Yan Weilou, who was sitting next to him as a tool man, quietly blinked his eyes. He did not show any guilt as the mastermind behind the scenes. Instead, he pretended to be a nodding machine who was too sad and had no ability to think. He nodded fiercely and gave Xie Yu a thumbs up: "Brother Xie said Yes, I think so too.

"Xie Yu felt comfortable now, and the smile on his face became more and more intelligent.

He thought to himself: Xu Yuan is the one who is on the right path after all! As for Xiao Zheng, who can't speak, most of these people are just starting out and need to go through a lot of beatings in the world.

So he was immediately forgotten about it.

The two guys who harbored ulterior motives towards each other looked at each other and smiled. One was more humble and gentle than the other, and they looked like they were having a great time talking to each other.

Xiao Zheng, who was sitting in the middle, looked to the left and then to the right, feeling as if he was being ignored.

He was originally not interested in Xie Yu's arrogant style. He had seen many such young masters in the past.

If it wasn't for his intuition that there was something special about Yan Weilou, he wouldn't be interested in coming over.

However, Yan Weilou was blind to give up the opportunity to make friends with him, a rare talent in the world, for the sake of grabbing a lot of goods in the world.

Xiao Zheng took a big gulp of a glass of wine and placed the glass heavily on the table, attracting their attention again.

He asked a little maliciously: "So, Chengyun Escort Bureau is preparing to take on the grievances between the Xu family and the Beidou Demon Palace, and will protect Mr. Xu no matter what?" Xie Yu said again Choking: "This..." Taking Xu Yuan in was okay, it was out of morality.

He couldn't say that he would shoulder the grudges of both sides.

After the news spreads, doesn't it mean that all the hatred of the Beidou Demon Palace towards the Xu family has been taken over? How dare he, the third son of the Xie family, dare to make such a promise on behalf of the entire Xie family? Xie Yu regretted not taking advantage of the crowd to drive out this guy who would only embarrass him.

Every word and every word really stepped on his vital points.

Fortunately, Yan Weilou said through the interface: "How can this be possible! Brother Xie is willing to help in time, and I can't thank you enough.

How could he push the envelope even further and put the entire Chengyun Escort Bureau in danger? " Xie Yu immediately looked moved and was about to say something.

Xiao Zheng curled his lips.

Suddenly he picked up a chopstick and tapped it on the wine glass in front of him.

The crisp sound suddenly broke the atmosphere, making Xie Yu's forehead veins jump a few times.

Xiao Zheng seemed to feel something coming. He half-closed his eyes and knocked a few more times.

The rhythm of the gestures is neither fast nor slow, and combined with the majestic sound of rain between the sky and the earth, it actually forms a good little tune in the rain.

“I’m here to join in the fun.

"When Yan Weilou saw this, he also extended his hand with interest.

There seemed to be a breeze blowing by the window, causing the ancient trees to sway.

A wet leaf, as if attracted by an unknown force, floated in gently along the gust of wind, mixed with a burst of cold water vapor.

The blade circled half a circle between Yan Weilou's fingers and gently fell into his hand.

The leaves are as green as emerald after being washed by rain.

The boy closed his eyes and brought it to his lips.

Woo - the faint melody suddenly sounded, naturally joining the minor tune, and directly sublimating the original minor tune to a brand new artistic conception.

It was as if a foggy and wet scene unfolded before our eyes - the snow-capped mountains thousands of miles away that never melted all year round melted overnight, and the clear snow water turned into boundless waterfalls, flowing over cliffs, high mountains, through vast forests, and nine mountains. The bend of the river merges into the boundless ocean.

It then evaporates into water vapor under the scorching sun, rolling down from the vast sky and washing over the entire human world.

Seeing this, Yan Weilou changed his mind and used the illusion technique he learned from Su Xinghan, combining it with a minor tune.

For a moment, the tune on the young man's lips became louder and louder, covering up the wind and rain outside the window, guiding the beat in Xiao Zheng's hands, making everyone unconsciously immersed in it, forgetting both things and myself.

The sound of the song became longer and longer, seeming to stir up memories in everyone's heart.

Gradually, in everyone's perception, the surrounding world seemed to have changed, and various visions appeared in front of them, causing the expressions on their faces to change accordingly, whether they were sad or happy, angry or hateful.

A vast and boundless world seemed to emerge before Yan Weilou's eyes.

The air gathered in the sky turned into water, and the water condensed into ice. Ice and snow swayed all over the sky, coating the heaven and earth in bright white.

On the top of the snow-capped mountains, a shadow was outlined from scratch, as if a faint outline was drawn with a brush.

Just when the outline was about to be completely drawn, a clear "pop" sound interrupted the tune on Yan Weilou's lips, and the picture in front of him cracked like broken glass and disappeared.

Yan Weilou opened his eyes, with a faint look of loss on his face.

He turned his eyes and saw that the wine glass in front of Xiao Zheng had somehow fallen to the ground and broken into several pieces.

Xiao Zheng held the remaining chopstick tightly with one hand, and the veins on his palm were exposed.

The exposed part of the chopsticks trembled slightly, and before they knew it, they were broken and fell to the ground with a clatter.

He looked a little discouraged.

The music disappeared, and everyone woke up from the colorful artistic conception. Many people expressed regret: "Why did it suddenly disappear?" Xie Yu has seen the world.

Compared with those escorts, he is more clearly aware that a casual song can bring so many people into the artistic conception, and among them there are practitioners of insight... This kind of skill is unique among musicians in the world. Can be called a master.

He exclaimed: "Brother Xu has such great musical attainments! Come to think of it, those words like "staying around" and "not knowing the taste of meat in March" are nothing more than that.

"Yes, what a great achievement."

"Xiao Zheng rarely found fault. Instead, he sighed and agreed, his eyes couldn't stop looking at Yan Weilou.

...What a brilliant attainment of the soul. Could it be that this person is a genius who cultivates the secret method of the soul? Yan Weilou looked calm, accepting the compliments from the two of them calmly, and didn't care about Xiao Zheng's scrutiny.

Even if the other party does discover some flaws, it doesn't matter.

Just change to another vest.

Although he is currently in a state of disguise, it does not mean that he has to be timid and secretive, and dare not let go and do anything.

This would go against his original intention.

——Of course he wears a vest to make it more convenient to do certain things, but more importantly, it is to satisfy his own interests.

In this life, Yan Weilou only wants to be as happy as he wants, including snatching the Hanhai Order on a whim. Even though he ruined his plan, he has no regrets.

If he wants to suppress himself for anything, that is absolutely impossible.

Yan Weilou loosened his fingers and blew out a breath.

The emerald-like leaf immediately drifted out of the window along with a sudden breeze and merged into the patter of raindrops.

Boom! Yi Cheng had already been carried down.

At the side door, there was a faint voice of a strange clerk talking to several escorts: "...the hot water has been boiled, and all the rooms have been tidied up.

You can arrange it at any time.

” Before I knew it, it was already late at night.

Everyone had traveled all day during the day and was full of food and wine, so tiredness came over them.

So one by one, they followed the servants in the inn to find their own rooms.

Xie Yu had given up recruiting Xiao Zheng, a casual cultivator, and his attitude towards him had become completely cold, and he only maintained the most basic courtesy.

After all, he was the nominal leader of this team. He only said hello to Yan Weilou and left in a hurry.

After everyone was arranged, he was ready to rest in the arranged room.

This inn is in a remote place and the conditions are average.

In order to make the Third Young Master Xie live comfortably, Yi Cheng directly vacated the best room. The only problem was that it was far away, in the yard at the back.

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