The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1001: Huge encirclement

Under the intensive attack of the fortress defense, the orcs who had just rushed into the firing range suffered heavy injuries, and large corpses lay on the ground.

But this did not frighten the orcs behind, they still roared and rushed forward, scrambling to approach the fortress...

"Mages and archers gather fire to cover, and melee professions be careful of the cave on the other side of the barracks, and don't give the orcs a chance to sneak attack." God Realm Dragon Soul ordered.

"Understood." The commanders immediately deployed their defenses, and it didn't take long before they discovered that on the ridge behind the barracks, the passage that Mo Xie had walked through had already appeared in large black shadows densely on the hillside.

"Melee professional come with me and destroy these guys." The warrior commander said excitedly.

"Mo Da clearly knows this hole, why didn't I seal it?" a commander asked puzzledly.

"You are stupid, if the passage is closed, where do we go to kill the orcs to gain merit?" Another commander scolded with a smile.

In fact, this is indeed the passageway that Mo Xie deliberately left. He knew very well that with the defense of the barracks, as long as 30,000 players were there, it would be difficult for the orcs to break through the gate, but these 30,000 players also lost their frontal kills and gained merit. Value opportunity.

Therefore, he deliberately left this passage so that the enemy could rush up the ridge, but the terrain on the ridge was narrow and could not accommodate too many enemies at one time. Coupled with the defense of the barracks wall, it was not difficult to block the enemy.

And the existence of this channel can allow these peripheral legion players to continuously improve through battle, and they can also get merit points. Why not?

But it still doesn't work. Mo Xie hasn't officially announced the crusade documents, and the orcs are still in the neutral legion status.

The battle of the Golden Crow barracks started first, the other two barracks, the orcs were still pursuing them all the way, and the other part of the siege army was still approaching the barracks.

The terrain of these two barracks is different from that of the Golden Crow barracks, so the orc army has to climb to the top of the mountain to attack the gate of the barracks.

Knowing that the battle of the Golden Crow Barracks had officially started, Mo Xie asked the guard general to speed up the forward, rushing straight to the center stronghold of the Orc Legion in front, and took out the hidden canyon map.

After a while, the large group of troops marched quickly, already rushing out of the wilderness map, into the large mountain terrain, climbing one ridge after another, and a huge hilltop grassland appeared in front of it.

The large forces rushed across the grassland, and a large number of orcs could already be seen rushing over. In the field map, the orcs were marching at a speed far faster than the human legions, and the distance between the two sides was rapidly narrowing.

"Immediately rush out of the grassland and quickly reach the predetermined location, otherwise we will suffer a lot of damage." Mo Xie warned.

"Got it." The guard general kept giving instructions for rushing. A large number of soldiers in golden armor came to the side of the grassland and rushed down the wide grass slope. The front was a valley passage at the edge of a large forest.

But Mo Xie understood that the valley passage could continue to advance, and there was the entire elite group of the God Realm League led by Mo Xiaolang to respond, but on the forest side, it was their destination tonight.

"Rush into the forest." Mo Xie shouted loudly, and Shu first rushed into the dense forest.

The guard general followed closely with tens of thousands of golden armored soldiers, and disappeared into the forest one by one.

On the high grass **** behind them, the orcs have already seen the golden armor soldiers rushing into the forest. Amid the roar, a large number of dark shadows rushed down wildly, and rushed directly into the forest without hesitation...

"We have entered the forest and are heading to a hidden canyon. Brother Wolf is preparing to encircle." Mo Xie gave orders while running wildly in the dense forest.

"Don't worry, here the canyon is defending and attacking, ensuring that the enemy who comes to support cannot pass through, and the one that enters the encirclement cannot escape." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

Their purpose here is because there is a place where the orcs hide their soldiers outside the mouth of the canyon, and Luo Feng's situation is the same.

As long as the battle has started and the main force of the orcs finds that they are surrounded, they will surely send out for help. At that time, the enemies in the other two locations will come out, and the two canyons here will become the life and death passages that the orcs must seize!

Moreover, from the direction of the Golden Crow barracks, there will be orc reinforcements coming quickly. This hidden canyon is the final battlefield set by Moxie. As long as all the enemies here are killed tonight, the Protoss will no longer have any advantage outside the imperial city. Up!

Quickly shuttled through the dense forest. According to the screenshots provided by his brothers, Mo Xie led the army towards the opposite of the forest.

Gradually, they had rushed to the edge of the forest, and the large cliffs in front were clearly visible.

And at the corner of the forest, between two giant mountains that overlapped, a small intestine path faintly appeared.

"Sister Na, Sister Hong, are you in there?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

On this road leading to the prison in the secret valley, several beauties have led a group of assassins and doctor players to arrive first, and secretly closed the road ahead to prevent Moxie from encountering back and forth when he arrived.

"We have arrived long ago and the intersection ahead has been sealed, but the enemy inside seems to have not received any news yet, and no one has appeared." Sister Hong replied.

"Very well, we finally got the head start." Li Wei said excitedly.

In this secret gorge, there is a strong prison for the Elf King, but because of the limitation of the terrain of this gorge, there cannot be too many garrisons inside, and the orc lairs on both sides are to protect the prison here.

Since the enemy has not found it, it is even more powerful!

Quickly dived into the tortuous path of the sheep's intestines, and after a while, a spacious gorge like a gourd waist appeared.

On the other side of the canyon, the beauties are already waiting.

"Master General, immediately after entering the canyon, he ordered people to block this side of the passage. We will fight the orcs here today!" Mo Xie turned around and said.

He calculated very clearly that this canyon is very narrow, but fortunately there is the topography of this gourd mouth, which can accommodate tens of thousands of soldiers from the Golden Crow barracks.

Then let the soldiers seal up the entrance, and the orc soldiers who came after it were equivalent to getting into a huge encirclement. Once in, don't even think about going out!

"Understand, the Governor is indeed an expert!" The guard general looked at the terrain here, his eyes gleaming, and immediately ordered the shield soldiers to guard the canyon mouth and the archers to strike at a distance...

"Mr. Luo, where are you?" Mo Xie opened a private chat, and the application was immediately approved.

"We have been waiting there. Without your command from Mr. Mo, we dare not act rashly." Luo Feng laughed.

"Now everything is ready, only your east wind is left." Mo Xie said with a smile.

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