At the end of the sentence, Yan Weilou's habitually raised lip corners returned to a straight arc, and his eyes were as calm as deep water.

When he wasn't smiling, his face with sharp lines looked indescribably cold and deep.

This was an expression that had never appeared on the face of the former "Yuan".

It was like there was an insurmountable distance from the entire world in an instant.

Su Xinghan tilted his head in confusion: "Why are you disappointed? No matter what Ayan looks like, I can recognize you at a glance - no matter what you are, you are the same in my eyes.

" He suddenly stretched out a finger and pointed it at Yan Weilou's heart: "What I heard is the sound here.

"While speaking, Su Xinghan took back his hand and pressed it on his heart: "For example, right now, it is dancing very happily.

"The long street was lonely, and his voice was particularly clear.

The pale golden sunlight shines on the slightly raised face of the man in white, giving the pale, almost transparent skin an unreal dreamlike quality.

His dark eyes stared at Yan Weilou for a moment, and his lips curved.

"So, Ayan, you must be happy too.

·Facing a straight ball from Su Xinghan, Yan Weilou, who always considered himself fearless, was unexpectedly at a loss.

After the messy thoughts went up and down in his mind, when Yan Weilou came to his senses, he had returned to the courtyard of Prince Qi's Mansion.

"...Just now, what happened?" Yan Weilou, who felt that his brain was still not working well, was in a daze for a moment and couldn't help but shake his head.

"Really... I'm running away, right? It's so embarrassing.

" Yan Weilou is not the kind of person who likes to escape. He was at a loss just now because he didn't know how to respond to Su Xinghan.

Now that he had the chance to be alone, he finally calmed down and began to sort out his thoughts.

Because he had already guessed that Su Xinghan might like him, Yan Weilou was not suddenly frightened by "I treat you as a brother but you want to sleep with me."

But he always thought that Su Xinghan wouldn't express it so quickly. Today's straight shot really made him a little confused.

Although this does not sound like a blatant confession, in the vast land of China and the reserved style of this world, Su Xinghan's meaning is obvious enough. Yan Weilou cannot continue to pretend to be incompetent like a scumbag. Understand.

"...Mingguang is very nice, but isn't it a girl that I like..." Although he had never liked anyone before, Yan Weilou before the time travel was just a salted fish who was content with the situation and lived a lazy life.

At that time, his expectations for the future were just like those of most ordinary young people. He would work step by step, marry a beautiful young lady and go home in the future, and live an ordinary and happy life.

After coming to this world, I got a fairy fiancée without doing anything, and my wish before traveling came true.

Yan Weilou, who should have been happy, didn't feel anything at all.

But Yan Weilou didn't think there was anything wrong with his orientation. Maybe his fiancée wasn't his type? After all, he had never had a daydream about anyone of the same sex.

Ji Muyue, who opened the door to a new world for Yan Weilou, looked better in women's clothing than most women in the world, but Yan Weilou couldn't appreciate his appearance at all.

I just feel that this guy is very bad, and if we stay together for a long time, he will definitely bring bad luck to Su Xinghan.

After sorting out a set of ideas, Yan Weilou nodded.

"That's right, I'm not interested in men..." Su Xinghan's figure drifted through his mind in a daze, and Yan Weilou felt strangely regretful in his heart: "... It would be nice if Mingguang was a girl - wait, Why do I think that?" Shaking his head, Yan Weilou shook off that terrible thought, along with a series of pictures: "...Ming Guang is very beautiful, but it's not possible.

"The two are close friends, how could he imagine turning Mingguang into a girl? Such thoughts are too much! Looking up at the increasingly dazzling red sun in the sky, Yan Weilou ignored his great master who was invulnerable to cold and heat. Physique, let out a long breath.

"It must be because the sun is too strong today and the weather is too hot and dry. It is inevitable that I will get angry and have random thoughts.

" After convincing himself reasonably, Yan Weilou stood in the courtyard of the other courtyard. Yan Weilou, who was distracted by his thoughts, casually broke off a piece of green bamboo and practiced his sword skills.

The sword wind roared, and a green shadow spread freely in the courtyard. The fallen leaves and petals danced wildly along with it. A mighty wind followed Yan Weilou's figure and rose from the ground, exuding an astonishing momentum.

In an instant, the vegetation was destroyed and the flowers withered.

When the strong wind stopped, the young man put away his sword and stood up. He felt that all his depressed emotions had been vented, and his clothes were as before, spotless.

He put away the bamboo sword casually, and while waving his sleeves, a carefree smile appeared on his refreshed face.

An unknown flower trembled and fell from the branches with the last ray of breeze, and fluttered into Yan Weilou's outstretched palm.

This is a flower in full bloom, with pink and almost crimson petals spread out in full bloom.

For some reason, this scene made Yan Weilou feel familiar, as if he had seen it before somewhere.

In the secret realm of the vast sea, on the first morning when the two met for the first time, the conversation in the small courtyard of the mountain village accidentally emerged.

“What a beautiful weather.

"The weather is really nice."

"This flower is not bad either."

""If you like it, I'll give it to you.

"A very ordinary morning, a very ordinary conversation, a very ordinary thing, there is not much specialness worth remembering, but Yan Weilou remembered it very clearly at this time, even the action of Su Xinghan taking the flower, his face The subtle expressions on his face were actually clear.

Yan Weilou put away the unknown flower in his hand and subconsciously rubbed the petals with his index finger.

...Perhaps it’s because my cultivation level has reached the level of a Taoist Grandmaster, so my memory is so good? ·Among the three lands and three states in the vast central region of China, the Dayong Dynasty exclusively occupied the three states, and the seat of Qi State was Yunzhou.

Before the King of Qi raised the flag of rebellion, Qi's fiefdom included about half of Yunzhou, and the other half belonged to the Dayong Dynasty.

The King of Qi was caught off guard and established an independent state and became the king. With the help of Dongli's army, he captured the entire Yunzhou.

When the war was in full swing, the king of Dongli suddenly passed away, and a battle to seize the throne broke out in the country. He no longer had the intention to continue attacking Dayong and could only withdraw in a hurry.

And this was a disaster for King Qi! Even if Qi State occupies Yunzhou, it is nothing compared to the entire Dayong Dynasty.

Even with the Dongli army included, the coalition forces were often at a disadvantage during the battle with Dayong.

After Dongli's army withdrew, the Qi army became even more difficult to support. It suffered repeated defeats and was about to be completely wiped out by Dayong who had freed up his hands.

At this time, Yan Qingwan successfully came to power and took over everything in Qi, including the defeat and mess on the front line.

——Anyone can see how much Yong hates Qi, a vassal state that has rebelled, and must take advantage of the great opportunity to drive it out and kill it! Once it comes to this, Yan Qingwan's previous planning will be in vain.

However, the huge gap in strength between the two sides cannot be made up by mere tactics.

Just when the whole Qi State was in despair, an army that appeared out of nowhere suddenly appeared in Qi State's territory. It rushed to the front line overnight, guarded the border that was about to collapse, and re-stabilized the war situation.

This sudden appearance of an army of three thousand people was well-equipped and coordinated with each other tacitly. It seemed that they had experienced countless bloody battles and had the air of a warrior who had fought a hundred battles.

In terms of combat experience, it is actually better than Dayong's elite legions.

So the Yunzhou front line entered into a confrontation again.

This sudden army naturally came from the secret realm of the vast sea, the territory of Qingyang Mansion ruled by Chu Wushuang.

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