered his eyes silently and sat quietly in his wheelchair, playing with the compass in his hand.

He knows very well the thoughts of people like Xuantian Peak.

When one's own safety is not involved, one can be righteous, compassionate, and tolerant, showing that one cannot wrongly accuse any innocent person.

But once the matter involved himself and endangered Xuantian Peak, he immediately threw away that layer of hesitation and became extremely decisive.

It was precisely because he had grasped the behavior of the people at Xuantian Peak that he was able to influence them in secret for so long and contribute to achieving his goals.

Therefore, he just reminded: "Remember.

There were a lot of strange things about the evil spirits outside that day. If you wanted to kill them directly, something would probably happen.

It's best to set a trap in advance to catch it.

I have my own way.

"The Holy Master of Xuantian Peak nodded seriously, but before leaving, there was still a little doubt and displeasure on his eyebrows: "An extraterrestrial evil demon has so many tricks, and even the Dao Map of Qiankun was deceived by him. It's like With destiny favoring him, could he actually have the means to deceive heaven? " Upon hearing his last words, Mr. Mo's expression turned cold, and a ray of extremely complicated emotions flashed through his eyes, but they were definitely not kind.

However, the Holy Master of Xuantian Peak was leaving with his back turned to him at this time, and because his cultivation had not been restored and he did not release his spiritual consciousness, he did not see this scene.

Therefore, it was not discovered that this mysterious master, who always seemed to be carefree and carefree, with a bit of compassion for others, had actually lost his character.

It wasn't until he was the only one left in the room that Mr. Mo's expression calmed down little by little.

The illusory compass changed in his hands and gradually turned into a mysterious book. Mr. Mo slowly opened it.

Words that change moment by moment suddenly appear on the blank page, and the life and destiny of all living beings in the world are interpreted at any time.

This is undoubtedly a valuable treasure that will cause turmoil in China if leaked.

It's no wonder that the person in charge of this thing already regards himself as a god who controls all living beings.

It's a pity that this "god" is not very powerful. Occasionally, he can get a few words about the fate of other people from the heavenly book, and that's all.

In addition, regarding his own life and destiny, there are detailed records in the Book of Heaven.

"...It's like a blessing from fate?" Thinking about the words blurted out by the Holy Master of Xuantian Peak just now, a sneer escaped from Mr. Mo's throat, "He obviously took away the destiny that belonged to me.

" He lowered his head and turned the Book of Heaven to a certain page. Different from the constantly changing words on other pages, which seemed to indicate the impermanence of fate, the words on this page were like a story with an ending, quiet and silent.

Mr. Mo's fingers touched every word on this page, looking at the splendid scenes described in it, the supreme glory that should belong to him, his eyes couldn't help but show a dazed look, as if he was intoxicated.

But after waking up, looking at the legs sitting in the wheelchair, the obsession and intoxication quickly dissipated, turning into out-and-out hatred and unwillingness.

With the Book of Heaven in hand, you can figure out the secret of that person as long as you pay a price.

He used to unscrupulously lay many traps for that person, even turning himself into a half-waste body, but also wanted to trap him into traps again and again.

But every time he thought he had finally killed the opponent. However, every time the cards were shuffled, the destiny and luck that favored that person would dissipate a little bit. Even if he had saved an ethnic group, the favor of fate would be limited after all.

"Mr. Mo" could clearly feel that this was the last time.

But at the same time that man's destiny disappeared, his destiny gradually broke away from the heavenly way in this world, regained the characteristics of a person outside the world, and his heavenly destiny returned to chaos.

The Book of Heaven's calculations on that person have become increasingly difficult - until now, that person's fate is no longer under his control! Although there is no help from the Heavenly Book, which can be called a cheating plug-in, "Mr. Mo" is not worried.

Because of the Heavenly Book, "Mr. Mo" was vaguely aware that his timeline had been refreshed several times and he had to start over from scratch several times.

It's just that the specific memory is vague.

But unlike Yan Weilou, who is completely blank and has lost his memory of the past, "Mr. Mo" can only be regarded as unaware of "the future that has not yet happened", but he has never forgotten the events of the past ten thousand years.

——He only knew that he had taken the lead time and time again and defeated his enemies.

As long as you continue, sooner or later you will regain everything that belongs to you.

So every time he returns to this point in time, the first thing he does is to start making plans, find out the opponent's existence, and drive him into the abyss by any means necessary.

And watching the other party, who has no past memory, step into the trap step by step, is really a very fulfilling thing.

Even though he doesn't know how he plotted against the other party in the previous timeline, just thinking about it makes him feel happy.

This time, "Mr. Mo" lost the ability to calculate the secrets of the heavens and could not calculate everything in one step, but that person also lost the blessing of destiny that had saved him from desperate situations countless times.

However, "Mr. Mo", who had already started to use Xuantian Peak hundreds of years in advance, never thought that he would lose.

"... It's the ninth life... I don't believe that this stolen destiny can still protect you! This time, I will still be the winner!" The illusory heavenly book in his hand changed and turned into an exquisite compass again. The starlight on the compass suddenly trembled.

Then, "Mr. Mo"'s eyebrows jumped and he vaguely sensed something: "Something happened in the Vast Sea Secret Realm?!" In this life, he could not calculate the secrets of Yan Weilou, and it was not until recently that "Mr. Mo" found him.

Of course, he also knew that Yan Weilou might enter the Vast Sea Secret Realm and discover the secrets in the Vast Sea Secret Realm after receiving the news of the Vast Sea Order, so he had already responded in the first time.

But now it seems that something has happened? Chapter 111 Entering the Game (9) Vast Sea Secret Realm

When "Jiang Xuan" received the summons from the Zukui Clan and returned to the Forest of Corpses, "Yan Wulun" also set out on the road to the Holy City with the Yuan brothers and sisters.

The people who had been with him before all came from different territories of the three major clans, and their backgrounds were also high and low. Originally, "Yan Wulun" planned to go with them, just in time to influence them subtly and expand his network of contacts in the secret land of the vast sea.

However, the sudden accident in Yushan City and the ancient secrets revealed by Yuan Xiyuan finally made "Yan Wulun" change his mind and decided to temporarily part ways with others. He agreed to Yuan Xiyuan to secretly attack the Silver Armor Army and rescue her brother Yuan Xishi.

"Yan Wulun" never showed up from beginning to end, but secretly "converted" a big demon, and indirectly controlled a small demon tide to block the Silver Armor Army in the wilderness.

The Yuan clan took the opportunity to capture the prisoners and released all the prisoners who were accused of "blaspheming the White Emperor and colluding with demons". The whole scene was in chaos.

This approach was undoubtedly very smart, making it difficult for the Silver Armor Army to judge which side the prisoners were from and who their real target was.

Without solid evidence, who would dare to act rashly as one of the three major clans, the Yuan clan? After capturing the people, they did not go to the cities or villages where the human race lived, but instead followed the demon nest into the wilderness and temporarily stayed in the lair of the big demon controlled by "Yan Wulun".

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