In the princess's mansion, the courtyard of the ninth princess Ji Muyue was empty, and all the servants were sent out.

On a tall pear tree beside the wall outside the courtyard, a snow-white figure fell down like a feather, with wide sleeves fluttering, black hair like ink, and snow-white petals.

He was full of gentleness, like the breeze and the bright moon.

Yan Weilou brushed his sleeves lightly, and was about to go to the ninth princess Ji Muyue to negotiate terms and make trouble.

I don't know what he thought of, and his footsteps suddenly stopped.

... Wrong idea! Wrong vest.

He is Yan Wulun, the owner of Xiaoyao Tower, who is gentle, pure, and indifferent to the world. He is weak and powerless, just like the breeze and the bright moon. How could he secretly discuss with others to block the conspiracy and make such a move like a behind-the-scenes master? The most important thing is that if he is not mistaken, the ninth princess is behind those chambers of commerce that are planning to divide Xiaoyao Tower.

After thinking for a while, Yan Weilou took out a mask from his sleeve - this was the mask he had brought with him before - and then gently put it on his face.

Yeah, perfect.

After the temporary account was created, Yan Weilou silently gave himself a thumbs up in his heart. He felt like a painter who had drawn a brand new character, and his heart was filled with a full sense of accomplishment.

He adjusted his breath, walked calmly, and went to the half-closed courtyard door not far away.

"Your Highness, don't do it~" Just after passing through the courtyard door with hanging flower vines, Yan Weilou suddenly heard a soft, sweet voice, which was like holding a jar of sugar in his throat. The excessive sweetness was enough to make any sweet lover tremble.

Yan Weilou paused, his expression under the mask suddenly froze, and a strange feeling surged all over his body.

... It feels like something is wrong? When he cast his eyes over, he understood the reason for the weird feeling just now at a glance.

What came into his eyes was a restricted and indescribable picture.

If it were painted into a pornographic painting and put on the market, it would probably be sold out.

However, the gender of the protagonist of this pornographic painting seems to be different from the mainstream.

There was a gorgeous soft couch lying in the courtyard, and the main person Yan Weilou was looking for, the Ninth Princess Ji Muyue, was lying on the couch in dishevel.

His black hair was disheveled, and under the crimson palace dress spread out, a petite and delicate fair-skinned boy was vaguely revealed in his arms.

Four or five young men in gauze and beautiful faces surrounded him. Some of them fanned him attentively, some flattered him in a sweet voice, and some bowed their heads and did all kinds of indescribable things... Various pictures gathered into a series of information reflected in Yan Weilou's mind, and he was a little frozen for a while.

——This beautiful and unparalleled Ninth Princess is actually a real man.

The most important thing is that this person is actually doing something indescribable under the curtain... A cross-dressing man, so scary.

Yan Weilou was stunned for three seconds before his brain cleared up from the large amount of information he had just received.

Fortunately, in the information-rich society before he traveled through time, all kinds of strange things were not uncommon.

Even though he had never seen these things with his own eyes, he had heard a lot of them. Even though he was shocked, he quickly regained his composure.

"Well... are there guests?" Yan Weilou's footsteps were not concealed. Ji Muyue hummed lazily from her throat, and immediately raised her body, with a pair of eyes with a faint purple glow. A little surprise flashed in her eyes.

... Although all the servants in the inner courtyard had been dismissed by him, the defense route of the princess's mansion itself had no blind spots, and there were patrols every two hours a day.

This man was able to sneak in silently without alerting any guards, and he was obviously an extraordinary master.

As Ji Muyue stood up, the already messy crimson palace dress fell sharply, revealing a flat chest.

He seemed too lazy to cover up, and just looked at the person who came with a smile.

Just one glance, and his pupils shrank suddenly, and he subconsciously became alert.

At the gate of the courtyard outside the earthen steps, under the vines hanging on the wall, there stood a mysterious man wearing a wide-sleeved white shirt and a mask of gods and ghosts.

His clothes were snow-white, without any pendants, and his face was also a common sacrificial mask, and no reason could be seen.

In the bright sunlight, the mask of gods and ghosts with white background and gold patterns on the man's face was shining, the left half of his face was holy and solemn, and the right half of his face was ghostly and weird, against the white clothes and black hair, there was an indescribable magical temperament.

"As bright as the autumn moon shining on the water, as bright as the jade tree in the wind.

The ancients were not deceiving me!" Ji Muyue sighed lightly, and a hint of ambiguous smile appeared in her eyes: "Everyone knows... There are three thousand heads in the princess's mansion. The beauty came here on her own initiative. Could it be that she wants to offer herself to the bed?" There was an amazing charm in his gestures, and his voice was indistinguishable from male and female, which made people feel numb to the bone.

Yan Weilou felt a faint sense of weirdness in his heart again.

For the first time, he was unable to maintain his own personality.

... In the past, no matter what vest he put on, he could get into the role in minutes, but now he was almost upset by the Ninth Princess.

Is this the other party's purpose? - Deliberately upset him like this, wanting to arouse his emotions, so as to seize the initiative and gain the upper hand in the next confrontation? His guess was confirmed in his heart.

Yan Weilou's aura became colder and his eyes became fierce.

Ji Muyue felt a sudden chill on her body, and a sudden coldness enveloped her whole body. It was like thousands of invisible sword rays cutting through her skin, and like an invisible invisible mountain rising above her head. The pressure poured down... A boundless terror surged in his heart, and if he was not careful, he would turn into powder.

——It seems that as long as he says one more word, today will be the day of his death.

Just the aura that naturally leaked out of his soul could cause such terrifying oppression on his soul.

The level of this man’s soul is simply unbelievable! Ji Muyue was shocked.

Lowering his head and no longer looking at the man, he stretched out his hand to put a robe on the young man in his arms, and waved away all the male pets around him: "Good boy, you go down first.

” He had a doting voice and gentle movements.

A male favorite who had recently been admitted to the palace was confused by this illusion. He glanced at Yanwei Tower not far away by the hanging flower vines with hostility, and then pulled Ji Muyue's sleeves and acted coquettishly, making a sign of reluctance: "Your Highness..." However, the eyes of His Highness, who had been so tender before, turned as cold as ice for a moment: "Obey, stand down.

” His tone was even gentler.

The man couldn't help but tremble, and he was dragged away by his companion whose expression changed greatly.

"Bang!" Several people were about to walk out of the courtyard, but they heard a loud bang, followed by a long sword roar, and a biting cold chill on their backs, making them no longer able to think about anything else, as if they were fighting for their lives. ran outside.

The large and gorgeous soft couch in the courtyard could no longer withstand the pressure and fell apart in an instant.

“Cough cough cough cough.

"Ji Muyue stood up from the debris on the ground, all the bones in her body were creaking.

Just as he choked and coughed twice, a cold sword edge was already placed on his neck.

"I originally wanted my heart to be illuminated by the moon, but the bright moon illuminates the ditch..." He sighed for a long time, his tone was quite melancholy, "It's really heartbreaking for a beauty to treat me like this.

" His face, which was so beautiful that it transcended gender, was filled with resentment and sorrow, revealing a natural sense of melancholy, which was enough to make anyone feel pity in their heart.

Faint soul fluctuations rippled like Liandi.

"This is..." Yan Weilou's eyes showed a little surprise.

He thrust the sword forward.

A faint streak of blood emerged from the other party's fair neck.

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