His voice was different from before. It seemed to be a little deeper and colder. When Xie Yu stopped, he felt that there was an uncomfortable aura all over this man's body.

"If the only bloodline after Yishang is brought into the family, it will not only increase the reputation in the righteous way, but also maybe the treasure left by the Xu family. When the time comes, marry any daughter there, and you will get both wealth and wealth.

This deal must be a good deal, right? "Sure enough, the next second he changed the subject, as if he suddenly took off his disguise and revealed his naked sarcasm.

Xie Yu turned his head and looked at him with a bad look: "Brother Xiao, you can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense.

"Xiao Zheng didn't seem to hear him, and he continued: "Let me remind you, do you still remember the incident about Xiao Wuyi, the young master of the Beidou Demon Palace? "Boom! Before the rainstorm stopped, a thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, and lightning tore a corner of the sky. The bright electric light shone on Xiao Zheng's face, making the smile on his lips suddenly appear strange and indescribable. With Senhan.

""Carry the sun and bear the moon" Xiao throws it, trying to save the sky and make everything happen.

It’s also a big name! "-But didn't his only son also enter the Beidou Demon Palace and become a famous demon? " Xie Yu's heart suddenly jumped heavily, and for a moment he didn't dare to look directly at this man's expression: "What do you mean? "" Hehe, it's nothing.

I just hope that your Xie family will not follow in the footsteps of the Annan Zhao family.

"The story of Xiao Wuyi, the young master of the Beidou Demon Palace, has long been rumored in the world.

All this has to mention another person - "Carrying the Sun and Bearing the Moon" Xiao Yitou.

People in the arena always like to exaggerate when giving nicknames to others, and they often exaggerate in business.

But Xiao Yitou's name was not blown out, but was truly recognized by everyone.

This man was not a person with extraordinary talents. His cultivation had advanced by leaps and bounds when he was young, but later he was stuck in the middle of the road for several years and could not make any progress. So he traveled around the world, looking for opportunities to make a breakthrough.

The vast land of China is vast and is divided into several pieces by the endless ocean. The continent that people in the world now live in is just the middle region of China.

In the middle domain, there is a forbidden land in the sky, located at the southernmost point of Dayong, west of the fiefdom of King Qi.

It is said that there is great terror in the forbidden land in the sky. Once it breaks out, the entire Central Territory will fall.

This kind of rumor has been around since ancient times. Although many people don't believe it, they still have to guard against it.

In the beginning, Taizu Dayong divided the princes into feudal lords in order to suppress this forbidden area in addition to rewarding their merits.

Therefore, the territories of the princes were connected in a circle, plus part of the border of Dongli, which just enclosed the forbidden land in the sky.

Six years ago, something happened to the forbidden land in the sky for unknown reasons. The earth shook and the mountains shook, and a gap opened in the forbidden area.

An inexplicable black gas emerged from it, polluting Dongli County, leaving no grass growing wherever it passed.

Both ordinary people and warriors were sucked into life by the strange black energy, and turned into bones in a blink of an eye. Even the great masters of the Taoist realm could not resist it.

The black energy spread extremely fast, and before the news spread, it had already turned several earth-based cities into dead places.

Xiao Yitou happened to be traveling nearby at that time, and no one knew how he did it. Everything was deduced by other heavenly beings who arrived after the dust settled - he was stuck halfway in the doorway and could not move forward. Xiao Yitou entered the Tao at the critical moment, and in half a day, the Tao was perfected and reached heaven and earth.

Later, this new heavenly being sacrificed his life, refilled the seal of the forbidden land in the sky, and eliminated the unknown black energy.

After the fall of Heavenly Man, he also changed the celestial phenomena in the three counties on a large scale.

The name Xiao Yitou went from being unknown to becoming famous all over the world in one day.

He was also the shortest celestial being in the history of the vast land of China. He died less than half a quarter of an hour after he was promoted to celestial being.

Some people call it the "half-moment heavenly being".

