""Girl's Skills".

" Yan Weilou spit out three words, and Ji Muyue's expression changed slightly, showing some vigilance.

...The traces in every move of the Ninth Princess in front of her are so familiar. They are clearly the soul secret technique "Girl's Skill" of Yaoguang Palace, one of the seven halls of Beidou Demon Palace. Successful practitioners can use it in every move. Alluring and invisible.

Not to mention that Ji Muyue was obviously a man, how could he have the mental method of Jie Guangdian? Just talk about this "Girl's Skill" and it left a profound impression on Yan Weilou.

In his previous life, he was hunted by Taishang Daomen, but he finally escaped and became an ordinary noodle shop owner incognito. He seemed to be quite talented in cooking, and it was rare for him to be stable for a while.

However, a passing Yaoguang Temple disciple inexplicably cast a spiritual charm on him. Already wary, he subconsciously picked up a rolling pin and stabbed it through.

Later, Yan Weilou learned that the person was the only daughter of the master of Yaoguang Hall of Beidou Demon Palace.

As a result, he completely offended both the good and the evil, and was hunted until he had no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth.

Thinking of the inexplicable lawsuit back then, Yan Weilou was still confused. He only felt that most of the people in Yaoguang Hall were inexplicable people.

——Thinking like this, Yan Weilou obviously didn't realize that the reason why he, an "ordinary noodle shop owner", could support himself with his handicrafts that lacked color, flavor and taste, obviously did not rely on his self-satisfied cooking skills. , but that good looks.

As for the daughter of the master of Yaoguang Hall who took advantage of her, she probably never understood until her death how she fell into the hands of an ordinary noodle shop owner.

Having learned from the past and noticing the traces of "Girl Skill" on Ji Muyue, Yan Weilou became wary.

It feels like the Ninth Princess, who is disguised as a woman, seems to be as baffled as the woman back then.

Yan Weilou pointed out the existence of "Girls' Skills" sharply, and inevitably recalled the experience of relying on craftsmanship to eat. Although the time was short, it was very pleasant.

There was silence for a moment.

This silence brought strong psychological pressure to Ji Muyue.


"King Ji Muyue coughed twice, feeling the cold chill and vague tingling on his neck, and finally chose to follow his heart, "Your Excellency can not only recognize the existence of "Girls' Skills", but also break in in broad daylight. In the mansion, why are you here? "The sword in the mysterious man's hand was three points colder.

“To negotiate a deal.

" His hand holding the sword was steady, his tone of voice was cold, and his eyes hidden behind the mask were also indifferent, as if what was in front of him was not a living person at all, but a grass, a flower, or a stone.

Even if the deacons in Xiaoyao Tower who had dealt with "Yan Wulun" countless times saw this completely different change in temperament, they would never think that this was the same person.

Ji Muyue had no doubt that if she chose to refuse, she would be cut into two pieces without mercy.

"As for the terms of the deal..." Under the mask, he seemed to be smiling, "How is your life?" "This is really an unfair deal.

"Ji Muyue smiled bitterly, and the teasing look on her face disappeared.

"You can choose to say no.

"I didn't expect that your Excellency would still be joking."

"Ji Muyue was stunned, and then said seriously, "So, what do you need me to do? " There was a look of confidence and calmness between his brows, and it seemed that no request could stump him.

Yan Weilou did not answer, but suddenly spoke: "Last night the Feiyu Guards searched Rongfeng Pavilion and found traces of people in the Beidou Demon Palace, and harvested hundreds of weapons, bows and crossbows.

" "What! "Ji Muyue was suddenly startled, and her movements were too large for a moment. A long blood mark was drawn on her neck on the edge of the sword, and blood spattered.

But he didn't care and just asked, "Really?" ...What exactly went wrong? Why would Feiyuwei explore Rongfeng Pavilion for no reason? Most importantly, why didn't he know anything about this? ——Does the emperor no longer trust him? Thinking of the meaning behind this matter, Ji Muyue's eyes flashed fiercely, as if she was thinking about something.

As the chief culprit, Yan Weilou didn't feel guilty at all for having cheated someone and wanted to sell him for a few bucks.

He just said calmly: "The emperor is already suspicious, I think you should understand.

"Ji Muyue, who had no idea that she had been tricked, showed gratitude on her face: "So, thank you very much for reminding me.

"After a few words, his attitude changed drastically.

"Your Excellency, if you have any requests, I will definitely fulfill them for you.

" He blinked: "Even if I want to have some love for a while, I am very happy to do so.

"Yan Weilou:???...As expected, people who practice "Girl's Skill" are not normal? He ignored the other party's words: "My conditions are very simple. I think you should know something about King Qi..." ·Half After hours.

Looking at the figure that disappeared in the blink of an eye, the smile on Ji Muyue's face gradually disappeared, and he turned back to look at the other side of the courtyard.

"Why didn't you take action just now?" A figure wrapped in black gauze slowly emerged, with a graceful figure and eyes as moving as autumn water.

She shook her head slowly.

“This man’s strength is unpredictable and I can’t stop him.

Besides, he seemed to notice me.

"By the way, the news he mentioned just now..." The low female voice was slightly hoarse, "If it is true..." "Then act as soon as possible."

"Ji Muyue's voice was very decisive, "I have been preparing for these years, so it doesn't hurt to be a few days early.

"...I can't wait...to send my good father on his way."

"Chapter 25 Moving Fengyun (9) Taking the initiative to find Ji Muyue was a decision made by Yan Weilou after careful consideration.

In his previous life, it had been three years since he left Zukuimen and re-entered the world, and the incident in Dayong had been settled.

Only then did the people of the world know that Ji Muyue, the ninth princess who seemed unable to cultivate and was moody, was the brains behind Emperor Yong. She had long ago unknowingly deceived Emperor Yong through unknown methods and seized control of the palace. Most of the authority, and even the command authority of special organizations such as Feiyuwei.

When the King of Qi raised his army and Dongli invaded, all the masters in Shengjing City were transferred to the front line.

Ji Muyue took the opportunity to enter the palace, hoping to prevent Emperor Yong from accidentally dying. Unexpectedly, she was so unlucky that she happened to meet a heavenly being worshiped by the royal family who came out of seclusion.

Heavenly beings are transcendent and holy, almost immortal.

Its various miraculous methods are definitely not accessible to ordinary people.

All Ji Muyue's plans fell apart in an instant under her absolute strength, and she became the laughing stock of someone who was overestimating her abilities.

Previously, Yan Weilou still didn't understand. Although the ninth princess was a direct descendant of the middle palace, she could neither practice nor have a gender advantage. She could have gradually eroded power by winning over the emperor, so why did she take the risk to kill her father? Jun? Now that he knew the other party's true gender, he vaguely guessed that there might be something inside.

Anyway, the relationship between them is just to use each other, and Yan Weilou has no intention of delving into each other's past experiences or mental processes.

He only told the other party part of the information that could be revealed, and also learned more about the inside story of King Qi's army from Ji Muyue - Ji Muyue had been planning for many years, and it happened to take advantage of King Qi's army to take action. If he didn't know anything about it, Yan Weilou would never believe the inside story.

As he expected, all this has something to do with the Beidou Demon Palace.

Since Bi Luotian disappeared eight hundred years ago, the power of the demonic path collapsed, and the three holy places of the righteous path suppressed China, the world has been showing the trend of the Taoist leader and the demon disappearing.

The Beidou Demon Palace claims to be orthodox in the path of demons. Since the rise of the current palace owner, Du Jiuyou, he has devoted himself to restoring the power of the demon path to its former glory, and has done everything possible to do so.

Provoking war among the three countries is just one of his methods.

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