The status of the Holy City in the Vast Sea Realm can be said to be supreme, to be sure.

It is far more influential than Xuantian Peak in the vast land of China.

The Holy City was almost shaken, and the entire vast sea world was shaken.

With such a vigorous pursuit, Yan Weilou speculates that it won't be long before traces of a large number of outsiders appearing in Qingyang Mansion City will be discovered.

If one investigates carefully, Chu Wushuang's cooperation with outsiders may even be exposed.

Therefore, Yan Weilou confessed his true ability to Chu Wushuang and invited him to leave the secret realm of the vast sea and go to the vast land of China.

On one side is a cage where demons are imprisoned.

Every human being may have to be ready to fight monsters at any time since birth; but on the other side is the prosperous age of humanity.

There may be strife between forces, but the cruelty of the struggle is far less than that of the racial wars in the mysterious realm of the vast sea.

It is very clear how to choose.

Not only did Chu Wushuang want to leave the secret realm of the vast sea, but he also wanted to leave with his people, bid farewell to the cage with imperfect laws, and come to the real world where the vast land of China is located.

Yunzhou, or Qi State, is their new home.

As a sign of sincerity, Chu Wushuang will also contribute to defending Qi's territory.

The army in Qingyang Fucheng has been fighting against demon tides all year round, and the result of failure is to be devoured by demons.

With their fighting power, it was easy to deal with the not-so-intensity human civil war in the vast land of China.

The state of Qi temporarily settled down.

Yan Weilou then turned his attention to the many demon sects - since the discussion in the other courtyard, the mountain sects of the two first-class demon sects, Qi Chong Sect and Blood Rain Hall, were discovered, and all the sects were discovered. Being massacred - It is said that a righteous master who suddenly passed by accidentally discovered the location of these two mountain gates, and eradicated them with full righteousness.

Zhengdao, who was suddenly blamed for two things:...? Many righteous sects accept the praise of martial arts circles on the surface, but deep down they are confused.

I don’t know which fellow Taoist who did good deeds without leaving his name was responsible for this feat, but they also benefited from it in vain :).

Many people in the demonic path who did good deeds without leaving their names had already gathered in Yunzhou. In just one month, they had moved their monasteries to Yunzhou one after another, expressing their surrender to Yan Weilou in this way.

Trying to survive as a team in the coming storm.

Soon, the news everyone was waiting for arrived. The storm first blew up from the Beidou Demon Palace.

After Du Jiuyou disappeared, with the help of the former supervisor network of Xuantian Peak, the three righteous holy places found the headquarters of the Beidou Demon Palace and invaded the Beidou Demon Palace.

After several days of hard fighting, the ancient defense formation of the Beidou Demon Palace was broken, and the masters of the Seventh Palace either died or escaped.

Many righteous sects headed by the three sects rushed to pursue, but unexpectedly ran into a trap - it turned out that Du Jiuyou, who had never known whether he was alive or dead, had actually returned to the Beidou Demon Palace long ago.

Du Jiuyou was seriously injured and unable to fight, so he set a trap and led everyone into an extremely dangerous fragment of the ancient secret realm.

Taking advantage of the fact that the righteous sects were trapped in the secret realm and temporarily unable to escape, the remaining survivors of the Beidou Demon Palace, led by Du Jiuyou, fought back and broke through. In addition to the three major holy places, the Tujia people, large and small, dared to attack the Beidou Demon Palace. The mountain gate of the Zhengdao sect that the palace takes action.

Afterwards, these people from the Beidou Demon Palace disbanded on the spot, scattered into pieces, and scattered in the rivers and lakes, like fish entering the sea, making it difficult to find them again.

When the time comes, the Beidou Demon Palace can be reorganized.

To talk about how Yan Weilou knew the process so clearly, it was as if he had experienced it himself.

That's because one of the parties involved told him this personally.

——In early September, Xiao Wuyi, the young master of the Beidou Demon Palace, came to Yunzhou in person and brought a secret message from Du Jiuyou.

"...I didn't expect that the Beidou Demon Palace would be so concerned about the development here when it was in deep crisis?" Yan Weilou met Xiao Wuyi as the head of the Huangquan Sect, and his tone was a bit surprising and playful.