Since Xiao Yidian had no relatives or friends, after his death, his six-year-old son was adopted by many righteous and famous families because they were grateful for the hero's merits.

In the end, the young master of the Xiao family chose the family of Zhao Qian, the head of the Annan Zhao family and the "Qiankun Sword" who had the best personal relationship with Xiao Yihui.

Things about him were gradually forgotten by people in the world as time went by.

But just four years ago, a murder suddenly occurred in Annan County. The Annan Zhao family was directly wiped out. The murderer left Xiao Wuyi's name on the scene and announced that he would enter the Beidou Demon Palace from now on.

This incident once caused an uproar in the world.

Boom! The thunder resounded endlessly in the sky, and Xie Yu's face was illuminated with uncertainty.

Although Xiao Zheng only said this sentence, Xie Yu's mood was ups and downs after being picked on.

"...Don't want to follow in the footsteps of the Annan Zhao family?" He murmured, clenching the hands hanging by his sides.

"Are you comparing Xu Yuan to Xiao Wuyi, or are you saying that the Xie family of Xishan is the same as the Zhao family of Annan?" It wasn't until Xie Yu's figure faded away that a figure walked out from under the eaves on the other side not far away.

Dressed in green clothes, it seemed as if it had been washed by the rain. His appearance was handsome and elegant, but also revealed a bit of sickly paleness.

Xiao Zheng looked at him with some surprise, and then laughed, a little bad, like a vicious villain who spoke ill of people behind their backs and refused to repent even after being caught in person: "It seems you have heard everything. What do you think?" The boy But he smiled slightly.

Across the rain curtain in the courtyard, his voice was clear and could be heard: "What do you think? Brother Xiao is such a good person.

"After saying this, he turned around and left.

Xiao Zheng was left alone in the same place.

Chapter 54 Return (8) In a certain city in the southern part of the Northern Desert.

In the middle of the night, a group of people covered in ancient costume-style robes came to the city gate. After showing their identities, the guards guarding the gate respectfully opened the city gate and invited the people in.

"Are you sure? The person is here?" The old voice sounded slowly and slowly. It seemed calm, but it was mixed with uncontrollable anger, like the sky with layers of dark clouds before thunder.

From the crowd nearby, someone was immediately brought up.

This is a middle-aged man wearing a short coat of coarse cloth, with a dark face that is a little embarrassed.

Seeing the old man, the man fell to his knees with a plop, and his voice trembled with excitement: "Report it to the holy envoy, I, I saw it with my own eyes.

This person is almost exactly the same as the portrait circulated in the Holy Religion.

" "This must be the sinner who is crazy and blaspheming the Holy Religion!" The villain watched him enter the city with his own eyes...but he lost track of him later.

"Hearing this, the great elder of Tianzong, wrapped in a dark purple sacrificial robe, rubbed a snake-shaped ring on his thumb, turned his head and looked at the other person who had been following him, with a snake-like cold light in his eyes. : "You are familiar with this city.

I don't care what method you use, you must find the person within three days.

"This..." The man hesitated for a moment, his eyes touched the old man's cold gaze, and he immediately lowered his head respectfully, "Yes, Great Elder."

My subordinates understand! "This great elder of Tianzong has a harmonious and restrained aura. Among the great masters who have entered the Taoist realm, his Taoist realm can also be said to be first-rate.

There were many disciples of the Tianzong following him around. Each of them had the cultivation level of the Insight Realm, and the exercises they practiced were from the same lineage. Their auras were vaguely connected, and they had a very tacit understanding.

Such a team can be regarded as a high-quality team in the entire Tianzong.

And Tianzong sent out more than one of the same teams.

A large and dense net was cast in all directions nearby.

Just thinking about it for a moment made the visitor's heart tremble with fear, and he didn't dare to say "no" more than once.

If Su Xinghan hadn't captured the Hanhai Order first and massacred the Tianzong Main Altar later, he seemed to have the method to control the Holy Fire and the Hanhai Order. With the bonus of these factors, Tianzong would not have been so hot on him. Let's go, so many people were dispatched.

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