The content of Du Jiuyou's letter is very simple. He wants to cooperate with Yan Weilou, and the two parties can discuss the subsequent details.

"Cooperation? No problem, I agree.

" Yan Weilou agreed immediately.

"But I also have conditions... Within the next few days, I want to get the volume of "The Art of Mending the Sky" in the hands of Marquis Chang Xin.

“——Just think of it as a way to see the sincerity and strength of Beidou Demon Palace.

"Chapter 130 Entering the game (28) Yan Weilou has been coveting the volume of "Mending the Sky" in the hands of Changxin Hou Fang Tianxun for a long time.

As early as when he was in Shengjing, he had an idea.

It's a pity that the appearance of the Hanhai Secret Realm and the outbreak of a series of events were all too hasty.

Since the national master Pei Buming came out of seclusion in time, Yan Weilou had no time to make other small moves in the opponent's realm of heaven and humans, and could only leave Shengjing City with regrets.

Now, since Du Jiuyou took the initiative to cooperate with Yan Weilou, he took advantage of the situation to make this request, just to see how much energy the now-down-and-out Beidou Demon Palace still had, and to weigh the importance of Du Jiuyou's ally.

Seven days later, news came from Shengjing City that there was a thief in the Changxinhou Mansion, and he actually stole the family heirloom of the Changxinhou Mansion.

The most important thing is that the eldest lady Fang Qingwei actually took the initiative to help the thief escape.

Chang Xinhou, who was fighting Qi State on the frontline battlefield, was furious and returned to Shengjing without the emperor's order.

It is said that many servants in the mansion were killed by him, and Fang Qingwei was almost killed by the angry Marquis Changxin. Fortunately, the eldest princess intervened in time, begged for mercy, and finally locked her up.

Emperor Yong didn't know what he was thinking. Instead of issuing an edict to reprimand Marquis Changxin, he sent Feiyu Guards to assist him, sealing off Shengjing City and looking for thieves everywhere.

This farce lasted for several days and finally ended with nothing.

Along with the news about Shengjing City, the volume of "Tian Mending Jue" in the hands of Chang Xinhou was also handed over to Yan Weilou.

“It is said that the Beidou Demon Palace has eyes and ears all over the world, and now it seems that is indeed the case.

" In the other courtyard of Prince Qi's Mansion, Yan Weilou took the technique handed over by Xiao Wuyi with one hand. He admired twice and said with a smile: "Heavenly people can come and go freely in the capital of a country, and the secret places of the Hou Mansion are also treated as if they are nothing. , seeking skills is like searching a bag to retrieve objects, even the eldest lady of the Hou Mansion can be used by you, these methods are really amazing! "When Xiao Wuyi heard this, he took a look at Yan Weilou's face.

In the past, he didn't care about the affairs of the court, but this time it was of great importance, and he had already investigated everything about the Changxin Hou Mansion.

Naturally, they also knew about the past relationship between Yan Weilou and the Changxin Hou Mansion.

Seeing that Yan Weilou kept smiling and laughing without any special reaction, he shook his head and replied calmly: "This incident is somewhat coincidental, and Beidou Demon Palace does not dare to take full credit.

"Your Excellency only gave the target of Marquis Changxin. Where exactly the "Tian Mending Jue" was placed, we at the Beidou Demon Palace were unable to find out in a short time, so we activated a weapon buried in the Marquis Changxin's Mansion. Anzi, secretly investigate the details... Who knows, the "Tian Mending Jue" has not been found yet, but an unexpected surprise has been discovered.

"What Xiao Wuyi was referring to was Fang Qingwei, the eldest lady of the Changxin Hou Mansion.

At first, Fang Qingwei would rather break the engagement to be with the third prince. After the incident, she was naturally blocked by Marquis Chang Xin.

The reason why Marquis Changxin made his daughter enter into a marriage contract with the Crown Prince of Qi was to establish a deep karma with the Crown Prince of Qi so that he could seize the Crown Prince's innate Tao body in the future, even though he didn't know yet that he had found the wrong person.

But once the engagement partner is changed to the third prince, won't all his years of planning be in vain? Seeing that the Marquis of Changxin was so ruthless towards his daughter and only regarded her as a pawn, the third prince also wanted to retreat and wanted to choose another noble daughter who could help him seize the throne.

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